To continue this month’s theme of eeriness, the eye and mind moves to Surrealism. The artist this week is Leonora Carrington, 1917-2011. Carrington is a writer, painter, and sculptor. She was amongst the male surrealist of the time, but as were many of the woman in that circle was consider the muse more than the talent. Carrington was framed as femme enfant (woman child) by her male counterparts. But as Carrington once said, “I didn’t have time to be anyone’s muse…I was too busy rebelling against my family and learning to be an artist.” Living longer than any of the surrealist of that period, she painted 1,500-2,000 paintings, an array of sculptures, books (The Hearing Trumpet is consider a must read) and various short essays.
She creates as all surrealists from the flow between conscious and the unconscious. Carrington’s centers her work around the investigation of her personal mythos coming from Catholicism, Jewish mysticism, Jungian, tarot, and her Celtic roots. And her subjects are a blending of humanity, machine, and animal. Making them familiar yet at the same time fantastical and dream-like. She points the viewer to investigate how our own integration of “I” and our environment influence our psyche and our imagination. Carrington explored the enigma of being over her eighty-year career. Summing up her life and work she said, “The only thing I know, is that I don’t know.”
Your pondering for the week: How does your environment effect your imagination?
Solar Systems Highlights
The Moon starts this week in Taurus – great for grounding and starting with a steady flow for the work week. Then Thursday it goes into Gemini – conversations and exchanges of information become the focus. Then for the weekend we have the relaxing vibe of Cancer reminding us that self-care and nurturing is an important aspect of our home life.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) joins Venus in Libra to help you smooth some of the snafus that Mars is churning up. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Libra (relationships), asking us to tune into our loved ones needs, working together, equity, and finding common ground. Mars (action) is in Gemini, where it stays until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter is in Aries; it supports action and expansion until October 28th. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its intention.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Seven of Cups – Last week the Muse of Inaction asked you to slow your role for another week. Pointing out that blockades were times to rethink your plans, or the universe needed more time to get aspects in place. This week the Muse of Dreams continues the advice of holding off, but she is telling to use this time to contemplate your goals and dreams. Either you are not dreaming big enough or you are not being realistic. You need to adjust your dreams where they stretch your imagination without collapsing reality.

Five of Swords – This week’s energy churns around dealing with aspects of conflict and injustices. The Muse of Ego aids you by asking you to better define who you are and what you stand for. Her lessons and teachings highlight how our ego plays into how we navigate through society for good or worse. Ultimately, she asks you to truthfully walk your talk but also do it with humility and grace.

Four of Swords – The Muse of Restoration advices you to find swathes of time to unplug and rest. This muse shows up when we are near mental exhaustion but haven’t realized it yet. Take breaks this week and find activities that replenish your mental and physical reservoirs.

Eight of Swords – Last week the Muse of Disruption tried to teach you deconstruction before reconstruction. That lesson continues this week with the Muse of Bondage highlighting cracks in your foundation that need mending before you move on. This Muse points out that you have adopted thought patterns that are not your own. So, this week work with rooting out negative self-talk and generational negative paradigms. You do not need to process all of them. In fact, most only need to be let go off and walked away from.

Page of Cups – Last week the Muse of Creation wanted you to experience the sensual part of life which she hoped added fodder to your imagination. This week the Muse of Play continues the theme of activating your creativity. This energy wants you to play. Now play is defined as engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. So the challenge is no goals, no time limits, just play until you need a nap.

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional cups need filling. Find time this week to hang with your friends, in person if you can but virtual is better than nothing. The challenge is you not feeling like you are imposing. You need this energy exchange as much as they do.

*Tower – This birth year you have four Muses to work with. The two big energies are around Suspension (go back and read if you don’t remember), and this Muse of Deconstruction and Reconstruction. To find ease in this year, the muses would like you to utilize when times are slow or stagnate as a time to deconstruct what isn’t working, so you can reconstruct a better future. And your aides in this are the Muse of Preparation and the Muse of Good News. The former advises you to find ways to plan your life in smaller increments. Like planning your meals in advance so you will eat better, laying out your clothes before bed to give you more time in the morning to hang with your loved ones, pay your bills early so you can invest/save the extra, etc… The lesson is giving your future a bit of a cushion around time, money, and energy. Then the later Muse brings you success not only on things that you focus on but also spontaneous wins. This year is prime time to slow down, develop routines that allow you to have more time to engage in future plans, deconstruct what isn’t working, and to appreciate and celebrate small successes like they are as important as the big wins.

*Strength – The Muse of Fortitude comes when you need to strengthen your focus on your goals. You have the abilities already; you now just need to believe in yourself. Time to put your internal critic in the back seat so they can’t touch your mind’s radio. Take control of what and who you listen to. You got this.

King of Wands – The Muse of Leadership is calling on you to use your charm to inspire and ignite passion in others. A good leader supports the talents of others to not only move their agenda forward but also to move the collective to a brighter future. Lead on.

Four of Cups – You are missing a piece of the puzzle this week. Most of the search is done within, but there is one missing piece that lies in your surroundings. This week look inward, outward and connect the two.

*Justice – The Muse of Justice shows up when something is off balance or there is an injustice. The interesting lesson around working with this muse is that coming to true justice is never an easy yes or no. You must take in consideration the back story before deciding with integrity. Be aware of the grey areas this week, they have more information than the verdict.

Six of Swords – The Muse of Moving Forward comes when you should do just that. You will encounter a transition or decision about the future, now is a good time to make the shift.
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