Tarotcast week of Nov. 27, 2016


Pauline Oliveros, composer, performer and teacher died this past week. She developed a theory called deep listening. She describes deep listening as a “way of listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing.”  Her love of sound came from listening to the sounds of nature in her youth. I love that one of my friends describes her music as “a soundtrack to a dream.”

I have listened to her Ted Talk on listening vs. hearing many times. She has so many deep thoughts about the difference between the two. And though she talks about deep listening to sound, I find that her theory resonates with me about listening to each other in conversation. Listening is filtered through our personal experiences and our culture. Listening is a paradox of consensus and subjectivity.  A quote of hers that goes beyond music is “Hear with your ears, listen with your heart.” It is something we all need to do –  especially around the holidays when we have a tendency to rush. There is more there then just words, conversation, sounds, and even Christmas carols. There are feelings and exchanges of energy. So try this week to slow down and know life by listening to its sounds and rhythms.

More links to Pauline Oliveros and listening:

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Page of Cups – The love-fest continues this week with the Page of Cups. Last week, you were advised to enjoy yourself in the company of others. The Page of Cups turns that love inwards and towards the past. The challenge this week is to do something that your younger self loved to do. For example, have breakfast for dinner, ice skate, or camp in your backyard.   The goal is to give something to that younger you, because that inner child needs to feel appreciated. He/she is where your imagination and hope lives, so feed it.

Taurus – Four of Pentacles – Last week, The Chariot was about noticing and then balancing the gain with the pain. This week that theme continues with the Four of Pentacles. This Four’s challenge is for you to look at how you are spending your time especially around work. There is some time, place, or thing that is not balanced in your favor.

Gemini – Page of Swords – So hopefully you all got the message the past three weeks to simplify and restructure, so you can move effortlessly through your life. The Page of Swords is now challenging you to do some investigation and gathering of information. This is a great week to do the research you need to make this life change. This can look like spending time investigating how to do a bullet journal to prioritize your life, or how to get a jump start on the job/creative project you want to manifest.

Cancer – Four of Wands – The theme of The World card continues this week with the Four of Wands. Last week, The World challenged you to tie up loose ends and start to daydream about what you want to grow in your life. The Four of Wands continues this theme with a focus on your home. The challenge is tie up loose ends with things around the house so by the end of the week walking into your home makes you feels lighter.

Leo – Six of Wands – Strength last week had you focus and enhance one of your strengths.   The Six of Wands continues this theme. But here is the cool thing with this Six, you will get positive messages from the outside to tell you which strength to work on. Also, instead of shrugging off the compliments, say thank you and take them in. You really do deserve them.

Virgo – Ace of Wands – That knowledge you gained from standing back and listening last week – you can now do some thoughtful contemplation around it. The challenge with the Ace of Wands is how to look at that information in its most positive light. This knowledge is here to enlighten you. That means it should get “into” you, “light” you and then in turn “lighten” you.

Libra – Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands is asking you – who and/or what ignites your imagination and passion? Once you have identify them, spend this week work with them and learning from them to refill your spiritual cup. This week I should hear a lot of “Ahs” and “Ahas” from you all.

Scorpio – King of Wands – The King of Wands is asking you – what do you need to gain control over to create the life you want? This King challenges you to truly begin ruling your life. This can look like creating better boundaries, creating a schedule that actual works for you, or delegating so you can focus on what only you can do.

*Sagittarius – The Fool – The Fool is the card of the traveler and philosopher and  foretells your new year. This birth year you will be rediscovering your free spirit but with a more mature and practical application. This past year you haven’t felt yourself. You know that Sagittarian part of you, that use to let things go, was less judgmental, confident of your inner compass, and would step into the unknown with a sense of thrill and wonder? Saturn( planet of constriction and readjustment) has been in Sagittarius since September 2015 and won’t be out of it until your birthday next year, 2017. You are at the half way point into seeing more realistically, having a stronger sense of purpose, having a better idea of what you want, and of who you are.   Please, take this week to recommit and connect with your traveler/philosopher spirit. We need your deep thoughts with that lovely sense of humor to teach the rest of the signs how to travel lightly on this earth.

Capricorn – Ten of Pentacles – Last week, The Hermit asked you to step back and gain a panoramic view of your life. This gave you the lay of the land and a good idea of your “to do” and “want to do” lists. This new view gives you a better idea on what needs to be wrapped by the end of this year. This is a week to tie up loose ends that you do not want to carry going forward. I recommend starting off with the little “to dos” to gain momentum.

Aquarius – Eight of Swords and Ace of Wands – Ok so it seems that some of you could do the work of letting go last week and some of you couldn’t. For those of you that couldn’t, you got the Eight of Swords. The Eight of Swords’ lesson is that your will and your mind is not letting you “let go.” So set aside an hour and do the soul work. Once you have done that, then you can move on with the rest of the Water-bearers experimenting and creating.

Pisces – Ten of Sword – The Ten of Swords lessons are around listening to your intuition. The problem is that you will have a hard time doing it. So I would try this exercise: Find a comfortable place to sit and focus on your breathing. Once you are relaxed think about a situation you want insight to. Fill in as much detail around it as you can. Then ask for signs or an obvious experience about it in the next 24 hours. Let it go. And then watch for clues. For more exercises go to:  http://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/activities/exercises-developing-your-intuition.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
