Tarotcast Week of April 10, 2016

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Hi all,

I have been doing this tarotcast for six months and I am wondering what you all think. This was my trial period and I have decided to continue because enough of you have given me positive feedback therefore this experiment seems meaningful. However, I want to hone my craft more and more and your feedback would be helpful. I have found that the astrologers’ weekly forecast vary for signs. For instance Rob Brezny, who writes for the SF Guardian and a bunch of others zines, is a Cancer, and sometimes he seems to miss the mark for his fellow Cancerians. Or I read an astrology forecast from New Zealand which reads spot on for me when I read both Cancer and Virgo (my ascendant). I would say that 70-90% of the time I’m feeling spot on – feeling the vibe of a sign. Because we are human, I don’t think I can hit a homerun every single time. This is a process and I want to keep improving. So if you all think “She is missing the mark for my sign almost every week” or “I don’t really get what she is saying” or “She is not explaining enough”, I would love to hear about it. Also, I would like to thank Elise, my Mom, Bobby Ruth, N & S, Anna and Amber for being my editors elves thus far.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you: however, this week nobody got a Higher Arcane card. Ah…..everyone gets a breather. No big stuff – just the details.

Aries – Ten of Cups – Another great card for your birth month. With the last couple of weeks of planning and pondering the future, the Ten of Cups is here to remind you all work and no play makes Jill/Jack a dull person. The Ten of Cups challenges you this week to have a f ‘n good time. Find ways to enjoy your life. You deserve it!

Taurus – Page of Swords – You have some information that you need to dig for this week. Don’t take anything at face value. There is more behind the scenes that you will have to know before moving forward.

Gemini – Three of Pentacles – This week the Three of Pentacles challenges you to find the holy in the mundane. One way you can do this is to be mindful in a ordinary task like washing dishes. Thinking about how amazing it is that the water that you are washing with begins its journey in an astounding natural water cycle into a water source far away and that it takes thousands of people to get it to easily come out of your faucet. And then there is the process of inventing and making of dish-soap, and then wow look at what goes into you moving your hands… you get my drift. Seeing the complexity of the mundane will ignite the creativity in your work.

Cancer – Four of Rods – This week continues the trend of integrating what you have learned during the past 4 weeks. The Four of Rods reminds you to see that an unconventional solution will bring you more joy and fewer restrictions than if you had picked a more conservative answer.

Leo – King of Wands – The trend continues for you to keep working on your to-do list. This week prioritize by the items that are the easiest to get done or most creative and fun to do. If you follow this plan you will feel more accomplished and confident than you have lately.

Virgo – Queen of Cups – The theme of Love continues this week with the Queen of Cups. Last week you were supposed to identify the beautiful things in your life and trim your expectations around Love. The Queen’s challenge is to create some joy and love then spread it around. This could be as simple as spending some time with a friend, calling a family member and catch up, or making cookies for your postal worker. Your cup needs to be filled a bit and the best way to fill it is to give some of its liquid away. Warning: I am suggesting little acts, not big ones. Remember your trimming of expectations last week – that was also a lesson for you about expecting too much from yourself around Love.

Libra – Three of Wands – The Three of Wands advice is patience, patience, patience. When this card shows up schedules get pushed back, people don’t get back to you in a timely manner, and things are postponed for a variety of reasons. Most of these “setbacks” are not in your control. The only thing you can do when something gets waylaid is to make sure your ducks are in a row so when the backlog does come in you are ready for it.

Scorpio – Five of Wands – Okay, another Five card. Five cards are all about chaos, disruptions, and challenges. So this is another week challenging your resolve to be compassionate and less frightened around issues you have been dealing with for the past two weeks. The Five of Wands specifically deals with feeling overwhelmed and it challenges you to overcome this feeling by playing by your rules. Remember that you have the Strength to confront an issue directly or side step it without guilt as long as you are staying true to who you are.

Sagittarius – Eight of Wands – More information for you this week. Instead of last week’s information being highlighted by a déjà vu feeling and a look into your past, this week it is the exchange of ideas that will bring information to you. So when there is an problem this week don’t try and figure it out by yourself. Call up a friend or colleague. This week four eyes are better than two for insight.

Capricorn – Ace of Wands – From the Devil to the Ace of Wands, only Capricorns can go from one of the most challenging cards to one full of inspiration and creativity. Last week after your challenge to turn away from indulgences and instead share a few jokes, this week you are ready to be creative. The Ace of Wands challenges you to spend time creating something new (and probably because you are coming off of The Devil, something that will make people laugh out loud or at the very least smirk).

Aquarius – Seven of Wands – Last week before you jumped into anything new you made sure you got your information and the jump was in line with your goals. This week it is a bit more of the same, but with an added twist. This week if people confront you use the same cautions as last week before jumping into the conversation. Make sure you have all the information (sometimes just listening without ego will give you some insight) and if you have to stand up for yourself make sure your conversation stays in line with your goals.

Pisces – Ace of Cups – Another nice card to start off your birth year. The Ace of Cups is all about new opportunities in love, friendship and spiritual growth. So spend this week writing a list of all the new things you want to attract and create around your heart and soul.

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,


You can visit my website at: https://www.thefoxandthetarot.com/