Tarotcast for Week of July 23, 2017

Happy Birthday month Leos!

The above Leo artist is Kazuo Shirago, born August 12, 1924. He is best known for his performance paintings where he would suspend himself by a rope and paint with his feet. I find his painting style like many things Leo’s do as bold and uniquely their own. We all will be dealing with a lot of fire energy this week with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars all coming together under this sign. So I challenge you all to take a clue from Leo and do something bold and uniquely you this week. Come on baby, Light your fire.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Wands – The universe focuses on your home life with Four of Wands. Take this week to hangout at home as much as possible. The challenge is to enjoy your time at home and not to fill up your days with house chores. Play in your sprinklers, lie in a hammock, sit on your porch, or even take a nap on your couch.

Taurus – Six of Cups – The Six of Cups is the card of the past. Spend this week reminiscing, going through old photos, and talking to childhood friends. There is information for you from the past. So, dust off those old memories because some new ones are ready to be discovered.

Gemini – Three of Pentacles – Last week, Temperance advised you to literally take some tastes tests to gain insight into the ingredients in the unique recipe for the nectar of your life. The Three of Pentacles continues the theme of balance but adds grounding energy to it. So now that you have the perfect combination of sorrow and joy in your life, your challenge this week is to pair that with one item that grounds you. Once you have discovered the thing that holds you here, imbibe in it.

*Cancer – Strength – Strength challenges you to look at yourself and see what you need to tame. Is it a smoking habit, anxiety, loneliness? It doesn’t have to be a big thing, either – it can be that you run late to work on Mondays or worry about what to make for dinner. The challenge is to see that there is a difference between controlling and taming. To control something means you can have power over it and you want it to be something else, whereas taming means you don’t change its inner nature but you calm it. So that smoking habit is there to protect you, and you goal is to say thanks but I am going to walk around the block instead.

Leo – Nine of Pentacles – The first week of your birthday month you get the Nine of Pentacles, or as like to call it, the secret garden card. The Nine of Pentacles suggests spending time in an actual garden if you can, but if not, in a place that feels secluded and feels like your domain. It is not that you need alone time, it is more like you need time in a place that only the people that you like have keys to. Your challenge if you have the space already is to be in it, and if you don’t to find or create it.

Virgo – Ace of Cups – The past three weeks you have been gathering intel from the universe. This week the Ace of Cups is giving you the go ahead to take action only on the emotional front. So what if this intel was for a material plane situation like your job, then this means deal with only the emotional issues that surround the job first before diving into a new strategy. If your intel was for emotional plane your challenge is to open to your heart and let something new in.

*Libra – Judgment – I hope you had fun last week because your thinking caps are back on with the Judgment card. This card challenges you with black or white, all or nothing thinking. This week is easiest if you traverse it with the idea that everything is happening for a reason. If you are stuck at a light and will be late for work, it is because you avoided an accident going another way. If that person you have been pining for didn’t call back it is because they decided they weren’t over their last relationship or they might just have the flu. Your challenge this week is to not jump to conclusions for there is a 99.9% chance of them being wrong.

Scorpio – Eight of Wands – This week holds a lot of information for you. The challenge with this card is to take down all your notes and sort through them later. This is not a week to make a decision but to keep your ears, eyes and mind open to all the intel the universe is sending you.

Sagittarius – Nine of Wands – The past month you have had itchy feet, so hopefully you roamed a bit, because this week it’s back to work. The Nine of Wands is challenging you to access what is needed for the jobs ahead and stock up. This is a week to fill up your cupboards, get your ducks in a row, and be ready for the next month.

Capricorn – Ten of Swords – The Ten of Swords means you are listening to your “logical” mind and not listening to your instincts. This card can have harsh consequences if you do not have your gut and mind in balance. Your challenge, and this is challenging for you, is to stop over-thinking. Can you keep your mind from pondering? An exercise for you is to spend an hour or day making decisions by flipping a coin. If you feel fine with the coin’s answer then go with it, but if you don’t like it follow your gut and don’t do it.

Aquarius – Knight of Swords – Last week, you all got the Devil card telling you not to focus on the monkey mind’s antics, but to tune into your divine will. This week the Knight of Swords is sticking with that theme and also telling you to slow down. This is not a week to make bold decisions or to run off and do something new. Stick with your plan and slow your pace.

Pisces – Ace of Pentacles – Last month the cards advised you to gather information, revise your wants and needs, and hold off on making decisions. The week the floods gates are opening. Aces mean new beginnings and pentacles are the material plane, So any decisions that need to made about money, job, housing, or your environment? You can start making them now. This coincides with the Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury all shifting into Leo this week. All that fire energy can give any material thing a jump start.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
