The artist this week is Ute Milotich. Milotich’s paintings are the collision of the real and the existential. There is a boldness to her color choices and subjects that invigorates and yet firmly grounds the viewer. There lies a duality of solidity and motion in almost all her paintings. As she says I paint to explore what it means to be human now. Everything is in motion, everything changes over time, sometimes quietly, sometimes dramatically. In my paintings, I strive to capture a glimpse of a person or a fleeting moment in the richness of human experience.
It makes sense Milotich nods to Anne Dillard as inspiration. Dillard also uses the technique of deeply seeing through the real finding the spiritual. Dillard does this to an exception in her book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Deep seeing or deep listening is about staying in the moment passing through the uncomfortable to a place of new understanding. Often when doing this we find a connection or new meaning. It is interesting that Milotich pulls this quote from the Dillard’s book I cannot cause light; the most I can do is try to put myself in the path of its beam. This is what painters do they see the light bouncing off the object and then try to replicate it on the canvas, like an artistic prism. So, we as the viewer/reader ponder what to I take in and how does it beam back into the world?
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*World – The muses keep pushing energy at you to finish projects. This week is a great time to end cycles. Success and completion are at hand. But just as vital as checking off your to-do lists is celebrating that you have. You are on the verge of new things, but old baggage needs to be dealt with to move on. Do it and raise a glass to your accomplishments and the future.

Queen of Cups – The energy this week ask you to find places of joy. This can be dancing to music in your living room, have a stich and bitch session with friends, get rowdy and watch sports with your crew or having a pillow fight with your kids. (of course safely distancing or virtually) This energy is about in-joying your life. That place of fun that rises you above self-thought with a hint of blissful abandon at the same time connecting you to your core.

*Priestess – Ancient ancestor wisdom is waiting on the other side of the door. This week is about working in the realm of the subtle. Use your intuition as your compass to navigate its mists. Look for cycles and synchronicities to leading you to find gems of wisdom laying behind the curtain, under your sofa, out your window or out of the mouth of strangers as you pass by.

Nine of Wands – The muse this week advises to shore up your boundaries. You have work to do and the outside world may try to intrude. Follow through, finish up loose ends, these are the activities that are supported by the universe. Your job is to stand firm and make yourself your first priority.

*Judgement – Your muse this week is here to help your awakening. To help move you to your next step. To do so you must accept your flaws are rooted in your humanness. Find ways to incorporate them as positive influences instead of distractions. This Muse reminds you that only being honest about your blunders of the past can you use them to burst out of the cocoon of inertia and self-doubt.

Nine of Swords – Virgo now finishing your birth month you discover this coming year a field of passionate beginnings, clearer paths, and strategies, and muses that will frolic and co-create with you a space of safety. This coming year energy is about rebirth, regeneration, and metamorphosis. But before you start your journey you need to befriend the muse of fear and doubts. This energy is not a tiger in wait but a scared kitten needing your consolation.

Eight of Swords – The energy this week can feel claustrophobic from within and without. Many of these swarming thoughts and duties when looked at closely are not yours. You have accepted them, but they are not yours to hold. It is time to let negative thought patterns go. However, part of the problem is also your need to control situations and outcomes, but you are creating codependent behavior with those around you. Let go of the control so others can learn their own power.

Two of Wands – The energy this week highlights being in the present. The energy feels on the onset like torpor but when looking closely and deeply you can study the subtle moments of the small. Exercises like eating a rasin, watching rain fall on a window pane for 30 minutes, watch ants going in and out of a hill or feel the subtle aspects of wash your hands for two minutes. Finding the moments between the breath in and out is to find a place of peace within the actions of life.

Queen of Coins – The energy this week is still vibrating on the material plane. This muse wants you to work hard and play harder. She reminds you that the reason you work is to create. She asks are you indulging in the finer aspects of your creation. All work and no play makes Jill/Jack a dull human.

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation walks with you this week. She facilitates calling down your energy and to create on the material plane. The challenge is realizing you have all you need to conjure up the divine. You have collected the material and tools you need. Use your imagination to work with what you have. It is enough and so are you.

*Emperor and Five of Wands – So you have two energies to work with this week. The first is about work and building upon your empire. This is a great week for projects, getting things off your to do list, working with your hands. However, the other energy is chaos and competition, which can distract you. So, you can put on your blinders and get to your work, or you can practice your skills of charm and cajoling to get what you want done. The latter route will find you more allies in the coming weeks, and the former, you will get more done. Your choice.

Six of Wands – Last week’s energy hopefully implanted the clarity of self-compassion and self-forgiveness for a past transgression. Opening yourself to a lighter and enlighten future that is more in tune with your divine nature. This week shines a light on you. The challenge is can you except the limelight. This is not a week to hide in the shadows but step out into the light.
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