I was lucky enough to be able to work with and then fell in love with the Emperor Tamarin monkeys, above, at the San Francisco Zoo. And I wanted to share some god news.
Tamarins as a species are about the size of a squirrel. Their body size ranges from 5 to 12 inches and weigh 8 to 32 ounces. The genus’ habitats are the tropical rainforests in Central America through upper South America. They are omnivores eating fruits, plant parts, insects, small vertebrates and birds’ eggs. They do cooperative rearing where the whole troupe takes care of the young, a baby can hop from one member to another. And members have been noted to bring the baby to the mother when it is hungry.
Also, scientists have found that Cotton Top tamarins do better in experiments when they work cooperatively then when they work alone. Most of the 31 species are doing well in the wild, except for the Golden Lion, Cotton Top, Pied, and White Footed Tamarin which are endangered or critical. However, they as a species are now living in a forest that is burning.
The reason for the increase is fires is two-fold and a vicious cycle. First, fire is used to clear cut land for agricultural and ranching. Secondly, July and August which is normally rainy was drier and now the area is heading into the dry season that last through November. Which can lead to more fires which leads to less forests which help create drier climate. Good news: On September 6, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname signed a pact, setting up a disaster response network, satellite monitoring and agreed to work on reforestation of the Amazon. So maybe the tamarins have a chance if we like them work together.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Five of Wands – The Five of Wands forecasts chaos ruling this week, and this chaos is not in your favor. It can be highly distracting from your path and cause you to misstep. The challenge is how to skirt the pandemonium. One way is delaying decisions or answers. Like saying “let me think on it.” The other is flat out saying “no, I am too busy this week.” As Winston Churchill said: You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.

Seven of Wands – The past 3 weeks have been big. With the Chariot, driving you to make transformations happen. Then the High Priestess advised to do some deep reference work on the how and why of those alterations. Then Judgment, the card of evolution, heralded that you are prime for an ascension. Whew, now you get a breather with the Seven of Wands. Well kinda. This card means you are going to have to stand up for yourself and this new transformation. Do not let others block your way. This week fight and be as loyal to your goals as you would for a friend’s.

Six of Cups – The past has information for you to help you this week. Especially if you have a feeling of Deja vu . This means you are in the right place at the right time and there is a message in that moment. Your song for the week: History Repeating

Two of Cups – The Two of Cups forecast that this week is all about relationships. Take this week to drink in and pour out the love. The challenge with this card is making sure that the relationships you put effort into are balanced in the arena of giving and receiving.

*World – Opportunities abounds this week with the World card. The big lesson with this card is to walk through as many literally or metaphorical doors as possible and try on as many metaphorical shoes. This is a week were saying yes sets you up for exploration of your self and your surroundings. The only challenge with this card is feeling as if after you have taken the opportunity you can’t back out. That is not the case, this week is about seeing which opportunity fits the best. This can be as simple as trying on a bunch of new looks (hair color, hats, glasses, shoes) and seeing which one you want the new you to look like, or trying a variety of new foods. Or as complex as sending out your resume to places you always wanted to work just for the fun of it.

King of Coins – The King of Coins is materializer. This week he comes with energy to make stuff happen in the realms of work, finance, and real estate. The challenge with this card is greed- intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. So, if you remember to share this week, it can be very prosperous for you in more ways than just on the material plane.

Ten of Coins – The Ten of Coins brings prosperity, positive outcomes and a sense of well-being. This week things just seem to work out. The challenge with this card is if they don’t work out realizing they were not meant to be, and it is time to let them go.

Eight of Coins – Last week with the Empress it was a great time to plant seeds, start new projects and nurture what is already in the works. The Empress energized growing anything you want to, but the challenge was that anything you start will take at least 9-10 months to full mature. Well the Eight of Coins gives you another week of ease to work on what you started last week. The only challenge with this card is not starting over when you see a problem or thinking you can’t do it. Knowing you can master any problem with just a few tweaks is key. Motto: You got this.

Four of Cups – The Four of Cups is the card of introspection and gratitude. It is a great time to navel gaze and do some inner work on yourself. The challenge with this card is not seeing that the outside world as important as your inner world. You must water both for growth., and the key to that is using gratitude to see the positivity in both.

Ace of Coins – Last week, the Wheel of Fortune, card of chance and changing of fortunes, challenged you to take chances. So, you could see that success is not always measured in winning but in believing in yourself, and giving your dreams a chance to manifest. Now with this knowledge and belief in self, the Ace of Coins forecasts now is the time to start projects on the material plane. This week plant the seeds of your next fortune.

King of Swords – The King of Swords comes to lend you his power of foresight, so this is a great week to make plans. The challenge is looking not one or two steps ahead but 4 to 10 steps. The farther out you plan for – the less effort it will take to make those plans turn into actions.

Queen of Coins – The Queen of Coins comes to reminds you that feeling luxury is important in your life. She loves to prompt you that life isn’t worth living if you don’t live it. She asks what small thing can make your life comfier or more luxurious. Is it a sweet treat? Or a nice bottle of wine/beer? A hammock? Watching the game with friends? Staying in your PJs all day? Your challenge doing a little something nice every day for yourself.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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