Tarotcast for week of June 26, 2016

I want (and kinda needed) to convey three ideas today: hope, true change (change that sticks) takes time, and ultimately we need to stop think “them” and think “us.” England has just voted to no longer be part of the EU and drag Scotland and Northern Ireland with them. I was extremely sadden about this. It  just added on to the Orlando shooting, Trump being the Republican candidate, and his wall – to name a few. I started to feel like my faith fading.

However, when I stand back and look at history as a whole I see humanity’s ebb and flow to eventually tip towards growth and peace. We have come a long way. Biologically, we were set up to be xenophobic so we wouldn’t get killed. This process of “us” versus “them” has been honed in us for over 500 million years of evolution. Yet, we are less xenophobic and less violent than we were just a 1,000 years ago. For example, the violence in Orlando was countered by peaceful protest by all kinds of people all over the world and a sit in by a normally complacent congress. Look how different that was from the reaction to what happened at Stonewall 50ish years ago. Where people saw the violence as “their problem” not “our problem.”

With the United Kingdom and the EU, maybe the flow will be that Scotland tips towards independence, Ireland becomes whole again, and they both rejoin the EU. I can’t predict the future but I have hope in humanity. As I step back from our history I see wave by wave, we are evolving towards a more accepting and holistic world view. We still need to take a stand and push forward. Because, for now, it seems we still need to take a step back to make a leap into the future. A future where there will be no need for “sides” or groups – just WE and US.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Nine of Swords – This week you all might be up against your worst worries. Notice I said worries. Worries are not real; they are possibilities. And really ask yourself does worrying ever help? If you are truthful, they seem like they are helpful a little bit. We feel prepared and that at least we are doing something. However no matter how hard you try, you can’t be prepared for everything. So the challenge around the Nine of Swords is that your worries are based on a fear which you need to look at and put to rest.

Taurus – Ace of Swords – This week new ideas are surrounding you. Take time to let your mind do some thinking. The challenge is to be open to new ways of thinking or understanding. This will lead you to some major problem solving. And for you writers or want to be writers out there this is a week to write. The Ace of Swords is the Muse of communication through written form.

*Gemini – The Hermit – So last week with The Chariot your challenge was to keep your focus on your goals. You are get another week of that with the Hermit. The Hermit stands on a mountain, sees the big picture and then spends time alone to be introspective. So last week you had to be out in the world to focus on your goals. This week that gaze turns inward to make sure your outer goals align with your inner goals. This can be as simple as “Does this couch I want, look good, or do I really want a lazy boy.” or as complex as “This job I’m doing doesn’t fulfill who I am or want to be.”

Cancer – Ace of Wands – With the Ten of Wands last week and then into Ace this week, you have just ended a cycle and are starting up a new one. Keep your eyes open for inspiration this week. This can come at you in many forms and the challenge is to grasp it. You don’t need to do anything with it right now. But, you need to sow the seeds of this inspiration/energy by at least acknowledging it and planning how to use it.

*Leo – Judgment – Wow you all got The Judgment card again. So this idea is big for you guys. This idea of letting go of trying to control all the aspects of your life. You know this logically but you are having a hard time accepting it. So again this week, Judgment or really non-judgment is challenging your mind to catch up to the change in your soul’s perception of control. This can look as simple as let go of having to make your bed every day or as complex as let go of trying to control another person’s ideas even if it is for their best.

Virgo – Queen of Pentacles – Remember last week your challenge was adjusting things to add some more structure and stability in your life?   You get to work on that concept some more this week with the Queen of Pentacles. Either that will come in the form of an actually person or their advice.

*Libra – The Sun – This week The Sun asks you to be open and honest with your true feelings and thoughts. This openness will lead you to some clarity and insight into what is going on around you. Not to sound too “therapisty” but the challenge around this card is as you share your thoughts and feelings make sure you use “I feel” statements and “This is what I am hearing your say…”. It will help in the transference of information.

Scorpio – Page of Pentacles – Last week your nose was to the grindstone. This week your nose needs to be in a book, computer, or workshop. The Page of Pentacles comes in your life when you need to learn something new or work out a problem – so hit the books/computer/work-table.

Sagittarius – Three of Wands – Three of Wands meaning is waiting for your ship to come in. That plays out this week by not making any big decisions or moves. This is a great week to plan, re-work an idea, get all the loose ends tied up, or get your desk cleared off.

*Capricorn – Hermit and Six of Wands – This is a two card week for your all. The Hermit card jumped out of the deck this week so above all else no big movements or decisions. The Six of Wands is also interesting because though you need the alone time to gain the perspective of The Hermit (big picture) . You also need to go out and get some things accomplished – Six of Wands(little details). The challenge is when you do go out – make it focused, synced, and a short trip – so you will have more alone time.

Aquarius – Page of Pentacles – The Page of Pentacles’ lesson is learning. This week is primed for you to learn something new that will help you in the near future. So get your nose into a book, computer, workshop, or even a garden. Your challenge is to stay focused on what you are learning. Beware of skimming through information, going down the internet rabbit hole or surfing social media. It will lead you to Wonderland but what you need is Realityland.

Pisces – Ace of Swords – This week the Ace of Swords is here to challenge you to find one line or a mantra that will help you through the week and possible farther. For example, one of my mantras comes from Dune by Frank Herbert ” … I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” or another is just the word “Okay“. The challenge from the Ace of Swords is to keep trying mantras on and see which one feels right. Finding the right mantra now has the possibility of changing your frame of mind for the long haul.

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,
