Tarotcast- November 22, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. This holiday is hard for me because I don’t like celebrating the beginning of the war against the American Indians and the beginning of the insane consumerism around Christmas. However I do think that Gratitude needs to be celebrated. So at the end of each of your tarotcast I have added some of my gratitudes for what that sign in my life has taught me. Remember signs that have * , it’s a big week for you.

Aries- Six of Cups- Last week Aries did you get your mind quiet without it turning inward and attacking yourself? I think this challenge brought up some of the things that are connected to your past. This week you need to reminisce about the past and be thankful for its lessons. The challenge is are you doing or living the way that you want to be remember or just playing the past over again? Gratitude: Thank you for teaching me how to stand up for myself.

*Taurus- The Sun- So the trend continues for you growing new things. The Sun card gives you the energy to do anything you want to do. Last week, I hope you prioritized what you needed to do because with that focus you will get a lot done this week. The challenge is not to outshine or shade others but how do you make them grow right alongside of you. Gratitude: Thank you for teaching me how to have resilience.

*Gemini-Temperance- Hope you let yourself celebrate last week, if not, you have another week to have some cocktails. With Temperance this week you have the chance to do some cosmic mixology too. Ask yourself what is my biggest strength and my biggest weakness, how have they contributed to my growth and how can I mix them together to create something new? The challenge with Temperance is balance so temper your mixing both literally and figuratively or you might create a bang. Gratitude: (of course there are two things) Thanks for teaching me that being moody is just part of me and life is art.

Cancer- King of Cups- This holiday holds a mixed bag of emotions for you this year. (Ok funny/weird on edit read realized how much my opening paragraph and this card related) So take this week to follow your heart, do the things that make you happy, and be grateful for them. It reminds me of the Swedish word Mysig (pronounced MEE-sig) which describes anything that is in any way cozy, exceptionally pleasant, comfortable, or having an unexpectedly good (but relaxing) vibe. The challenge don’t make this into a bad thing for anyone else reading this they might go “Huh?” but Cancers you know what I mean. Gratitude: Thank you for teaching me how to love.

*Leo- Temperance- Wow, four higher arcane cards/weeks in a row. You had Wheel, Hermit, Sun and this week the cosmic mixologist- Temperance. So your goal this week is take all that you have learned about boundaries, internal self and growth and mix them to together to create the new more balanced, resilient and stronger you. Your challenge is this process. It can make you feel more vulnerable/open which if you let it will create a new paradigm. Gratitude: Thank you for teaching me about self image.

*Virgo- Death- This week your life will change but it will take a longer route then what you would like. Think of your life like a garden. Your challenge is to know what you can control: the seeds you plant, the weeds you pull, watering and fertilizing it. But the growth itself is up to nature. The Death card is about patience. Things will change…just at a slower more organic pace and maybe not exactly like you planned it. Gratitude: Thank you for teaching me about self love.

*Libra- Strength- This week you need to be grateful for the people that made you into such an amazing individual. To do that, first you have to write down all the good things you have done in the world. Examples: if you have children- you brought them into the world, if you have created something- you brought this into the world, any ideas you have implemented- you brought them into the world. Do you get the theme?- all these amazing things started inside you and you had the strength to materialize them. Now, you can thank yourself and all the people who helped. Gratitude: Thank you for teaching me about stagnation.

Scorpio- Page of Wands – This week it’s time to look for a new adventure. Get in your car, bicycle, sneakers and let your wheels/feet take you. The challenge is cliché but true- it’s the journey not the destination. PS-the Strength card kinda turned over for you too so I think you should read Libra’s reading but as a side note. Gratitude: Thank you for teaching me about passion.

Sagittarius- Knight of Swords – Well it looks like you have some more things to tick off your to do list. The tendency for this card is to rush and finish everything. For most signs I would warn against it and say pace yourself but for you all…. You have a choice you can pace yourself and get things done this week but not really get the rest you need. Or you can rush and do things. If you choose the latter – WARNING: Look both ways before going forward and stop rushing by Thursday. Gratitude: Thanks for teaching me to take time and enjoy life.

Capricorn- Ace of Cups – This week is about new emotional beginnings and enjoying your new life. Be thankful for all the positive things in your life. And then with the Ace of Cups you can ask for what else you need to fill your cup. The challenge is figuring out what actually fills your cup. Gratitude: Thanks for teaching me how to keep my feet on the ground while my head is in the clouds or my heart is in the gutter.

Aquarius- Eight of Swords-This week you will have a hard time not being in your thoughts and worrying. Your challenge is to not let you thoughts get in the way of all the good you have in your life. They cure: be around other people so you can get out of your own headspace. They will help you find what you are grateful for. One thing I do is to tell my thoughts to give me a break. I know if they are really important they will come back. Gratitude: Thanks for teaching me how to be the real me.

Pisces- Nine of Wands- So last week it was about creating strategies to get things done. You get another week to look over that to do list. However, some of the things on your list don’t really need to get done or cannot get done now. So your challenge is to prioritize what can get done this week and then do it. Gratitude: Thanks for teaching me about forgiveness.