Tarotcast for Week of November 11, 2018

Above and below are photographs by Christy Lee Rogers. Her style is reminiscent of Baroque paintings.  She, like the siren, lures her friends and family into a pool at night and submerges them with an array of sinuous fabrics.  Rogers has created a technique of using the refraction of light, water and movement to craft images that are lively with color and deep in complexity.

Her subjects show a sense of beauty and strength at the same time vulnerability and fragility that exemplifies the human condition.  She explains: What I want more than ever is to express and inspire hope and freedom, a sense of wonder and tranquility, to create a safe place to dream wildly, and most importantly to inspire the idea that there are still mysterious, impossibly beautiful things on Earth—not solely in our imaginations.

That is our challenge in life and especially in the arts is to bring forth and to light the beauty and mystery of our humanity.  This week be open to investigating the mystery and embodying the beauty that is uniquely human.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you.  And please share.

Aries – Ace of Swords


The Ace of Swords foretells that your mind is your best asset.  You are going to need your logic and wits about you this week.  This card’s advice is to cut through the malarkey and make decisions.


Taurus – Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles brings another week of focusing on building your net worth.  What you have going right now is a pretty good gig.  Keep at it and adding to it.


Gemini – Page of Cups

The Page of Cups continues with the feel good of last week. If you didn’t find the rainbow, this card gives you another week to hunt for your pot of gold.  This Page advises for you to find this proverbial treasure you need to look for it with the innocence and imagination of a child.


Cancer – Three of Swords

The Three of Swords has you look at pain. The challenge with this card is separating your thoughts from your feelings and then transforming the pain into things of beauty like art, poetry and music.  Our compassion for others comes from our understanding of our own pain and sorrow.


Leo – Five of Cups

The Five of Cups challenges you to stop crying over spilled milk and do something with what is left over.  Yes, life can be shitty sometimes, and please spend some time grieving it.  But take this card’s challenge to get up and try again.  You are needed more than you know.


Virgo – Six of Swords

The Six of Swords wants you to have a little getaway.  Your environment needs to change to get your head and thoughts clear.  It can be subtly like taking a bath, or expanding your environment a bit wider with a weekend by the beach or lake.  Water is the great healer.


Libra – King of Swords

I hope you took last week’s advice to rest, because this week the King of Swords needs your mind in the game.  This King comes when you need your logic and communication skills well honed.  This week it is all about the long game and straight forward communication.


Scorpio – King of Rods

The King of Rods is challenging you to stand firmly at the beginning of your new birth year and ask for what you want. He comes to tell you that your passions have been set aside for too long.  Take this week to write a bucket list: things you want to do, to see, to experience.  And then pick one and do it before the end of this month.


Sagittarius – Two of Cups

Love is in the air.  Take this week to cuddle up with your favorite living being and enjoy.  Life is short and love is precious Sagittarius, so enjoy.


Capricorn – Queen of Pentacles

The work continues with the Queen of Pentacles.  The last couple of weeks you were asked to pick projects to start next year and hone the skills needed for them.  This Queen gives you another week to do both.  The challenge with this card is to incorporate and balance the art of living with the art of working.  She asks: If you can’t enjoy the benefits of your hard work, why work so hard?


Aquarius – Four of Wands and the Nine of Wands

What these two cards have in common is learning about your perceived boundaries. For some of you the Four of Wands will be the path you take.  This card is about roaming free without many possessions or a map, because you feel as if life obligations are binding you.  It’s challenging you to go where the wind takes you, for once you have wandered you will find yourself back at home with a happier disposition.  For the other half, you are advised to take the road of the Nine of Wands.  This card wants you to take your fear and what ifs and use discernment to evaluate the perceived threat by stepping around the wall you have been building. I think you will see that that dragon you thought was there is now only a lizard.


*Pisces – Moon

The Moon arises when you need to dive into the subconscious and pull some things into the moonlight. This can be as simple as asking your dreams to help you with a question, but keep a pencil and paper by the bed not to forget. Or this can be as complex as doing some deep therapy sessions like Reiki, EMDR or another professional healer/therapist.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
