Who doesn’t like rocks and crystals? Crystals are minerals made up of atoms that are in regular, repeated arrangements that have facets. For example, quartz is a crystal made up of silicon dioxide, or table salt is made of sodium chloride ions in a lattice like pattern. Rocks/Stones are the combination of two or more minerals and organic material. So, rocks are minerals, but minerals are never rocks.
The artist this week, Maassimilano Pelleti takes the classical style of sculpting with stone to a new level. Euro-classical sculpture is usually done in marble. Marble is a metamorphic rock that forms when limestone (a sedimentary rock) is subjected to the heat and pressure of metamorphism. It is primarily composed of the mineral calcite with clay, quartz, pyrite, iron oxides and/or graphite. The goal in classical stone sculpture is to tame the rock to mimic living fauna and flora. However, Pelleti emphasis the stone, making the image feels as if it is still morphing into or possibly out of the human form. Since we are made up of the same atoms as rocks this becomes a question of what is life?
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
Eight of Coins – The last three weeks you have been running with some high universe energy. The Wheel of Fortune having you trying to change your fortune. The Hermit advising pulling away from civilization and using this solitude creating, experimenting, and philosophizing. Then the Empress advising you to put that energy into a new concept/idea that will come to term in about 9 to 10 months. Luckily, you have the Eight of Coins this week to continue this process of materializing aspects of this project. The big hint is you already have all the skills that are needed. This week is just about honing those skills.
Ace of Swords – This week’s energy is about making decisions and changing mindsets to a clearer and possible new direction path. This is a great week to plan, learn, think, and communicate. The key is finding new ways of thought and communication to help clear your path.

Three of Coins – Cooperation and collaboration is essential this week to get anything done. Asking for help is key to finding easier and clearer solutions.
King of Cups – The last two weeks have had you running some high energy. With the World card presenting a variety of opportunities and new beginnings. Then the Sun card focusing appropriate energies on these new areas that you have chosen. This week slows down with the King of Cups. This King asks you to work with your emotions. Practicing not only how to emote your emotions without harming others, but also accepting any emotions that come up. Vulnerability is the key to courage this week.
*Devil – Where last week was innocence this week takes on darker elements. The Devil card shows up testing you on what you stand for. Think of the trials this week as your final exams. You have learned you lessons now can you practice them? This can look as simple as you preach or complain about people being late and you end up three hours late to work. Or as complex as you lying to someone dear to you, so they don’t get hurt. This week practice what you preach. Stand in your morals do not let the outside world influence what you know to be best.
Six of Coins – The Six of Coin foretells this week is all about mini occurrences of karma. The more positive you put out in the world the more positive you get back. Of course, this works for negative energies too. The challenge is this karma takes convoluted routes and has its own timing.
*Death – The Death card shows up when something in your life needs to die off so something else can grow in its place. The great thing is the universe will be helping you make this transition. The challenge is you will have to put some energy in weeding the old and seeding the new, but the universe will help with the growth.
*High Priestess – Ok you get another karmic card to work with the coming year. Last week, the Hierophant declared that 2020 is the year to create or shore up your structures and institutions. The challenge will be dealing with self-judgment and possible judgement of others. Next year it will be vital for you to be flexible, compassionate and empathetic, so that the structures you create don’t bind but bend. Now, you can add the feminine version of the Hierophant- the High Priestess. This card suggests that working with the big picture, questions of purpose, knowledge, and spirit will also be important in 2020. This will help with your challenges from the Hierophant card. The challenge with the Priestess is finding time and space to ponder these big questions. Retreats will be as necessary as creating your civilization in the coming year.
Knight of Swords – Last week, The Fool suggested letting loose and be a more carefree. Challenging you to find new places to visit, encounter new people, roam byways less traveled. I.e. Answering the call of the wild, the mystery of the unknown… This week continues this theme of discovery BUT the Knight of Swords warns you to slow your roll and be more careful while exploring. Your warning is not to be the fool running in where angels fear to tread. Side note: always with this card I caution to be careful with your appendages.
Six of Swords –The important energy this week is simplification. Working smarter – not harder is the theme. Also, when this card shows up its always a good time to take small trips or find time to hang out around or in water to clear your mind.
Ten of Coins – Your second ten card in a row, so let’s dive into the meaning of tens. Tens are about the completion of cycles but also being in that completion. Last week, the Ten of Cups ask you to literally count your blessings, noticing and feeling your blisses that you have created. Now the Ten of Coins has you completing physical tasks. This can be cleaning out your inbox or getting ten things crossed of your to-do list. The challenge is that you will need to work but you will need equal time to relax. Motto: All work and no play – makes Jill/Jack a dull person.
Five of Swords – The Five of Swords warns this can be a week of tension especially around conversations and thoughts. This is not a good week to get into heavy discussions for they can easily turn into battles. The best way to work with this energy is to turn up your empathy knobs. Standing in others shoes this week can lower the conflict thresholds.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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