Tarot-cast for Week of May 6, 2018

Ellsworth Kelly

Above is the artwork, Colors for a Large Wall, by Ellsworth Kelly. Kelly covered 64 square canvas in a single color and then randomly fused them together to become a bigger piece.  This was the beginning of his life-long inquiry that paintings were objects within themselves. This painting became the seed for many of his future pieces juxtaposing panels of different size, shapes and colors in to countless variations of work.

Kelly once said that ..if you can turn off the mind and look only with the eyes ultimately everything becomes abstract. I would also add that paradoxically it becomes simpler.  That by turn off the mind both abstract and simplicity can hold a unique form of beauty and peace.

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Aries- Four of Swords

Ellsworth KellyScience says that rest is a valuable component of your health regime and the Four of Swords recommends you will need it.  The Four of Swords also challenges you actually to not push anything through this week.

Taurus- Two of Cups

Ellsworth KellyThe Two of Cups recommends applying your energy to deepen your close relationships.  Our emotions are set into memory with our senses. So look in your love ones’ eyes, breathe in their scent, touch them with love, and listen to their feelings behind their words.

*Gemini – Chariot

Ellsworth KellyThe Chariot foretells that now is the time to create change in your life with ease.  The challenge from this card is that it is totally up to you to make this change happen.  And the lesson Gemini is that you choose the pace.  Now this can look as simple as changing up the color scheme of your wardrobe by slowly adding a new color, or sending out a couple resumes.   Or as complex as getting rid of all your clothes and limiting it to 30 pieces or quitting your job and finding a new one in a week.

Cancer – Six of Swords

Ellsworth KellyThe Six of Swords lesson’s are around small transitions and water.  Your challenge this week is to change just one thing to make your travel easy and bring more water into your life.  That can be getting a new water bottle, meditate by water or taking a bath.  Water will help you see your next steps.

Leo – Six of Cups

Ellsworth KellyThe Six of Cups recommends you look to your past to move forward.  There are lessons, objects, or ideas from the past that will aid you in solving your  challenges this week.


Virgo – Knight of Pentacles

Ellsworth KellyLast week the Empress wanted you to start projects, garden, cook, or doing anything that brings love and warmth into your environment.  The Knight of Pentacles continues this theme by asking how can you implement into your daily life one thing that brings love and warmth?

Libra – Queen of Pentacles and Ace of Swords

Ellsworth KellyThis week you have two cards the Queen of Pentacles – creation, and Ace of Swords – making a decision,  So your task is making a decision that will ease your ability to create and enjoy the process.  Your challenge is finding time to meditate on this.

*Scorpio – Wheel of Fortune

Ellsworth KellyThe Wheel gives you the choice of changing your fortune by saying yes to opportunities this week.  Whether it is agreeing to go out with friends or saying yes to a new project, you will find gifts in each moment you say yes.

*Sagittarius – Judgment and Star

Ellsworth KellyJudgment is the card of evolution, and the Star is the card of healing and hope.  By choosing to heal the past you pave the way to the portals of evolution.  Normally I would say it is as simple as …, but with double karma cards and with Jupiter and Saturn in retrograde motion this is a complex situation.  This week contemplating on how to heal the past so you can move forward is the place to start. There are no easy solutions.  Take your time with the mending, for this combo will resonate with you all until mid-July.  However it is important for you to start this week.

*Capricorn – World

Ellsworth KellyWow, you and Sagittarius are going through some major aspects.  Last week, you all got the Star card telling you to continue healing and letting go what doesn’t work and start investigating new projects.  And now the World has shown up really emphasizing endings and beginnings. Also, like Sag’s reading this will be a process that resonates until mid-July for you.  Be mindful to work on aspects that you want the next phase of your life to look like.  This week’s micro-cosmos have aspects to look at that will be needed later in this year’s macro-cosmos.  Also, Look for hidden opportunities.

Aquarius – Five of Pentacles

Ellsworth KellyThe Five of Pentacles means loss on the material plane.  This week you will need to stay more grounded than your usually airy self.  Watch where you lay your keys.  Watch how you spend your money.  Watch how you spend your time.  Your challenge is asking for help when it comes to where your keys are, if you need a loan or, or if you need help at work. Two minds are better than one.

*Pisces – Magician

Ellsworth KellyThe Magician is the card that brings the divine into the material world.  This can be as simple as conjuring up a new recipe or as complex as conjuring up a new place to live or even a new lifestyle.  The challenge is to be very aware of what you are asking for; therefore be extremely careful and clear with sentences that start with I wish…


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
