Well Scorpios, your birthday month is coming to a close. I would like to talk about your most known symbol (you have three: scorpion, eagle and phoenix). We know that scorpions fluoresce in the moonlight. Scientists have found that this blue-green glow comes from a substance in the thin coating of the scorpion’s exoskeleton. When scorpions molt, they loses their glow until the new hyaline layer hardens. Why a scorpion glows is still up for debate. The theories out there are: protection from sunlight, seeking out a mate or it might confuse prey. To humans and predators it is a warning to stay away.
This month Scorpion energies, just like the scorpion, illuminated the shadows of hurt and division that exist in the U.S. We cannot heal what we do not know is broken. We cannot see potential danger unless it’s lit. The shadow work we do in the Scorpio month is essential to see the reality of what is, so we can transform it into what we want it to be.
P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you. I have added some other pictures of animals that illuminate the dark.

Aries – Ten of Cups – Ten of Cups is the card of joy and festivity. This week create some lovely moments in your life and in the midst of a moment stop and really soak it in. Bask in each of your senses. This can look like Thanksgiving dinner – that perfect point when all is on the table, you have eaten about half your meal, and you relax into the communal chatter. Or for those who don’t celebrate T-day, take a break with a friend and chat over a nice cup of tea or a pint. This week, partake in the joys of being with others.

*Taurus – The Chariot – You will have to keep your work boots on for another week. However, The Chariot is about balancing work and whatever else motivates you for example family, friends, art, or food. You will need to balance out the “shit that’s got to get done” and “cool I have time to enjoy this process.” Use last week as a gauge of a “hard work” week. Then spend half the time this week doing the hard work and the other half doing the “I can’t believe I get do this” stuff. This week is about noticing and then balancing the gain with the pain.

*Gemini – The Tower – Ok, you all have three higher arcane cards in a row, so your soul wants you to get sorted out before the new year. First the Magician asked you to gather your tools, then Emperor said you need to do ground work, and now the Tower is wanting a restructuring. The Tower card is asking you – what isn’t working in your life? The heart of all these cards is to have you focus on what you need to make your life go smoothly and with ease. Let me make sure we are on the same page. The definitions of ease are: absence of difficulty or effort, to make [something unpleasant, painful or intense] less serious or severe, or to move carefully, gradually or gently. It boils down to you all needing to simplify and then restructure, so you can move effortlessly through your life.

*Cancer – The World – This week open yourself up to the opportunities that are presented to you. The World card is about finalizing the lesson that you have learned, so you can move on to the new. The World is challenging you to tie up loose ends this week and start to daydream about the new things you want to grow in your life. Remember even though this is a big card the action you take can be about little odds and ends you need to finish. It can be as simple as mending that pile of clothing you have, or getting that drawer that never closes all the way to close.

*Leo – Strength – Okay, so you continue to rack up the higher arcane cards for this year. Last week, Justice’s asked you to not let your emotions overwhelm your decisions. This week, Strength takes over. This is Leo’s card. This is your bane and, no pun, your strength card. One exercise for you to do is to write down all the things you are good at. (Note: not perfect but you would give yourself a 6 out of 10) Then pick an item from that list and enhance that strength to at least a seven. This is a life-long process for Leo’s to focus on their strengths instead of being defensive about their weaknesses, so take this week to practice this skill.

Virgo – Five of Swords – Okay, you can get off of Mister Toad’s Wild Ride. The Five of Swords challenges you to pick you battles this week, or if possible don’t battle at all. Your ego led mind wants to fight, have opinions, and disagree, but your heart needs to stay out of the fight this week. This is a week to stand back and listen. You will gain more information by listening than by participating in the struggle.

Libra – Four of Swords – Somehow you all need to find some time to rest this week. With the whirlwind that has been going on the past four weeks, you need a breather. The Four of Swords challenges you to take some time off. If you don’t, the Four of Swords’ tendency is to kick you in the butt later on.

Scorpio – Ace of Wands – This is a great card to end your birthday month. The Ace of Wands means new beginnings created by passion. This Ace asks you – what is your soul’s deepest desire? This card is challenging you in your new birth year to start creating a life rooted in passion.

Sagittarius – Ten of Pentacles – The Ten of Pentacles is asking – what do you need to finish in the next month so you can have a clean slate beginning your new birth year? The Ten of Pentacles is challenging you to finish up this year by crossing off projects that have been too long on your “to do” list. This card’s motivation stems from the question – do you really want to carry some of these “to do” items into another year?

*Capricorn – The Hermit – The Hermit is begging you to hole yourself up this week. He is challenging you to organize your week to facilitate as much alone time as you can. First you need some time to decompress. Then you need some distance from life to gain a broader perspective on what you want to do. This is a week of panoramic views instead of the microscopic details of the past three weeks.

Aquarius – Eight of Cups – The Eight of Cups challenges you to lighten your load this week. So ask yourself, is there one thing I can check off my “to do” list? Is there one thought that I no longer see as useful? Is there an emotion like anger or grief that I can now fully let go? Is there one burden that I carry within my soul that I can now lay down? And then let them go.

Pisces – Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands’ challenge this week is to create something that you can give to someone. For example make a pie from scratch, do a painting, create a poem, write a letter, tell a story…. The Queen of Wands’ lesson is that by the act of creation you share a piece of your soul. And then she asks you – are you brave enough to share it?
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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