This week’s artist is Hung Lui @hungluiartist who just passed in August. She is a painter and often created mixed-media installations around her paintings. Hung’s style is layered not only technically but also in context. She uses layered brushstrokes combined with washes of linseed oil to create her paintings. Her portraits are of refuges, prisoners, prostitutes and the forgotten. Her installations might have one piece, a broom, clock, or cup paired with the painting. Or be a mountain of railroad tracks surrounded and leading to a pile of fortune cookies.
These items bring us into her pieces like a smell leads us to memory or an object starts a dream. Then as we awaken and remember, we hold on to an aspect that is vivid and punctuated but the whole is blurred. Hung’s art feels as if she is summoning ghosts. As she says “When I moved to the West, exactly half a lifetime ago, I carried my ghosts with me. The ghosts I carry are a burden, but also a blessing.” Your pondering for this week: seeing your ghosts as blessings.
Solar System highlights: This week the Moon starts in Virgo– it’s all about organizing and cleaning until the 8th. Then the Moon goes into Libra and a focus on relationships. And finally, into Scorpio for the weekend- time for finding some fun. Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends. Venus is in Libra until the September 10th – enjoy your relationships and work with the energy around equity. And then it moves into Scorpio to add more positive energy to the weekend vibe. Mars is in its last week in Virgo – clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Judgment – Last week’s energy was about co-creation, and the Muse of Evolution takes it to the next level. Time to push your self out of the same old – same old and evolve into a new you. If you could become any type of chimerical creature, what would you be? A Merlion? A Catantram? Your challenge this week to answer – What are the best qualities of your peers and mentors that you want to add to you?

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure is here to help you with your Achilles heel, over- doing. If you make a structure so airtight, you make the building and its inhabitants unable to breathe. Or so impenetrable, you stifle creativity. Your work this week is about balancing work with play. All work kills creativity. All play ends up not getting you to the goals you have set. So, how can you build a sense of a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely?

Five of Coins – This week’s energy can highlight a sense of lack in your life. So, the Helper Muse has come to highlight you are not alone nor totally lacking. Though this week is hard it is not doomed. There are gifts to this week. But you must reach out to acquire them. This Muse reminds you that focusing energy on only the negative feeds it. Her advice, starve the worry and feed the hope.

*Lovers – The Muse of Co-Creation recommends looking at who and/or what you are partnering with to create this part of your life. She advises call on your likeminded friends and do some deep imagining. Or ingest some literature or music that inspires you. Spend some time with your favorite material or tool and make something. Bring into your life the people, things and ideas that make you a better you.

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Family is highlighted this week. She reminds you that family are the people that support you. They can be the ones you are born with but are also the ones you have gathered. Time to connect with your peeps and deepen your roots.

*Star – Your third and Big Karmic energy to work with this year is the Muse of Healing. This year, magic is flowing around you to help restore and rediscover your purpose. As you leave behind the past, pick up the lessons and move into a brighter future. The lesson this Muse has is that wounds leave scar tissue, and these areas must still be tended to and stretched often. You have all year to work with this energy, but this week spend time with your bruises and wounds and see which ones still need mending.

Two of Wands – The Muse of the Future is here to activate your imagination and set some goals for you to work on into 2022. If nothing was in your way, would your goals change? This Muse wants you to ponder obtainable and seemly unattainable goals. She then asks you what is in your way to get to these seemly inaccessible aspirations. Compare them to the strengths that make your obtainable goals possible. Work on areas where there is crossover.

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Nature is calling to you. Animals and plants are calling you to impart their wisdom. Whether it is the resilience of a dandelion growing in sidewalk, the focus of a dog finding a scent, the joyous song of a bird, the fragile beauty of a butterfly or the contentment of a cat finding the perfect spot to rest. Nature is giving you clues on aspects in your life that you need to work on.

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love is here. Whether you are in a relationship or not this energy advises you to share some part of you. The more you joyfully fill another’s cup the more your cup will be filled with joy. The challenge is if it does not bring the joy then you are sharing that negative energy in a loop, so try something new or quit and move on.

*Hermit – The Muse of Hermitage has called you back to the cave. This energy comes when you need to gain perspective by pulling back from society. But the challenge is you can not completely withdraw. So, your pondering becomes: How can you hang out your open sign without being bombarded by the crowds? Think about the paradox of honesty and stealth. Like being that spooky shop that is on some back alley. You know it is open but it hard to get to its exact location.

*Justice – The Muse of Truth has come to help align you to your purpose or to help you find a solution to a problem. However, this energy holds you accountable for your actions and words. If you are aligned with your divine or searching for a truth to aid, then no worries. However, is you are not aligned or hunting up a “good story” then be careful, for Justice is swift.

Three of Swords – The Muse of Heartache is here with tissues and a shoulder if you need one. This week can be rough and triggering. First be kind to yourself. And secondly, be aware you are being triggered because something is not aligned to your heart purpose. Either it is an old hurt or hole that needs mending. Tend to it this week.
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