The last and fifth eclipse of 2018 will be this Saturday. I don’t know about you all but I have been feeling them. In Astrology the one common concept is that eclipses are transformative times for people whose Sun, moon or ascendant coincides within five degrees of the sign and degree of the eclipse. This year we had two pairs of eclipses in Leo-Aquarius and one odd-ball solar eclipses in Cancer. (You can look up the degrees here to see if it affected you.)
Eclipses are usually paired one solar and one lunar, a fortnight apart. This usually happen at least four times a calendar year and unusually from 5-7 times (next seven is in 2038). We have one more set of five in 2019 with Cancer and Capricorn pairings, and then we will have six eclipses in 2020. Thank the heavens things calm down until 2027 with five and 2029 with a six eclipses. But all this made me wonder how do we predict the number of eclipses?
Let me just say the answer to that question is both simple and complex and it is still evolving. Simply it involves the orbit of Earth and Moon orbital planes in comparison to the Sun which varies 5 degrees. And because of that sometimes the moon Earth and Sun aren’t aligned to cast shadows. Complexly even today scientists are adding on to the precision of that shifting number because of the interplay of Earth’s tides, rotation and tilt and the distance of the Moon.
The Universe does not run like a clock. The most interesting concept to me as I study Astronomy and Astrology is that the both prove that the Universe is alive. The definition of a living organism in its broadest form is something that is made of parts that interact with each other, it reproduces, and it syntheses energy to live and grow. This is something I see the planets and stars do on a daily basis.
P.S. Please share. Also, I have put up another quote to download for your vision board. Enjoy.
Aries – Nine of Wands
The Nine of Wands is about perseverance. For some reason this week you believe you need to take on more than you actually need to do. You have nothing to prove about your strength or your can do ideas of how you run your life. This card challenges you to lay just one thing aside this week to lighten you load. And for some of you rams you literally need to be careful of straining your back.
Taurus – Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords is the card of worry. Worry is just an aspect of fear. Take this week to look at your fears and see if there is any truth in them in the here and now not the past and future. Then take action with the present worries, and let the past and future worries disperse in the mist of unchangeable and uncertain.
Gemini – Eight of Swords and Seven of Pentacles
Ok lovelies, you all got the Eight of Swords again, so some of you are still holding on to things that are binding you to a hindering reality. LET GO. And then move on to the energy of the Seven of Pentacles which is investing into long-term goals. Your challenge is to let go of the past and start planning for the future. This literally a good time for you all to invest- so contribute to your 401K, buy stock, make improvements to your home if you own it, etc…
Cancer – Nine of Pentacles
Where last week collaboration was the key, this week the Nine of Pentacles says you get more done alone or with just a chosen few. Your challenge is to see your successes and bask in them before you get back to work.
Leo – King of Pentacles
This is your second King, so lets’ just glance at the King’s energies. Kings are the manifestors of the deck. To get two in a row in your birth-month means this year the energy of manifestation is available to you. You can make some long-awaited projects happen this year. Last week the King of Wands wanted you to focus your energy on what you actually want. The King of Pentacles is the resource man asking you now that you know what to focus on, what do you physically need to make that happen?
*Virgo – High Priestess
The High Priestess in her simplest form wants to stare out the window and watch the world go by, reading a book like the Three-Body Problem, or get a divination reading . In her more complex form she might be challenging you to go on a retreat, write your own book, or cast a spell. The challenge is seeing the bigger picture while seeing the synchronicities in the details.
Libra – Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is the card of innocence. The challenge with this card is seeing things with fresh eyes and if you do you will find the solution or answer you need. If you are having a hard time with this – hang out with children, watch Anne with an E, or anything out of Miyazaki’s animation studio.
*Scorpio – Hierophant and Five of Swords
Ok two cards for you this week. First the Five of Swords forewarns, this week is going to be bit chaotic. The hard thing with this card is that you really have no control over it and most likely there is no way around it. The Hierophant comes to the rescue advising the more organized and prepared you are for this week, the easier it will be to navigate in and around the chaos. Also the Hierophant highlights that there is an important lesson you will learn by the end of the week that will come in handy in the near future.
Sagittarius – Knight of Pentacles
The journey continues with the Knight of Pentacles. The Knight of Pentacles means you are on the right path and your challenge is to get into the grove of your personal pace. All the Knights (movement) are all easy cards for your sign, so enjoy the journey and the wind in your hair.
Capricorn – Six of Rods
The Six of Rods advises you to take a moment this week to notice how far you come from the beginning of this year. This is your half way point from your birth year. The challenge is not to sit on your laurels, but to ask what am I going to do with the next 6 months.
Aquarius – Three of Cups
Companionship is the key this week. You have been out of the loop. It is time to call old friends and lift the glass even if it’s on FaceTime.
Pisces – Six of Swords
The Six of Swords’ lesson is about lightening the load that you carry with you. Whether that is mental or physical, you need to prioritize and hone down what you are carrying into your future. One thing with this card is that being by water can help in this process.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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