Happy Solstice!
It’s that time again. Every Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror of 2023.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year the average is 7 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. I am on year 8, so let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for 2016 , 2017 , 2018 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
First, I look at overall anomalies or card pulls outside the norm: This is a look through a societal lens. This year the most pulled cards were the Fool and Sun in the Higher Arcane and Queen of Pentacles and Queen of Wands in the Lower Arcane. Interestingly the Fool was also one of the most pulled card last year. I hypothesize we are still trying to get our feet under us and figure out how to navigate post-covid life and the lessons we learned from it.
The Data
- The Fool heralds of new beginnings, leaps of faith and clean slates and challenges are naivety and foolishness. Examples in society are the idiocy around George Santos, Trump’s mishandling of documents and Elon Musk’s antics, to name a few. But also, with the Sun below we have had major new and great achievements like a cure for sickle cell and India landing on the unexplored south pole of the moon also to name a few.
- The Sun was another card we saw a lot. The Sun is a card of successes but also places where we shine a light on something that needs changing. We saw this in the strikes happening, especially highlighted in areas powered by the Sun, the creative arts. On the challenging side 2023 was the hottest year on record.
- The Queen of Pentacles and Wands – women’s issues were a big issue again this year. On the negative: women’s reproductive issues becoming more polarized. On the positive side: regulators approved the first over the counter oral contraceptive and a pill to combat postpartum depression while abortions and contraceptives are also in the courts and voting booths. Or woman allowed to vote in the Vatican for the first time. Also, these Queens rule creation and creativity. Pentacles on the material side and Wands on the arts and nature. So, no wonder Taylor Swift and the Barbie movie were the queens this year. Topping the ranks in popularity, cash, and creativity.
The lowest card pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the Universe. The lowest card was the Page of Swords- only pulled once this year. This card’s energy is around information and our access to it. The universe did not give us easy access to the truth. Then we had some ties for the next tier, 2 times for the year, the Hermit and the six of wands. So, if you needed solitude that may have been hard to find, or you had to fight for it. And even though you may have had small success we still have big issues that we are still at war with, the continuation of all the injustice, literal war and poverty, that need to be worked on.
So that is the big societal trends. And below in the cast are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm.
Solar System highlights until the end of the Year
This week the moon starts in Pisces – spend time relaxing and daydreaming. On Tuesday it moves into Aries – wrap up work for the end of year. Thursday is Solstice, the longest night of the year. On Friday the moon moves into Taurus great for hanging with family and friends. On Sunday moves into Gemini – watch how you communicate. Then on Tuesday December 26 a full moon in Cancer- cuddle up with the ones you love and partake in some self-care. On December 29 the moon moves into Leo – your time to shine and on New Year’s Eve the moon is in Scorpio so have fun but not too much fun 😉.
Mercury is in retrograde until January first. So be extra safe when travel and be prepared for things not always going as plan. So have plans B and C in the wings. Mercury is in Capricorn (discipline) until Dec 23rd, so we move from experimentation of our communication to implementation on what we learned, but again go slow. And don’t worry, you get to re-tweak and experiment when Mercury rolls back into Sagittarius at the end of December. Mars (action) is in Sagittarius (exploration) until the end of the year wanting us to investigate and expand our horizons. While Venus (beauty and harmony) has moved into Scorpio (passion and release) until the end of the year so this is a perfect time to enjoy the height of the winter/summer season. And a time to release what causes disruption in your life.
The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.
****And the pictures are my favorites from the year.
Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast until January 1st, so I’ll “see” you all in 2024.

This year compared to other signs was an average year. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. Your bigger energies were also evenly placed throughout the year with about two high energies each month. So, this year had an even pace to it. Though your purpose or why you are here, and concepts around justice and fairness were also heavily highlighted. This year you also had the highest amounts of 10s compared to other signs. This signified that there were more moments of endings then the rest of us. Look back for two big success and one that was a very challenging one. And like most of the signs you had a lot of Queens which represent creation and nature. In comparison, even though you had challenges it was nothing like the challenges of 2022. Take these next two weeks to consider what your main focus to be in 2024 and then list what you need to put in place for it to happen, so you are better resourced in 2024.

You had around the average amount of big energies as other signs this year. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. But the year started slow and by April and May you were bombarded with energies – going back and forth from challenges to huge growth spurts. You had a small lull in June but by July you were back with another slew of big energies to work through that had to do with creating new beginnings that were more hopeful and optimistic then the start of the year. You need this shot of optimism because at the end of the year you had more chaos, 5’s, then other signs. But even with all these challenges you ended this year with your heart open and finding a place of family and harmony. And like most of the signs this was a big year of creative feminine energy though you added deep heart work into the mix. As you head into 2024 let your imagination play with what new things you want to grow in the coming year and what new aspects of yourself you would like to evolve.

This year you had the average amount of karmic or big energy compared to the other signs. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. These big energies were also evenly distributed throughout the year. The interesting trend is that you were working often with the Lovers card – which is the one of the life cards of Gemini. So, you were working on the concept of relationship and communication throughout 2023. Though interestingly you had the least number of court cards, and those draws, like most of the signs, centered around the queens i.e.: creation. So that means the relationship theme was less around actual people and more around the bigger concepts about relationships and how you personally communicate. So, questions like what aspects create a bond for you, what do you strive for on the giving side of a relationship, what expectations do you have in return and how do you communicate these aspects to others. And because you had the highest eights than other signs during the end of the year. The concept of refining and releasing will be important to ponder these next two weeks, especially around relationships and communication, and take that information into 2024.

You had the average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. Though they were mostly bunched up from May to the beginning of September, the summer was full. And unlike most of the signs you did not deal with the theme of clean slates. Instead, you worked on a variety of themes like distraction, deep dives into emotions, relationships, evolution and healing. Now you did have the highest amount of court cards compared to other signs, so people in general were a played a big part of your life in 2023. And like other signs the queens were the most seen. So, creation was a theme but also you were diving into your emotions around work, why you work and do you play enough. Take the next two weeks considering how you would like to evolve what method and manner you will balance work and play in 2024.

You had the average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. You all decided to step away from your life card the Sun so did not work on how you shine. But you more than made up that energy by stepping into the unknown and cleaning slate themes of 2023, drawing the most Fool cards then other signs. Also, most of these big themes happened in the summer and the end of this year. The interesting thing with you all is while most of the other signs were investigating the feminine, you also took a dive into the masculine energies. So, working and creating action steps were something you were asked by the muses to also peruse. You also had the highest number of tens. Tens are energies around final chapters, emotional, physical, and mental. You had a hard time navigating the spirit though the ending energies of 2023 seem to be leading you to shore up the physical plane so you can dive into to the more ethereal one in 2024.

You had the average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into working your shine. But no cleaning of slates for you. No, you all, about every 4 months, dove into the Devil card. This energy often brings up old lessons to make sure you have learned all you need to around more challenging subjects amidst a plethora of distractions. You and one other sign had the most aces. So, these challenges of the past were wanting you to start and grow new beginnings that were actually new, though the distraction made it hard to finish anything. You like most of the signs also had a lot of Queens’ energy pushing you to create and or get out into more nature. As you roll into the new year make sure you tag which seedlings you planted in 2023 that you want to mature in 2024. So weed wisely.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy this year compared to the other signs. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. Through most of the year you pulled about two of the bigger energies each month. In the beginning you were working on healing a lot then by summer then universe turned down the volume a notch. But by October the energies start to swirl around you again. And like everyone else you had a lot of Queens, but most of your feminine energy was around investigating nature and your creativity. Also, the Universe gave you a few surprises which you will not see in its completion until 2024. So, if you did your healing work 2024 looks to be a pretty dynamic year.

This year you all were dealt the highest amount, (20 times average was 15) of karmic energy compared to the other signs. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. You also delved into themes of your purpose, deconstruction, evolution, justice, focus, strength building, deep emotional work, finding the middle path, starting again, endings. The interesting thing is through out this year you also had the highest number of 8’s pulled. Eights are the energies of refining and releasing. So, though you all were dealt with a lot of big karmic themes, for most of you this wasn’t a totally redo. This year was intended for you to fine tune what exists and release what is no longer needed. And like most of the signs, Queens’ energy ruled. So, this was a year of creation especially on the physical and emotional planes. So, since this year worked your soul’s muscles take these next two weeks to rest and ponder on simplification and what one or two things you would like to focus your energy on in 2024.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy compared to the other signs this year. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. However, those big energies were mostly grouped during February and March and then September. The first dealing with beginnings, evolution structures and hermiting. The second round was about purpose, resting, healing, structures and building upon what is already there. Making this year feel intense then adjusting and intense again. Whether that intensity was good or bad it had seeds of change in it. You also like most of the signs had the most queens = creativity but unlike most of the signs you had all the suits of Queens. So, your creativity was an exploration of mind, body, heart, and soul. So, take these next two weeks to ponder how you handled and healed from the actions of change you took in 2023 and then integrate this new skill into 2024.

Happy Birthday Month! You all had a lower-than-average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2023. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. Your other karmic themes were harmony, inner strength, distraction, and purpose. The interesting aspect that sets you apart for the rest of us is your investigation into the different kinds of change: self-propelled change as well as change you are not in control of as well as organic change. Your other deviation from the “norm” is where most of the signs delved mostly with the Queens/creativity you decided to work with the whole court. So not only were you creating but you were moving, learning, and building. And like last year you are ending this year with a big bang of karmic energy. The muses would like you to work with the concept of organic change. Spend the next two weeks pulling what isn’t useful out of your life and getting your proverbial soil ready to plant by the end of January 2024.

You all decided to take the road less traveled and did not follow any of the trends. First you all had a lower-than-average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2023. And unlike most of the signs you did not deal with the themes of clean slates and shine. Instead, you worked on growth, structures, relationships distractions, healing, fairness, manifestation and learning to deal with change you have no control over. Though you dabbled in creativity, your big court cards where the knights, so you all were always on the move. You also had most 7s than other signs. Sevens are the cards that focus on expansion and contraction. So you all were moving in all directions. Take this next two weeks to plant your feet firmly in the ground and get your bearings before you leap into 2024.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2023. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into clean slates, leaps of fate and working your shine. You also explored themes of relationships, manifestation, healing, and handling change you have no control over. But you also had the theme of harmony and the middle path throughout the year. However, because you had the lowest amount of court cards, ie: it wasn’t a big people year, you focused on King’s action of building instead of the free-form creation of the Queens. The harmony was more of an internal balancing than an externally motivated one. So, take these next two weeks pondering on how to continue your growth while navigating the more tempered middle path of harmony.
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