Tarotcast for the Week of Dec. 24, 2017

Saturn has moved into Capricorn where it is at its best, and it will be there until March 2020.  Though I am not an astrologer by trade I have felt the shift.  (If you want a really good astrologer I recommend Michelle at heavenlywriting.com. She is amazing)  This planet hasn’t been in Capricorn since 1989-1991.  Think back to that time and as the year progresses see if you have any reoccurring themes.

Saturn is considered by some as the karmic task master, but I think of it more as a teacher. What a good teacher does is to see your gifts,  helps you excel and become more you. So, I did the tarotcast a bit different this time.  I asked the tarot what is your gift for the coming year. And below is what the cards came up for each of you.

Happy Holidays. The images are from me rabbit holing by typing in your gift word into the internet and finding what resonants.

Aries – Three of Wands

Your gift from the Three of Wands is patience and preparation. Take your time in 2018.  Make sure you are prepared as you go into new situations.  When you need to slow down do so and when you need to run – run.  If you trust yourself, your timing will be perfect.

Taurus – Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords’ gift is ambition and action.  2018 is the time to move your career along. Your only challenge will be to look both ways before charging ahead.

Gemini – Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands’ gift is perseverance and integrity.  You will stay the course your only challenge is the what if’s.  Stay away from the ifs.  They are imposed by other people and not what you truly want your life to be.


Cancer – Eight of Wands

Your gift is your message. What do you want the world to hear in 2018?  The only challenge is to take in as much knowledge as you give out.


Leo – Chariot

Chariot’s gift is self motivation.  The coming year it is all up to you to move yourself forward, but oh the places you will go.  Balance is the key      .


Virgo – Six of Cups

The Six of Cups’ gift is the past.  In 2018 look to the past and you will find the foundations for your future.  The past is not a place of regret it has made you into the unique beauty you are.


Libra – Strength

Strength’s gift to you is to see your own inner power.  Realize how important to the world your quiet and unyielding strength is.  It is a gift you have given and  2018 is a year to turn that force inward.


Scorpio – Justice

Justice’s gift to you is fairness.  You know the dark side better than most signs.  This is a year for you to show that there is a little dark in the light, and a little light in the dark.


Sagittarius – Hangman

The Hangman’s gift is time to contemplate.  Take the time in 2018 to think to dive deep in to your mind.  The path you take in the coming year has an essence of the divine.


Capricorn –  Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles’ gift to you is contentment.  Take the coming year to pull in and do what you are passionate about.   Worry less about what the world wants you to do and more about what you truly want to do.

Aquarius – Hierophant

The Hierophant’s gift to you is structure. You will feel more grounded creating the structure that works for you.  2018 use your talent of to create innovative structures.  You all are developing a new box.

Pisces – World

The World’s gift to you is expansion and new opportunities.  You just need to leave the past behind,  so you can walk through new doors to new worlds.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,

