I choose the artist Gerhard Richter for this week because of his technique of using photography, painting and blurring. He creates in the real and then manipulates it to the abstract. He plays with line and focus. He says in his book Writings. I blur things to make everything equally important and equally unimportant. I blur things so that they do not look artistic or craftsman like but technological, smooth and perfect. I blur things to make all the parts a closer fit. Perhaps I also blur out the excess of unimportant information.
I think of December as that month of in-between and it has a sense of blurring. There is something ether like and magical with this month. Yes, this month can be the most hectic, but it also has its moments which slow to molasses like states of comfort. Where we can hang with family and/or friends and savor. A time where we are letting go of the old year while starting to think about the new year’s promise. It’s like the lines of time are blurred and fluctuating. Where we hopefully bring into focus what is important and let the unimportant blur into the oblivion.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you. And please share.
Aries – Queen of Swords

The last two weeks the cards have been asking you some heavy questions like: What cycles are you beginning?What ideas or projects do you want to store or work on next year? What do you want to let die or finish before spring? What do you need to heal, so you can move in to 2019 with a lighter load? And if you could hope for an outcome what would it be? Now the Queen of Swords arrives and wants you to spend this coming week to start planning and integrating those answers for 2019.
Taurus – Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands challenges you to deal with this week like a Zen master. You need all your senses turned on to practice your skills with the complexities of statements like: Instead of calling it work, realize it is play. The practice is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something. The menu is not the meal.
Gemini – Five of Swords

Last week the Tower came and for some of you the lesson was how to ride the waves of change that you have no control over. For others it was just a tiny tremor, a warning, to get your “house” in order. Either way you all were supposed to check and reinforce the foundations in your life, like health, relationships, monetary savings or any other place you feel queasy about. Luckily you all have another week with the Five of Swords which helps you by suggesting that you glimpse into your past mistakes. The challenge is not to wallow in the regrets but to see the lessons that these mistakes hold and move forward with that knowledge.
Cancer – Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords can go two ways, either you carry around all that negative energy or you can let it go. It is best to let go of the ego and navigate the world with your intuition. This week logic is not your friend.
Leo – Eight of Swords

The Hermit last week suggested you stand back and gain perspective- the bigger picture. The Eight of Swords continues this theme but warns you that you have the tendency when pulling back to get caught up in the web of your thoughts. So that is your challenge to think without binding yourself up in your negative or repetitive thought patterns. Free your mind
Virgo – Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups is just a perfect card for the best part of this season – sharing the love. Your challenge is to do just that. Make this week about bliss and joy. Let the good times roll, and if you can’t find it – make your own.
Libra – King of Swords

The King of Swords is about communication, philosophy and big ideas. The challenge is about getting your ideas across without force or anger. Best advice is listening as much as you are talking this week.
Scorpio – Eight of Pentacles

The Lovers last week suggested collaboration to be your focus to create original and creative outcomes. The Eight of Pentacles continues this theme. The only changes are that collaboration is more important at work than any other place, and you can split the time working with others with working alone. The harder you work this week the better prepared you will be for the end of the year.
*Sagittarius – The Hanged Man

Another Karma card for your year going forward, the Hanged Man. The Magician called for creation and the Hanged Man calls for new and unique perspectives. For some of you this might mean next year you all will take some literally and figurative side roads for inspiration. For others the Hanged Man ask you to take a sabbatical to help another gain their goals or for your own spiritual growth. Please re-read the past two weeks cards, 2019 is looking like a big year for you and we still have one more card to go.
Capricorn – Knight of Wands

When the Knight of Wands arrives, he is telling you that you are on the right path, at the right speed,doing everything you need to do. It should be an easy week if you continue doing what you are doing. So, keep on keeping on.
Aquarius – Four of Swords

Another 4 card, so remember 4 cards mean stability. Last week, the Four of Pentacles wanted you working smarter not harder. This week the Four of Swords focus on your mind and thoughts. The challenge is slowing down or simplifying your thoughts. The more methodical and logical you are the less you will fret. Oh, and get some rest.
Pisces – Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands is the messenger card and exchanger of information. The challenge is with all the signals you are getting which ones to follow, listen to, and send out. Well the interesting thing with this card is you don’t have to manage or make decision on all the messages coming in. It is more about the action. The more arrows you shoot towards a target the more likely you are to hit something. And in the opposite direction only listen to things that strike home to you, the rest let pass.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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