Tarotcast Week of March 13, 2016


I wanted to write about fish this week to honor Piscean’s birthday month, and I was having a hard time because of all the cool factoids about fish. Then, I realized that Pisces are one of the mutable signs, which means they are able to shift into many forms. So it made sense I couldn’t pin anything down with the fishy folk. However I prevailed and finally honed down my musings to one tributary full of carp.

First let’s dip into the mythology of carp. The Chinese myth and it’s symbolic meaning starts in the Yellow River where a giant school of carp are swimming upstream. They come to a waterfall called the Dragon’s Gate and some turn away. The rest try to jump up the waterfall. Local demons attracted to the sounds began to mock the carp and increase the height of the waterfall with each attempted jump. The carp continue their efforts for 100 years until finally one carp reaches the summit. The Gods honor its determination by turning it into a golden dragon the image of power and strength.

Now to dip into carp facts. Carp is a native of Europe and Asia. Since at least 2000BC, the Chinese have been raising carp in rice paddies creating a balanced ecosystem. According to a 1986 study, this form of aquaculture is so beneficial that it reduces fertilizer and pesticide use to zero, increase rice produce by 5%, and adds a free protein food source and/or commerce to the farmer. (This system can be set up with a variety of fish like tilapia and catfish. Why this isn’t common practice now I do not know.) In China, keeping naturally mutated carp in ornamental ponds became popular when supposedly Confucius got one as a wedding gift. The Japanese started breeding these naturally mutated carp around 1820 CE into the many variations of koi we see today. In North America, Carp and Goldfish, a subspecies of Asian carp, is now listed as an invasive species because it threatens local fish by competing for resources and interestingly messes up the ecosystems of our native wild rice. So please don’t release your fish out in the wild- that includes flushing them.

You might ask what does that have to do with mutable Pisces- well Pisces when taken out of their natural setting they can be a pain in the butt.  However, more than any other sign they can be the most amazing, determined, evolved people in the world as long as you keep them in their native environment. So please take care with the Pisceans in your life and don’t flush them either.

P.S. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Seven of Rods – Wow, seriously this is amazing, you all are still moving through the Rod’s suit – first Five, then Six, Eight Ten and now the Seven of Rods. The energy and information is still coming at you. Ok so let’s dive a bit deeper into the Rods’ mission. This suit is all about energy, creativity, expansion, intuition, spirituality, and growth. The suit’s mission is to hone your abilities to see and gather energy and information that will expand your creativity and spirit. During these past five weeks the universe and you have been conspiring to make yourself and your desires grow. Keep up the good work. You are firing yourself up for a big transformation.

Taurus – Ten of Swords – Last week the Knight of Cups told you to continue with your “heart search” work for things that bring joy into your work and life. The Ten of Swords is here to help you figure out what is or who is blocking your joy and then challenge you to let it go. The Ten is a bit harsh in how it deals out lessons, but it does it so you will be clear to make decisions. If something or someone hurts you this week that is your clue that you need to gain some space from that person or thing and let it leave your life. Ultimately the lesson of the Ten of Swords is that you choose what to carry on into your future – your joy or your pain.

*Gemini – Judgment – Last week the Seven of Cups challenged your imagination muscles to do some heavy lifting. Since the beginning of the year your mind and heart have been processing, planning, and trying to expand your future choices. The Judgment card this week is telling you it’s time for you to make some big decisions. This week is that in between space/time, that rest – commercial break – intermission – where you close some doors/tie up loses ends and shape what the next act is going to be. The challenge from Judgment is this: Can you believe in yourself and what you have learned to expand/evolve into the new you?

Cancer – Seven of Wands – Information about your future is coming your way. This week look for signs and synchronicities in your environment. You don’t need to process it all this week but definitely take note of it. This information will come in handy. If you are having trouble identifying them ask the universe to tag them for you with a signpost. I had a friend who used crows. I used daises for awhile and have now moved onto clouds. Pick anything but stick with it for this week at least.

Leo – King of Swords – Last week Judgment talked about grey-scale and expectations that theme continues this week with the King of Swords. I just read this lovely article that sums up how most hardships in relationships come from unmet expectations. The King of Swords is telling you to use your logic and your observational skills to navigate around your people problems. However here is his challenge: Can you deal with just living with the observation and not judge it? I really recommend reading the full article. http://www.derekharvey.me/blog/2016/3/7/plkqubnlxjnzcfkqle4z80n0d9fur0

Virgo – Ten of Rods – Last week your challenge was to step through as many as doorways you can and keep trying on until the “slipper” fits. Well Virgos your tendency to over-analyze is in the spotlight this week with the Ten of Rods. You found that you are good at many things so many shoes were feeling OK. Secretly, you pride yourself on being a Jill/Jack of all trades however too many choices are not good for the Virgo mind. So here is the Ten of Rods challenge to you: Let go of your burdens of guilt, obligation, or care of what others think and go with the shoe that actually fits. Or, if you can’t think or feel it in the positive, imagine this: If you had to have a cross to bear which one would actually be worth it?

Libra – Knight of Cups – Another court card for you this week. The Knight of Cups is here to continue the momentum of optimism in your life. Court cards (Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages) can represent people in our lives. But they also remind us that we have some of the same qualities of the people we pull towards us. The Knight of Cups represents the passion and love in your life so look to the people around you, identify who you love and then realize that they love you right back.

Scorpio – Five of Rods – Last week you prioritized your to do list by ease and put the rest in the parking lot. The Five of Rods suggestion this week is to get some of those parked items done you are going to have to collaborate. Now, when you ask people for help you have got to listen to them. You don’t have to take their advice, but you need to listen to it and respect it. So the Five of Rods’ challenge is: Can you fully listen to someone’s ideas without interrupting them? I promise, the collaboration will help you.

Sagittarius – Knight of Swords – This week is going to busy busy busy. The Knight of Swords is challenging you to slow your horse down. Be careful your regular “can do” attitude when dealing with obstacles usually works for you but this week do not rush into anything. Just a warning if you don’t heed the Knight of Swords’ “slow down”, it might cause you some minor bumps and bruises this week.

*Capricorn – Strength – Drama continues this week, but something is shifting for you. The Strength card helps you manage how others negative emotions effect you. You are going through a trial by fire and you are learning what your true strength is. Are you an oak with strong roots, a bamboo that can sway with the forces but not break, all tooth and claw like a tiger, or the piercing fierceness of a blue-jay protecting it’s nest.? Your challenge is to identify and own your strength against others drama by the end of the week.

Aquarius – Three of Swords – There are three hard lessons about self sabotage you need to learn this week. Three of Swords represents three thoughts or ways of thinking that hurt you. Though they have been put there by someone else, you have decided to continue stabbing yourself with them. For example: “I am stupid.” Your challenge this week comes from a quote by Dacha Avelin: “Every spoken sentence beginning with ‘I Am’ is a powerful spell exhaled into action. Describe yourself wisely.”

Pisces – Ace of Rods – There are new beginnings in your creative spiritual path. This makes sense Pisceans with your birth month coming to a close. Your challenge is to ponder this: What wonderful things are you all going to conjure up for your new year?

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,