As children we all enjoyed creating tiny scenes of real life with our matchbox cars, fisher price toys and dolls. These small imaginative scenes and landscapes where places we could control, experiment and process what we saw in the world. Artist Curtis Talwst Santiago builds modern day vignettes range from seemingly pastoral moments to scenes of social strife in jewelry boxes.
These figures and scenes narrate part of a story. Though some of these pieces are literally in portraying a brutal act, others like the one above suggests the imminent doom, the vulnerability of the deer outside the protection of the forest. Or the like the piece in Cancer’s tarotcast with the left-over chains on the rock and cart portraying the aftermath of a slave being sold. By putting these scenes in jewelry boxes he makes these act of unease precious lessons – gifts of history that should not be forgotten or put on a shelf not dealing with the darker side of humanity.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

*Empress – Wow third major card in a row. You have been running with some high universe energy the past couple of weeks and this week continues that octane injection. First the Wheel of Fortune foretold the only aspect of luck you can control was showing up and spinning the wheel. Then the Hermit advised pulling away from civilization and using this solitude creating, experimenting, philosophizing. Now the Empress advises you to keep one foot in seclusion and the other out in society, while you are growing and creating. This is a perfect time to put energy into a new concept/idea that will come to term in about 9 to 10 months. She asks: What seeds are you going to plant?

King of Wands – This card advises you to spend this week like a scientist. Learn by experimentation. Know that mistakes and miscues give you better data for improvement than victories or gains. Most of my advances were by mistake. You uncover what is when you get rid of what isn’t. R. Buckminster Fuller

Queen of Swords – This card advises paying attention to details while working and especially before making decisions. Read the fine print. Read between the lines. Follow the recipe. However, this detail-oriented rabbit hole is very alluring to you, so make sure you have a goal and a time limit before you traverse down it. The devil is in the details – idiom

*Sun – Last week, the World card showed up presenting you with a variety of opportunities and new beginnings. This hopefully expanded your horizons to new territories. This week the Sun has shone up(lol). This card advises focusing your energy on these new areas that you have chosen. The challenge is figuring out what intensity to do so. For example, a laser like focus is best used to cut out bad growth so new growth can bud. Where a soft ambient focus will allow things to grow but at a slower rate. Shine on moonchild.
Page of Cups – This week is all about getting in touch with your inner child. Pull out your crayons, get out your bubble bath, play in the rain or snow. The task is about rekindling your heart. Life is about joy. This week you’re being challenged to go find it. Second star to the right and straight on til morning – JM Barre – Peter Pan

Four of Swords – This week’s energy is about taking care of yourself. Most likely, unbeknownst to you your immune system is taxed, your tired and your focus is blurring. So do some preventive medicine: Take some time to chill, wash your hands, go to bed early, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Ace of Swords – Last week, the Hierophant card showed up wanting you to create or work on the structures and institutions in your life. Now the Ace of Swords continues that theme with an emphasis on deciding and making that happen. If you have been hemming and hawing over something, pull the switch. It is time.
*Hierophant – Ok so this is your big karma card for the coming year. The Hierophant declares that 2020 is the year to create or shore up your structures and institutions. This can look like going back to school or getting more certifications, creating a balanced schedule of work, play and self-care, creating or building upon traditions, getting to know your personal morals, and spirit. The challenge with this year is dealing with self-judgment and possible judgement of others. The hard work is around being flexible, compassionate and empathetic, so that the structures you create don’t bind but bend. Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind – Bruce Lee
*Fool – The Fool suggest this week to let loose and be a more carefree. When this card shows up it challenges you to find new places to visit, encounter new people, roam byways less traveled. Rediscover your freedom by driving down open roads, meandering paths, moving just for the joy of moving. Your horsey side needs to run. Answer the call of the wild, the mystery of the unknown…
Knight and Three of Coins – The Knight comes to tell you that you are on the right path and challenges you to slow your pace. Slow and steady wins this week. Then the Three of Coins adds that cooperation and collaboration also ease the journey. The challenge is picking your companions wisely – only the ones that build you and your projects up. No time for naysayers this week.
Ten of Cups – This card is about noticing and bring bliss back into your life. Take this week to literally count your blessings. Put them all on a sheet of paper and hang it on your mirror to see each day. Acknowledge all the abundance that you have and have created. Life is good. If you aren’t feeling the Love, then it is time to reassess. You are idealizing or being unrealistic of your expectations.

Nine of Coins – the Nine of Coins foretells the best way to get things done this week is in solitude or letting in only those you feel safe and secure with. It is not that “the others” are bad they are just distracting and tend to overstep boundaries. The challenge is putting out your do not disturb sign and not feeling guilt, so just add to it: sorry I’m busy. Rain check.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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