The artist this month is Hope Gangloff (@hopeloff). The definition of vibrant is full of energy and enthusiasm. Gangloff’s color palette is vibrant. She is known for her large portraits, but with Covid her subjects have changed to more landscapes and still lives. Her paintings are still color saturated. A lesson in color theory, and possibly a nod to Edvard Munch’s exploration in vivid colors. But her new exploration of our everyday surroundings sets us the viewer to see the world still full of energy and enthusiasm. That possible with Covid, a divided world, injustices every day in the news, etc… that we can still see life and hope around us.
Solar System highlights: This week the Moon starts in Virgo – a time for organizing. Then on Oct 5th it goes into Libra with the new Moon on the 6th – all about relationships. October 7th it goes into Scorpio – feed your passions. On October 9th it goes in Sagittarius- taking mini trips on the weekend. Mercury is still retrograde in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends. Remember when Mercury is retro not a great time to start projects but a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise, and of course back -up your technology.
Venus is in Scorpio – a great time to feed your pleasures and passions but in general watch overindulgences. Mars is Libra too – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words? This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves into Scorpio Nov. 7th. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Six of Cups – This is your second six so a quick dive into this number. Sixes are about balance and information. Last week was about cause and effect and how far you ripple out into your world. This week it is the balance of past and present. There is some information from your childhood that needs to be either used and/or resolved this week.

Nine of Cups – Finally this week brings you a break from the past month’s big energies. This week the Muse of Contentment has come to remind you that simple things like tea and toast, a cat’s purr or a bird song is as delightful and probably more sustaining then the big energies of last months. Have gratitude for the humble moments this week.

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Authenticity is here to help you with aspects of either your environment or yourself that have been hidden away because of guilt, fear, or mistrust. Tread lightly to find the truth but it does need to see the light of day, so it doesn’t fester.

Seven of Cups – Last week the Muse of Stagnation had you in a hovering pattern. Which perfectly concedes with Mercury in retrograde a great time to review, reflect and revise, and possibly a download from the Universe. This energy continues as does the retrograde until October 18th. Thus, this week the Muse of Dreams advises to take time to daydream as well as look to your night dreams for information and guidance.

*Judgment – Well the Big Sister of Justice continues the lesson around fairness and decisions, but she ups the ante by asking does this sense of Justice help you evolve? So last week you dealt with the concept that true Justice is slow and complex. And your actions around fairness should be reflecting not only the truth but how that truth is dealt. Now this energy wants you to step back and see if you are dealing with or judging the world, possible yourself, and narrowing your possibilities with past mistakes or grievances. When you should be broadening and building the new world and more evolved you. Motto: Be the change you want to see in the world -Ghandi.

Seven of Coins – The Muse of the Harvest has come to help you muster all that needs to be done this week. The challenge is choosing what will give you more bang for the buck. She guides your energy with this question: Does what you do this week contribute to what you will need in the coming months?

Knight of Coins – The second energy to work with for this coming year is Muse of Pace. She asks at what new pace do you want to move at. Take this month to find the tempo in which you work at most efficiently. Whether you excel as a marathoner or a sprinter, the goal for this coming year is to set up the schedules and systems to support you at the stride you choose.

*Temperance – Last week the Muse of Opportunity was opening doors for you to dabble in new worlds. This week the energy slows with the Muse of Patience and Moderation. Use this energy to reduce your speed and rebalance. This is perfectly synced with Mercury’s retrograde this week. Last week opened your eyes and mind to new things, this week take time to process that information to see it’s usefulness.

Six of Wands – The Muse of the Laurel has come to celebrate with you. This week reflect on past successes before moving ahead. Not only will this review in successful strategies help you going forward, but it also allows you to take a break from the hustle and bustle to enjoy yourself.

*Death – The Muse of Composting has arrived to help review and recycle what no longer serves. The challenge is your refuse is still useful in growing to the next level. Take the nutrients from the past to grow the future.

Queen of Cups – The past couple of weeks have had some complex and heavy energies. First the Muse of the Shadow Self triggered and tested you on behavior patterns that no longer serve you. Then Muse of Healing reminded you that every scar represents the wound of the past, the healing of the present and the potentials of the future. Now, the Muse of Compassion comes to help guide you through this healing process. She reminds you the best way to tend to yourself and others is to hold space. Listen with your heart open.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Luxury is taking you out on a shopping spree or a scrumptious dinner. This energy advises you to spend some money on yourself. You deserve it. Though her practical side reminds you quality over quantity.
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