First, I want to thank all of you for reading my musings on art, tarot, and a bit of science. I am going into my 6th year with this blog, and I so appreciate your support and feedback throughout the years. At times I feel as if I am writing into the void, so your echoes back help me see that this is fulfilling its purpose of entertainment and hopefully some enlightenment and ease. You all are few but mighty in spirit, love and appreciated!
And now to start off the month of spook, this week’s artist is Stella Snead. She is a surrealist painter, photographer, and collage artist. She and her father struggled with depression. Though she has few memories of her father the viewer can see her exploration of her own psychology through her artwork. Surrealism has a natural affinity towards the study of the subconscious.
Her early paintings all seemed set in a nocturnal landscape of the dreaming mind. Her depression stopped her from painting in her mid-life, but travel and photography became the mode and medium during her darker times. She began collaging her mental ponderings. By her 70’s she returned to painting and revisited images she had done in her earlier years. Themes you often see in her musings are nature’s powerful forces: volcanos, tornados geysers, containment, and using perspective to draw the eye out of the picture. These techniques and images are keys to propelling the viewer into unknown waters. But also, the opportunity that once we have traversed the unknown it becomes know, less scary and possibly a brighter freer place than what we have known.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Ace of Cups – This week is testing your emotional intelligence. This energy wants to unblock your heart and get your emotional energy moving. This is a great week to watch a movie that brings a tear to your eye. While balancing it with activities that make you laugh. The more you are in tune with your feelings, the more you can be there for your love ones and understand the emotional intention behind those around you.

Six of Cups – The keys to navigating this week is linked to the past. This is a great week to share stories of your childhood, go through old photos, and read old journals. There is inspiration and answers in reminiscing this week.

Queen of Wands – Your passion needs a focus this week. Inspiration and creativity are craving your attention, but it is up to you to take the time to let them in for a drink. Creativity takes time, pondering, mulling to find its nuance and ignite passion. Time to have a must needed conversation with your muses.

*Star and Nine of Swords – This week highlights that the future is uncertain; however, this does not mean to worry or fret. The key to navigating the night is seeing that you are surrounded by a blanket of love and care, and the Star Muse of Hope and Faith leads the way even though the path is dark with uncertainty.

*Hanged Man – This week’s energy surrounds the concept of insightful exposure. What is driving you crazy or blocking you needs to be reexamined. However, this investigation must be done from a new perspective. You are stuck because your life stories are being played out through a lens of an old perception. To become more malleable with your thinking let go of awareness and allow your truth to float to the surface. A gestalt is forming to break you out of your stagnation, but you will need to flip and flow your mind in the quiet of reflection without judgement or logical thought.

*Magician – Last week was about ending and cleaning out the debris from last birth year. You still have until mid-November to tie things up. But this week is about creating what you hold as divine. This is your purpose wanting some hang-time with you, so you can start plotting out how this concept will unfold. This muse reminds you that you already have the skills and tools to accomplish what you want to do. The challenge is realizing that those tools can come from other people taking over some of the everyday of your plans. Your energy needs to focus on creating the form and space for your creation to begin to grow, however, there is no need for you to do it all alone.

Six of Swords – This is your winding down month until your birthday and the energy this week helps in this transition. The challenge is that the future is clouded over. You may feel as if the mists have settled in front of you. However, the muse this week gives you the keys to traverse the unknown. The first key is simplification. She asks what is it that you most want to change or shift. The second key is faith for there will be clues along the way to guide you through these coming months as your perspective and horizons become clearer.

Seven of Wands – This week people can get on your nerves. The challenge with this energy is standing your ground and keeping your inner light lite. Planet-wise there are some hard aspects this week, and water signs are feeling the brunt of it. This muse reminds you even in standing your ground you can reach out with love to keep the blue meanies away.

Two of Cups – The energy this week is all about positive reinforcement of relationships that you have picked in your life. Whether that is a partner, a pet, or your plants. Caring for others fills your cup as much as them caring for you.

Knight of Swords – This week’s energy tends to make you feel as if you need to rush to decisions and actions; however, the exact opposite is true. To deal with this hectic energy slowing down is the best solution. Be gentle with your responses for they can become defensive. Be slow in your actions for you can hurt yourself, especially your extremities. Logic and caution are key this week. Motto: look both ways before crossing the street.

Knight of Wands – You are in the right place doing the right thing. This week’s energy helps you accomplish anything you put your focus towards. The key is finding inspiration to keep the energy going. Whether that is seeing that this project will lead to more projects or the beginning of something new. It is vital that you see the why behind what you are doing so you can take your life to the next level.

*Empress – The energy of creation for comfort is what generates ease this week. You are needing some positive mothering energy to sustain yourself. This can look as simple as making a scrumptious meal or get that new piece of furniture that will make your living area finally comfortable. The challenge with this energy is creating comfort not prestige. Creating things that feed your senses, that make you go ahhh, have you smiling, and that make you feel nurtured are the items you should incorporate into this week’s schedule.
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