This week’s artist is Jason DeMarte is a digital artist that combines images of fabricated nature with commercially processed products. This juxtapose of natural and unnatural elements having the viewer questions what is real. Real being defined as (of substance or thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine. We are surrounded by both natural and commercially produced landscapes. This is the modern terrain that not only that humans need to navigate but in modern times other living beings. As half the world heads into the season of consumerism, let’s make sure that when we give and in our gratitudes we highlight and try not to be lead away from those things that are real.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

*Chariot – The Chariot brings you back into that high energy saddle this week. The energy helps you with the processes of change. The benefit of this force is that change is your hands solely. This can also be the challenge. The more balanced you are with your goals the easier the change can happen.

King of Coins – This week’s energy is about building upon your empire. Whether that is physical making things happen in your home. Getting that honey-to-do list down or if it is about building your business prospects. This is a great week to get things done. The only challenge with this energy is not to start new something brand new. This is energy is best used with things already in process.

Page of Wands – This card’s energy pertains to you re-igniting your passion. This is best done by doing things that bring awe into your life. Whether that is doing art or being in nature or just going out to museums, music venues, or national parks, the goal is to re-inspire you.

*World – The World is here for another week of opportunities. The beauty of this card is that it is opportunities in all areas, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. The challenge with this energy is taking a world view when trying them out. Ask questions like: Does this get me to where I want to be in five years? Does this feel right? Is this interesting to me? Does it connect to my purpose?

Ten of Swords – Last week, Devil card showed up testing you on what you stand for. Well the Ten of Swords continues that theme but the push back from others may feel more intense. The best way to deal with this card is be very attuned to your intuition about situations. If the back of your neck prickles up, turn around and walk away. And if you must go into a situation put up your shields. The challenge is not to let your ego rule your behavior.

Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands embodies all the muses. This energy is best used to promote your inner artist. Whether that is the arts in all its forms, the art of parenting, or the art of creating the best chocolate chip cookie. This week use this energy to create for the joy of creation. The only challenge is balancing focus and flexibility.

*Empress – Where last week the Death card energy was about letting something die off, this week the Empress comes in with strong growth energy. Wow this is a magnificent combination. I hope last week you did some weeding of things not working in your life, so you created room for the Empress’s energy. Because the Empress is the highest energy card of growth. The seeds you plant now the universe will help you grow to fruition in 9 to 10 months.

The Knight of Cups – The energy this week is about vulnerability. The Knight of Cups is the champion of the heart. This is a time to wear your heart on your sleeve. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path. – Brenne Brown Daring Greatly.

Ten of Coins – Great week to start off your birth month. The Ten of Coins is the card of physical completions with the balance of enjoying life with all your senses. So, get things done this week on the physical plane, but then after the work sit back and enjoy. (Lol for those that celebrate Thanksgiving this is easy, work Monday through Wednesday and eat and be merry Thursday through Sunday. For those that don’t celebrate it try to do the same with equaling work and play.)

Ace of Swords – Decision making time. This card energy promotes making decisions, increasing your knowledge and just all-around thinking. This is a great week to plan, schedule, sign documents, philosophizes with friends.

Knight of Swords – The energy this week is high, but you need not get caught up in the rush. This will be a challenge for you, but you need to slow your roll. Before walking out of the door, into a situation, and/or crossing the street. Take a breath, know where you are going, and look both ways before moving forward. It is easy for you to take on others’ rushing energy this week, but I advise you your cooler calmer head is needed. I always add with this card be conscious of your appendages – mindlessness can make you sprain an ankle or cut yourself.

Four of Coins – The Four of Coin’s energy has you grasping for time, space, and/or money. When this card arrives, it is telling you that you are feeling ungrounded. But you do not need to grasp so tightly to the physical realm. This week is best worked by finding the one thing you can control the best as your grounding point and let the rest go.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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