First I want to thank all of you for reading my ponderings. I just finished my sixth year doing these tarotcasts and I am grateful to all of you. Well here we go for another round….
The artist this week is Fanny Sanin. Sanin explored many art forms, but eventually honed her eye to explore geometric abstraction. She focuses on color and form, but all within boundaries of straight lines and arcs. Her goal is for the viewer to perceive through symmetry and balance an almost “mystical experience.” A place where the composition does not jar or distracts us but narrows our perception. Her work eases the eye while heightening our natural intuition/response. When you go to her website her paintings are grouped by decades and we can see how she went from non-form abstraction, 1962-1968, to this geometric play for the next 50 years. (You can see partially the progress as you scroll down ). In her scope of work the viewer can see not only her journey with color and form but also that this play is endless. Where a lifetime of work does not complete this line of discovery.
Your pondering this week: is this true with all that we do? Are there endless combinations to work with for lifetimes? And if so, what are yours?
Solar System highlights: On Monday the Moon starts in Capricorn– a great time to get things done on the material plane. Then on Oct 13th it goes into Aquarius – a time of invention and innovation. The Moon then finishes in Pisces – dreamy vibes for the weekend. Mercury is in its last week of retrograde in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends. Remember when Mercury is retro not a great time to start projects but perfect tie to Review, Reflect and Revise.
Venus is now in Sagittarius and asks are we feeding and nurturing our relationships enough to keep them growing? Mars is Libra – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words? This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves into Scorpio Nov. 7th. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Empress – The Muse of Creation has come to help you grow anything you put your mind to. Her challenge is this project may take up to 10 months of work to fully develop. If you can not commit to this, then creation is still available to you, but you will have to let go of expectations of the outcome. For example, you want to grow a zucchini then up to 10 months of focused attention will grow a bounty of zucchini. However, if you can’t spend the time and focus, something will grow in its place, but you will not know it’s form until the summer of 2022.

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Burdens is here to help you in relieving some of yours. This week there is no way you are going to accomplish all that you need to do. So, this Muse suggest make a list of your todos, prioritize them two ways by ease and necessity, and see where those two lists overlap. Then only do, at most, the top eight. The rest put off until next week. The lesson with this card is not only to get things done but you may find that next week the leftovers might lose their significance.

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss Finding is here with brownies. This energy comes when an emotional restoration is needed. Find or create moments that create bliss each day. Ex: napping with your animal, sitting in a sunbeam, a beverage of choice while sitting still, read a book, stay in your PJs for a day etc….

*Justice – The Muse of Truth appears this week to help you make an important decision and/or search for your personal truth. She asks are you aligned with your higher self and your credos. Now this can go both ways, possibly you need to adjust your actions to align with beliefs or your beliefs need tweaking. This is not a week of right versus wrong. You need to see the grey behind the decisions and find a balanced compromise that does not dilute who you are.

*The Hanged Man– The last couple of weeks you have been working with lessons around fairness, decisions and how they affect your growth. This week you are in a holding pattern. This energy is aligned perfectly with the last week of Mercury’s retrograde. Whether you spend that time revisiting the last two week’s lesson or decide to tune out, both are beneficial. The challenge is around not being pushed forward when you know the timing, i.e. this week, is not right for moving forward.

Ace of Coins – You have the energy this week to start new projects; however, with Mercury in retrograde you are making your life harder if you do. Yes, the early bird catches the worm. But if you go before dawn, the worms aren’t up yet because it is too cold. Therefore, this week instead of jumping into doing, prepare and organize, so you can be the first one out of the gate next week.

*Empress – The third energy to work with for this coming year is the Muse of Creation. This Muse is big karmic growth energy to work with however, it will take all year to see the fruits of your labors. This Muse wants to co-create abundance and beauty into your life. So first she asks to acknowledge the beauty that already surrounds you. These you want to continue growing. And then she has you ponder what is missing? This year she will help you fill in voids of your garden.

*Strength – The third big energy week for you. The past weeks had the Muse of Opportunity opening doors for you to dabble in new worlds. The Muse of Patience and Moderation advising you to reduce your speed and rebalance. And this week the Muse of Inner Strength has arrived to build your courage, determination, and compassion. So, it is interesting that you can work with all these big energies in the final weeks of your birth cycle, and that they coincide with Mercury retrograde. When this happens, the Muses are trying to get you to tie up loose ends and prep the ground for your coming year. They ask you what do you want to finish up/let go of before your birthday? By dealing with them now, you create space for creation in the coming year.

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Release has come to help you clean out your closets or send something/person off. This can look like literally cleaning out your space or it can be releasing emotions, situations, persons that don’t jive with who you are. This energy usually shows up to create space for new things, people or situations that will be arriving soon.

Four of Cups – Last week the Muse of Composting came to help review and recycle what no longer serves, by taking the nutrients from the past to grow the future. The Muse of Contemplation continues this theme in the final week of Mercury’s retrograde. Take this week to do ¾ internal work and ¼ external. She advises that slowing down will speed up the process.

Six of Cups – The Muse of Remembering has come to swapp stories of youth and the past. This energy comes around when the past has information for your present. Pay special attention if you feel a Deja Vue or a familiarity. Sit with it, notice all that is happening around you for clues to your download.

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Grit has come to help you make a stand or fortify your resolution. She helps by reminding you the why you are dealing with/through the challenges you have control over. Is it for more ease? Better Life? Sense of Security? If you can stand behind why you are fighting, then what seems like a war becomes a quest for your desires
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