Before we get into our 20/20 vision of 2020 let’s talk about the celestial event tomorrow. Jupiter and Saturn are having their grand conjunction tomorrow a half an hour after sunset wherever you are. These two planets will be one tenth of a degree apart (or the width of a dime held at arm’s length). They meet up every 20 years in varying degrees. But they haven’t been this close and visible in 794 years.
Astrological this means they are moving from Earthy Capricorn to Airy Aquarius and will hang together for 1 and half years. So personal and societal this means time to think outside the box about how you live on this planet and what is it you want to do. The past 2 years we have been looking at our structures what is constrictive and where do we need to expand. Now with Aquarius we can start to go into a new phase and if used wisely stop cycles of the old ways and look forward to new ways with a more collective and innovative mindset. Pluto will still be in Capricorn showing us the cracks to our structures for another 2 years. And personally, you still have time to reconstruct your structures until the sun leaves Capricorn on January 19th.
Now to my year in review for 2020. Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view of this year or uniquely to this year our 20/20 vision.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year is 8 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years, and I am only on year five, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for 2016 , 2017 , 2018 & 2019). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
First, the look at anomalies or card pulls outside the norm: This is a look through a societal lens. This year the most pulled cards were the Death card, Fours and Eight of Wands.
- Death traditional means, transformation, mortality, and suffering. And some people say the imagery of the cards is related to the plague of 1347. I also see it as organic change or change that has its own timing or flow that you can hook into. The work with this card is releasing what we cannot control, has died, or no longer works. Learning from that and letting that go so new growth and transformation can happen. So, I don’t really need to explain this though to be honest until I tallied it up, I thought highest pull would be the Tower.
- The Eight of Wands is information. This I think played out in the avalanche of information that we received, and it was up to us to sort through what was true. This combination of disinformation and information that we had to wade through for events like the U.S. elections and the data for Covid local and worldwide to name just two. Also it represented the dissemination of information. The countries that have done better with Covid have had the best communication about it and how it spread.
- The Fours (home, introspection, recovery/illness, frugality) were pulled more than any other set of cards. When you look at these as a set you can see how many of us are learning to deal with these issues. Here are just some examples: Introspection– We are spending a lot of time with ourselves giving us lots of time to contemplate. This 4 also means that we need to look out and bring that introspection into practice. One way this was highlighted was with George Floyd and the BLM movement. We as a collective are needing to look at institutionalized racism but just as importantly ourselves and our actions. Resources/frugality – Covid highlighted the systems that distribute our resources locally and globally, equality in distribution, how we support others, look at what we hoard, seeing that minimum wage in US just does not cut it, toilet paper, PPE, food, the stimulus money, and educational resources. Hopefully, we have learned this lesson, so the distribution and allocation of the vaccines is more humane than toilet paper was in the beginning. Home – working from home, living on the edge of eviction, the importance of home and family. Recovery/Illness – the cracks in our health care systems, how systemic racism and poverty effects health, and then Covid itself.
The lowest pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the universe. The lowest higher arcane card was the Moon. We have not looked or cared to our emotions and mental health issues this year. These was a year just to survive, but we will have to deal with it eventually. Especially with our healthcare workers that have been in the trenches since March. Though on the good side the lowest in the suit cards was the Five of Wands. Because of the world slowing down and staying home, the chaos inducing power of the Five of Wands just didn’t have a chance to play in most of our everyday life. And maybe some of us have found we do not want to return to that chaotic pace.
Lastly, below are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2021.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
PPS. Need a last-minute stocking stuffer get the Quick Draw reading for only $5. For any gift reading I can email you a printable gift certificate.
PPPS. The pics are personal favorites from 2020.

This year compared to other signs was around the norm energetically. But you were really working on the Fours all year, twice as much as other signs (see above for explanation of 4s). You started out the year with lots of plans for new beginnings. You were in sync with your purpose and working on how to structure your life and in March people were in the forefront of your mind. However, by April you slammed into the Death card ie: a reality check about Covid and the crisis arising around the World. In June and July, you had another karmic hit with justice or injustice and a second round with the Death card energy. It wasn’t until October did you start to feel a bit “normal” or shall we say the new normal. Your big theme for 2020 was trying to see and provide opportunities not only to yourself but to others, and personally working with what stabilizes your life. Also, believe it or not (ask your friends) you were a touchstone of strength for those around you.

This year compared to other signs was around the norm energetically. You started off on a rocky start to the year but by February you had some divine inspiration. A month later you were grappling with some of the heaviest energy for the whole year. Big concepts of life/death, justice, and how are we going to heal from this all. So, from April through June your heart was tapped into the suffering happening not only personally but socially. Around the end of summer, you all had a bit of an existential crisis which has been rippling til about last week where you have found a bit of balance. Your big themes where connecting to the World, seeing the work that still needs to be done to heal, and on and off realizing that you need as much self-care and compassion as you give to others. What still needs work is implementing that self-care.

This year the amount of karmic energy you were dealing with compared to other signs was one of the highest. And you had to deal with the swings of fortune/misfortune twice this year. Your “normal” people person attitude was also thoroughly tried. People drove you a bit crazy, so you retreated. You metaphorically dealt with this year like a groundhog. Popping out seeing and dealing with the chaos, then diving back in your hole weeks at a time. (Again, no wonder since you were dealing with big karmic themes, at least 2 or more a month, except for end of May to June and October.) However, if you used this time wisely you could have used that down time in ways that cultivate creation and imagination. Or you could have fallen prey to engaging with the exorbitant amount of information and disinformation. In November, the Death energy hit you hard and later then the rest of the signs causing you to retreat again. The big advice this coming conjunction has for you is that the planets are more favorable to the air signs. 2021 will feel much different and have more space for you. So please pop out your head and come back and join the fray.
This year overall was average in comparison to other signs. However, karmically you started out the year nice and slow until the end of March you started to see the stress fractures around you personally and society. Then continued grappling a karmic question each month. Around your birthday the Death energy hit, making summer the hardest part of the year. You dealt with this by working but always coming back to the themes around inner strength & healing those around you and yourself. Cancer’s natural tendency to pull in when stressed worked for 2020. The big advice for you in this coming conjunction is looking for ways to innovate especially around work, reconnect with people and keeping up with your self-care.

You started out this year with high hopes and lots of plans for 2020. By the beginning of February that stopped, for you dealt with the Death energy card first out of all the signs. You were sending out flares to the rest of us, though this caused you to spiral first into stagnation and Kali-like energies. Your karmic energy was average in comparison to other signs, but you experienced an existential crisis that ebb and flowed throughout this year. You were like a cosmic juggler with pessimism on one hand and optimism on the other. 2020 big asks were how to meld joy with the answers and actions to your ponderings of what is your purpose – why are you here. The work was the 4 (see intro) and 9 cards preparing for 2021. Your advice for 2021 is utilizing this new sense of freedom that Jupiter brings but you will have to work for releasing the boundaries you and society might try to chain you to. Freedom is calling are you prepared to partake in it?

You started this year slow. But like Leo were one of the first signs to work with the Death energy. However, you work with the most out of all the signs. (3 times compared to everyone else working with it once). Though you rank one of the lowest with karmic energy you cycled through the process of deconstructing, testing, balancing, constructing and back again. All the while building up your power to wield in 2021. This year was about closing chapters and experimenting on what to construct next. Your advice for 2021 is hopefully you learned that balance and being connect to the divine is essential, for 2021 will give you opportunities of altruistic work and more freedom to expand.

You all were dealt the lowest amount of karmic energy this year compared to all the other signs. The Death energy (see intro) showed up at the end of April. Though you tried to keep optimistic it got to you by the summer. Hopefully, you got to pull back a bit because you had the most interactions with people compared to the other signs. Which had its good point but some of these interactions may not have all been good. There were power struggles to deal with. Your lesson was how to hold your boundaries and not give too much of you energy/power away. You are ending 2020 on a higher note then it started but it was a struggle to get there. Your advice for 2021, you are an air sign so this next year and into 2022 will feel much lighter. You may even get some vacation travel in. The challenge is not making your relaxing time all about others and learning to ask for help. Altruism goes both ways.

This year was a high energy year for you. You had above average Higher Arcane cards (karma energy) in comparison to the other signs. You started 2020 with open arms and hope. This energy carried you through to summer though by mid-summer you were dealing with the justice and inequity energy of 2020. You worked this energy by closing chapters and a deepening your sense of gratitude. The Death energy hit you the latest of all the signs and added a dash of a spiritual crisis to it from October through November. Though you are ending the year more hopeful but very realistically. Thank you for being there for the rest of us during our earlier breakdowns. In the coming year you might feel the call to work with those in need. The big challenge with this is you have not really dealt with the repercussions of 2020. Make sure you find time to heal before you jump back into the World pot. 2021 will have you practicing balancing personal and societal healing. Remember gas mask on you first.

You had slightly less deals than average of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. The interesting trend is that you all and Pisces did not get dealt the Death card. Not that you weren’t affected by Covid but it didn’t remake who you are. At first the staying in place felt awkward but you adapted to it quickly. However, this year did highlight to you the injustice and disparity in the world. And you started seeing the cracks in your personal and/or social structures. You did have a Come to Jesus moment in August that hopefully realigned you and got you unstuck. So, overall if you did the work by shoring up your life especial in the financial sector then you are set up for 2021. Your advice for 2021 is with your behind in the past and your feet firmly planted in the present you can shoot for the stars.

You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs. The height of you dealing with the Death energy happed in May. Overall, your higher energy cards came at a slow and steady pace throughout 2020. You would deal with one or two high energies and then dipped into low energy cards for 4 to 5 weeks. Having 2020 feel like a slow-moving rollercoaster. But you did do some major work with the Fours (see intro for more info). Working with these energies 2020 was about creating, growing, building, and stabilizing. You out of all the signs utilized the prep around structures that need to happen in 2020. However, your challenge will be bringing more innovation into how you present you in the World and the work you do in 2021. More out of the box then how the box is constructed.
Though you had the average amount of higher arcane cards. You were one of the signs that dealt with the Death energy early on. Then on top of that information/disinformation affected you more than other signs. The month of May was rough, so by the summer you were wanting or needing to pull in a bit. You had opportunities to jump start 2021 by starting new projects. While still plugging along in the morass of 2020. Your go to and work to get through 2020 was Temperance (which is your sign’s karmic life card). So, pondering balance as a concept and it details as actions and re-working structures that create more balance in your life was your 2020 work. Your advice for 2021, you are ready to innovate new ideas into your life to provide more freedom and more community. Take advantage of these winds made in your sign to lift you to new places and new ideas.

You were dealt with the average amount of karmic energy this year. The interesting trend is that you all and Sagittarius didn’t get dealt the Death card. Not that you weren’t affected some way by Covid but it didn’t remake who you are or how you are living in a life changing kinda way. And another thing, you all were the sign to have the least human contact. You were disgusted or dismayed with the way people reacted to the issues of 2020, but here is your work for 2021 we need each other. And we will be dealing with or need to deal with our emotions going forward. So next year you are going to have to poke your head out the door and start interacting again. All water signs are needed to balance the intellectual airiness that is getting charge for the next 20 years.
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