Tarotcast for Week of April 9, 2017

Happy birthday Aries! Your sign’s mantra is “I am.” With that in mind I found the art from Group 42 seem to resonate or explore this idea also.

Group 42 was a Czech artistic group that existed from 1938-1948. During the WWII, many artists were having an existential crisis, and in Group 42 this took the form of depicting the individual within this new and mechanized civilization that threatened to overwhelm or include him. We all explore the paradox of “I am”, and the question – Do I create my environment or does it create me? – is but one lens.

The above picture is by Kamil Lhotak.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ten of Pentacles – Last week, the Lovers card asked – What do you really desire? This week, the Ten of Pentacles challenges you to make those desires real. The energies surrounding you will bring more ease than you have seen in the last 3 months. So, make your to-do lists and start checking them off.

Taurus – Seven of Wands – Last week, Strength challenged you to take part in activities that were grounding and gave you strength. You needed that prep last week this week is going to be hectic. The Seven of Wands challenges you to stay focus while plowing through the chaos of the week.

Gemini – Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands is the gardener and creator of the deck. This week she challenges you to make your world a better place to grow. Whether this is at work by making your workspace a nicer place to create in, getting that needed kitchen item to expand your menu, or to actually gardening. This week make it easier for creation to sprout easily around you.

Cancer – Seven of Swords – The Seven of Sword’s advise is to regroup. Take this week to see what you have or haven’t accomplished in the past three weeks. With this list improve your methods and restock your heart, body and soul.


Leo – Queen of Swords – Last week, The Moon card advised you to make friends with your emotions. Now that you are better acquainted with your emotion and their roots, The Queen of Swords has come to help you make decisions that are more logic based.   Use her strength to look at life with a calm and cool assessment and then make some decisions. Her lesson is as you try this new decision or route, you might find it isn’t as difficult as your heart believed it to be.

Virgo – Ace of Pentacles – This is the second time you gotten the Ace of Pentacles and your fourth Ace this year. So let’s take a closer look at Aces. Aces are the cards of beginnings, and you have gotten a chance for a new beginning every month this year so far. These beginnings are in the creativity and material aspects of your life. Your soul is craving newness, and it is wanting you to physical make that happen and be creativity while doing it. So, this week get your hands dirty and make something new. Remember it doesn’t have to be a huge project this is just the beginning.

Libra – Six of Swords – The Six of Swords is advising you to take a break sometime this week. You need to have a small get away and preferably by the water. This is a good week for you to get a perspective of what is going on in your life. You just need a tiny step back to see what to do next.

*Scorpio – Judgment – Wow, Scorpio this year has been a full one for you so far. You have had the most higher arcane cards than any other sign, so lots to learn and juggle this year. This week is no exception for you all. You got the Judgment card – revelation and evolution. This week you will uncover something that will change your perspective and lead you into a different direction. This can play out as simple as a co-worker not be able, again, to do their part on a time-sensitive project and now you realize you shouldn’t depend on them during these time crunches, or as complex as seeing that your problems are actually answers to some of your deeper questions.

Sagittarius – Eight of Cups – The Eight of Cups challenges you to slim down your processes. Work, life, and your mind have become too convoluted and congested by what if’s. This week spend time cleaning your emotional closet so your mind can settle down. If you can, get a good cry out or let loose a hardy scream. Don’t worry or better yet, take as a recommendation – you don’t have to do this in public. This is a private letting go of emotions.

*Capricorn – Sun – Okay, this is a big week for you. The Sun is here to challenge you to grow into the lovely sunflower that you are. I know the Sun’s rays can be strong and after being in the dark for so long can feel overwhelming. However, the Sun is here to show you that your time under the soil in the dark is over. This week put on your shades and sunscreen and walk out into the light. This is your time to shine.

*Aquarius – Hierophant – The Hierophant’s challenge is to manage the structures and disciplines in your life. This week either you have too much on your plate or not the right stuff to keep your attention, so things are slipping through your fingers. The Hierophant is advising you to figure that out and do some tidying. This can be as simple as cleaning that part of your house that you haven’t cleaned since last spring, or as complex as putting some of your long term projects on the backburner, so you can get some short-term projects off your list.

Pisces – Two of Cups – The Two of Cups’ lesson is around relationships. This week’s challenge is to strengthen or create new love relationships. So, for those of you with a partner make time for a real date, and for you single folk go out and say a flirtatious Hi to at least two strangers of your preferred gender and sexuality.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
