Tarot-cast for Week of May 20, 2018

rock garden of chandigarh

The Rock Garden of Chandigarh is a sculpture garden in Chandigarh, India.  It was started in secret by Nek Chand, a government official in 1957. He worked in his spare time, may times at night, bicycling his materials into the forest, an kept it secret until 1976.  since it was on public land the authorities wanted to tear it down, however, locals fought for his creations. He won and was hired by the government to continue his work with a crew of 50 workers. Today it is spread over an area of 40 acres. The entire project was built from industrial and home waste and thrown-away items.

I just love this story and its creation.  It started from a man who saw all this destruction and waste and he decided to create something magical.  This is an amazing trait of humans and to create beauty out of what others consider trash. A trait that is useful in building up our resilience but also creates a bit of magic in our lives.

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Aries- Six of Cups

rock garden of chandigarhLast week the Tower challenged you to let go of needing to control change and to subtly navigate it by shifting your stance.  This week the Six of Cups continues the theme by having you look back in to your history for clues on how to deal with this change.

Taurus– Nine of Swords

rock garden of chandigarhThe Nine of Swords is the card of worry.   Worry can be helpful when you use it to prepare for the future or to re-think about your past.  However, the challenge with this card is to know when worry becomes nothing but thoughts that have no objective or conceives a useful action.  This week be aware where your worries take you.

*Gemini – Hermit

rock garden of chandigarhThe Hermit is the card of the perspective that one gets with solitude.  Your brain needs a break. This week the Hermit can look as simple as taking time out to read that book you been wanting to, or it can look as complex as taking a week long technology break or  silent retreat.

*Cancer – Chariot

rock garden of chandigarhThe High Priestess challenged you last week to step back, focus on the big picture, and follow your intuition.  This energy is joined with the Chariot this week.  The Chariot wants you to take what you have learned out for a test run.  The challenge with this card is working on your balance and control for the change you are creating.  This can look as simple as balancing your diet with exercise or as complex as your work and every-day life.

Leo – Knight of Swords

rock garden of chandigarhThe Knight of Swords challenges you to slow down this week.  Take time to think and act.  And be careful with your extremities. This card can foretell bumps and bruises if you don’t watch what is going on around you.

Virgo – King of Swords

rock garden of chandigarhLast week, the Hanged Man asked you to go off the beaten path and tend to your spirit to find peace and stillness.  The King of Swords continues the part of the Hanged Man energy by challenging you to take another week to ponder your spiritual needs.  However where last week it was off the beaten path, this week is more focus on the path you create to implement strategies in fulfilling those needs in the weeks to come.

Libra – Five of Swords

rock garden of chandigarhOk second five in a row. So just a quick note, fives come to teach us how we deal with the chaos in our lives.   Last week looked into how you deal with sad emotions.  This week the Five of Swords has you look at how chaos effects your mind and thoughts.  Your challenge is to see the chaos with a this too shall pass attitude.

*Scorpio – The World

rock garden of chandigarhOk week three with big cards for you.  The past two weeks the Wheel gave you the choice of changing your fortune by saying yes to opportunities, and Emperor had you build on things you said yes to. And now the World continues to challenge you putting it all together.  This is your time to say yes to expansion and growth in your life and the universe is obviously here to help.

*Sagittarius – Hierophant

rock garden of chandigarhThe month of May has been a place of big themes for you.   You had two big karma cards of Judgment-evolution and the Star – healing and hope and then the Tower came to shake your foundations and now the Hierophant.  This is the  card of boundaries, schedules, and ethics.  So you all have been making some major decisions that are healing your past, tearing down of things that aren’t working and now restructuring the new life you want.  I hope you choose to take on this challenge of change and healing, for the universe real wants to give you all a boost to a new and healthier life.

*Capricorn – Lovers

rock garden of chandigarhThe Lovers is the card of cooperation, blending, and creation.  The Lovers advises you to create something new by blending two ideas, materials or minds.  The challenge with this card is balancing the blend.  You have to think of it like seasoning a dish – add a little and taste – repeat until your mouth starts to salivate.

Aquarius – Ten of Cups

rock garden of chandigarh


The Ten of Cups represents all that is good in the world.  Your challenge is partaking in it and add to it.


Pisces – Ten of Swords

rock garden of chandigarhThe Ten of Swords is not the easiest card in the deck, but it does enlighten you to possible endings and the not so nice side of situations or people.  The best way to navigate the anti-social aspects of this card is to tune into your intuition to avoid as much of the fall out as possible.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
