Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 14, 2018

Above and below are the winning photographs of the annual Comedy in Wildlife contest. In our family we find these hilarious. But why do we laugh?  Scientist  have found that laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphin, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphin promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.  It makes sense we developed laughter to relieve stress.

But why do we laugh at the things we do?  Writer Scot Weems researched a variety of science experiments about what makes a good joke in his book, Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why.  He found that what makes a great joke is “the kick of discovery or thinking one way and then and then suddenly turning that thing around.”  So whatever makes us confused or cause a conflict in our brain most likely will make us laugh.  This is why we may laugh at inappropriate times – like say at a funeral or at church. Laughter helps us get through stressful situations.  And one reason we all find different things funny even within our same culture is our threshold of confusion, conflict or stress varies from person to person.

On a side note the researcher Richard Wiseman found that overall the funniest animal to us is the duck.  Your challenge this week is to create some humor in your life.  I have added a joke starter that pertains to your picture have fun finishing it or making up your own.  Send them back to me if you want. I can always use a good laugh.

*Aries – Judgment

Comedy in wildlife - jokeThe Judgment card heralds it is time for you to take the next step in your evolution.  You are awakening to what new steps to take in your life.  This can look as simple as changing your diet or it can be as complex as decreasing your carbon footprint.  The challenge is whatever decisions you make – make sure they alter your life for the better – not only for you but the world.  Joke:  …so I gave him the flipper.

Taurus – Knight of Cups

Comedy in WildlifeLast week, the Empress challenged you to see the ends in beginnings and the beginnings in ends, and that it takes both to create growth.  This week the Knight of Cups carries on the Empress’ concept of duality by focusing on emotions.  The Knight of Cups challenges you to be aware on how you emote your emotions through action and movement.  This week see how your emotional actions cause reactions and your emotional reactions cause actions.  Joke:  …no, he did what…

*Gemini – Hangman

Comedy in WildlifeThe Hangman has you look at where and why you are stalled out in your life.  The Hangman’s challenge is to take this much needed rest-stop to do some divine pondering.  Think beyond your typical pondering, the solutions are out there, but they are not the ones you have been using.  This can look as simple as going five minutes later to a meeting because if you went on time you would be caught in rush hour, or as complex as broadening your perspective on what you can do. Joke:  And you think possums have it bad…

Cancer – Six of Swords

Comedy in WildlifeYour life is on the move and you are moving to a better place.  The Six of Swords challenges you to spend some time by or in water this week to do some contemplation.  After your thoughtful intermission get back in the boat and keep paddling until you see the next island retreat.  Joke:  Three penguins walk into a church…

Leo – King of Cups

Comedy in WildlifeThe King of Cups challenges you to rule your emotions.  He doesn’t mean to rule them by trying to repress them.  He challenges you to rule your feelings with a more socialistic way of thought.  What is good for All will be good for the One this week.  Joke:   …so I’m telling you I can see it from here…

Virgo – Nine of Wands and Five of Swords

Comedy in Wildlife contest winnerFive of Swords usually means chaos for the coming week, but you also got the Nine of Wands which means you can avoid it with preparation.  This can look like bringing an extra pair of pants because a car will splash you with yucky snow-mush, bringing a snack wherever you go because you will be delayed and miss lunch, or getting a flu shot.  This is definitely an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure kind of week.   Joke:  …the third wheel…

Libra – Knight of Swords

Comedy in Wildlife contest winnerThe Knight of Swords advise you not to rush into anything this week.  Look both ways when you cross the street. Measure twice so you can cut once.  Think before you act or speak. In general, slowdown.  Joke: …so I heard about this new diet…

Scorpio – Page of Pentacles

Comedy in Wildlife contest winnerThe Page of Pentacles is the card of the student.  It challenges you to learn something new this week.  This new skill or piece of knowledge will help you in the near future, so do your homework.  Joke:  …was I wrong…

*Sagittarius – Temperance

Comedy in Wildlife contest winnerTemperance advises you to take the Middle Path this week.  Your challenges will be around patience, adaptation, cooperation and mediation.  Keep you cool and look for what has been forgotten.  Joke…did I tell you the time…

Capricorn – Five of Cups

Comedy in Wildlife contest winnerFive of Cups is the card of sorrow and sadness.  This week you need to look at what emotionally isn’t working in your life and what is.  They say don’t cry over spilled milk, however, this card challenges you to have feelings around the spilling of the milk but you are not  responsible for cleaning it up if your hands are full.  Joke:  … too monkeys are on the way to Kilimanjaro…

*Aquarius – Moon

Comedy in Wildlife contest winnerLast week the Strength card advised you to look within, see your strength then strengthen your sense of self.  The Moon card continues this inner ward journey by asking you to get in touch with your emotions.  This week’s challenge can look as simple as not to go into the dark without a flashlight, or as complex as seeing the light instead of the cracks. Joke:  …turbo powered duck…

Pisces – Ten of Pentacles

Comedy in Wildlife contest winnerThe Ten of Pentacles is about getting things checked off your to-do list. The best way to work with this card is to find a problems and jobs that are closest to finish and do them.  This is not a week to start anything new.  Joke:  …Okay on the count of three…


May light be on you, around you, and within you,

