The above pieces were done by Joyce C Scott. Who was just named 2019 Smithsonian Visionary Artist. She works in a variety of mediums: quilts, print-maker, installations etc…but I am highlighting her beaded sculptures. She uses materials such as leather, fabric, glass, found objects and thousands of seed beads. Her pieces bring to light discussions of race, slavery, heritage, and gender.
The first beads were made about 20,000 years ago with bone and wood. The first seed beads, small beads made of glass, were made in Mesopotamia 2430-2180 BC. The seed bead actual starts off as a glass tube that is stretched, then cut and re-fired for smoothness and color. It wasn’t until the Middle Ages that beads became massed produce and Venice made them a fashion statement. Venetian glass-makers monopolized the bead industry for about 600 years by keeping their techniques surreptitious. The glass-making methods were so highly protected that a glass-maker could face the death penalty if they shared the secrets.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.
Queen of Wands – Queen of Wands advise us to see the purpose of the variety of energies that surge through us in life. She advises us not to try dominating or controlling them or the people around us. Her way is that of acceptance not cynicism.
Two of Cups – The Two of Cups foretells that love is in the air. This week your focus should be on intimacy in the relationships you hold dear or creating new ones. Time for candlelight diners and walks on the beach. The challenge is knowing your truth and sharing it.
Nine of Swords – The Nine of Swords is a challenging card, for it comes when our thoughts and worries are weighing heavy in our mind. To combat this card, try to take each worry and see if you can do anything about it. If you can then put it on your to-do list. If you can’t flush it – literally- write the worry on TP and flush it down the toilet.
Queen of Pentacles – Last week, The High Priestess challenged you to pull back, look for the synchronicities and towards your spirit guides for help in navigating the mysteries of life. This week the Queen of Pentacles takes a less esoteric approach and has you creating some practical magic. This is as simple as making soup to heal the soul, or as complex as seeing the spirit in your daily routines.
Ace of Cups – The Ace of Cups foretells new beginnings especially with matters of the heart. This can be a new relationship or a change of emotion towards something. The big concept this week is acknowledging that the heart and spirit are the root of growth.
King of Wands – The King of Wands comes when you need to get a handle on something in your life. He advises that being honest with yourself is the first step and the second is that you are one powerful person. You can overcome any obstacle.
Nine of Pentacles – All nines represent a form of preparation, but the pentacles card focuses it on preparation through discipline. The challenge this week is maintaining discipline with your work flow. And, this may mean, you need to close your door to get things done.
Ten of Cups – Last week, the Lovers gave you two choices of learning about relationships – the roads of distraction and temptation or good vibes with people to build something unique and real. The Ten of Cups continues this theme. No matter which choice you made, this week fully indulge in it so you can gain the knowledge and move to the next level.
Ace of Swords – The Ace of Swords foretells this is a great week for inspiration. If you find yourself unsure that is a sign more information is needed. This week, knowledge is key, and your mind is your tool of choice.
Five of Swords – All fives represent chaotic energy. This Five represents the chaos of conflict or the clash of ideas. The best way to deal with this card is to be sure of your path but be willing to compromise or let go of some of your demands. This is not a week to try and win the battle.
Nine of Cups – The Nine of Cups finishes off your birthday month. This card represents contentment. So, part of your evolution is focusing on satisfaction. You know, like the feeling of drinking a cold beer or lemonade on a porch watching the sunset after a hard but fulfilling day of work. Breath, Sip and Ahhhhh.
Six of Wands – The Six of Wands is the card of “rest stops.” This week find time to take an extended break. The challenge is not starting anything new this week, use this time to see how far you have come and re-access what you need to continue.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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