Tarotcast for Week of July 9, 2017

balloon art

Fourth of July parties and parades always seem to have with them the clown that makes balloon animals. I loved them as a kid, but now the sound of the balloons being twisted into shapes makes me run the other way. Artist Masayoshi Matsumoto has taken this children’s party sideshow to an artistic level. He sculpts with rubber and air creating people, toys and a variety of animals such as insects, octopi and water buffalo.

It is amazing to think about balloons and how they keep their shape. Air likes to expand and move. When we blow air into a balloon we are pressurizing it. As we blow more air molecules into a smaller space, the air molecules’ increasing density and movement creates pressure against the balloon, expanding it as the balloon’s sides push back against air.

This action rings true with us too. When the pressure is just right in our lives we expand,  become more resilient and flexible.  How each of us deals with pressure shapes us into our unique selves. However, just like a balloon too much pressure can make us pop. So try to see the pressures in your life as your partners, but remember to gauge the amount you allow in.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – King of Swords – The King of Swords’ lesson is strategy. This week you will need to use your cunning and good communication skills to gain an advantage. The challenge is that even though you can see the gray areas in an argument you need to make a decision.

Taurus – Eight of Wands – Last week your life needed structure to get things done. This week the Eight of Wands brings a more go with the flow approach to your days. There will be some vital information coming at you this week, so be flexible with your time and keep your eyes and ears open.

Gemini – Two of Cups – Last week you were working with heart pain. This week the Two of Cups wants you to bring joy to your heart. The Two of Cups reminds you that love, hope and faith banishes fear. This week fill your glass up with that triad and share it with another.

*Cancer – High Priestess – Here is the big card for your coming birth year, The High Priestess. This card symbolizes gaining spiritual knowledge and using it to summon things into your life. The High Priestess asks what desires would you like to conjure into existence? And why? Here is an example of what that could look like: You want a new car because you want a reliable way to get around. When, you look more deeply at why you realize that new car makes you feel independent and free. So what you really want is ways to feel autonomous. I am not saying you can’t still ask for the car, but also look into how you can get that feeling from other areas like say your job (ie: make your own hours). The High Priestess loves it when we connect the dots.

Leo – Eight of Wands – Last week, Strength challenged you to fortify your strengths and work on taming the animal instincts you have to run away or lash out when you feel weak. This week, the Eight of Wands challenges you to listen for clues about how to continue working with the Strength card. This can look like paying attention to when people compliment you – these are your strengths being pointed out to you – or when you feel like running away or lashing out take note, because behind that is your fear.

Virgo – Page and Five of Swords – The High Priestess energy still resonates this week with the Page and Five of Swords. Last week the High Priestess wanted you to enhance your knowledge but to be careful only to share when asked. The Page of Swords challenges you to continue in your search for answers. Those answers lie in hiding, so put on your spyglasses and sleuth hat. The Five of Swords adds the advice that you continue to keep to yourself and only communicate when asked to. This week is all about gathering intel, so keep your ears open and your ego in check.

Libra – Ace of Swords – Thoughts and decisions continue to be the theme in your life this week. The Ace of Swords challenges you to keep your mind flexible but decisive. So with the knowledge you dug up two weeks ago and the strategizing you did last week, the Ace is here to declare that now is the time to make your move

Scorpio – Two of Pentacles – The past two weeks have been about creating movement and change in. your life. This week the Two of Pentacles is calling for you to slow down and create some balance. This card ‘s lesson is to hone your skills in juggling what you have in your life now. The challenge this week is to not to add anything more onto your plate until you know you can handle what is already there.

Sagittarius – Ace of Wands – The Wheel of Fortune’s adventurous energy continues with the Ace of Wands this week. This is another week when your sense of adventure brings new and inspiring things into your life. Your challenge is to get out there and experience them. Your sense of freedom needs to be itched, so get in or on your mode(s) of transportation and, like the song says, Ride like the Wind.

Capricorn – Eight of Wands – Wow. Information is zooming around this week. You, Taurus, Leo, and Pisces all got the Eight of Wands, so I looked into the planets to see what was up. Unlike the other three signs, whose job this week is to gather knowledge for themselves, your job this week is to inform others. This is because Pluto, which rules the depths of the psyche, and the Moon, which explores the depths of emotion, are in Capricorn this week. Therefore your Eight of Wands is more about you pulling up information from the your psyche and emotions and to share your insight into those depths with others.

Aquarius – Six of Wands – The Six of Wands is the victory card. Take this week to bask in all the things that are going right in your life. This is a card of gratitude and a week to just enjoy life before you go back into “battle.” Take this time to fortify your energy and enjoy this respite.

*Pisces – High Priest and Eight of Wands – The last two weeks have been very thoughtful, with a sense that decisions need to be made. Last week’s Knight told you not to rush, and this theme continues  with the High Priest and the Eight of Wands. The High Priest is Mister Sensibility and Structure. He likes everything neat and tidy and purposeful. When he shows up it is time to make pros and cons lists, to-do lists, grocery lists, etc. With the Eight of Wands, which is the information card, it is still time to make your list but know that more pertinent information is coming in so keep your eyes, ear and mind open.



May light be on you, around you, and within you,