Happy birthday Sagittarians!
The artist this week is Irene Febry @irenefebry. Her collage work reminds the viewer of coral reefs. Small bits of life clinging to one another and creating a larger ecosphere in which a variety of organisms can live and thrive and do so only because of this collaboration.
As Febry says her work does come from nature: “My inspiration comes from nature and the things around me, such as sand, stone, fungus, bacteria, insects, microorganisms, a pattern on the wall, etc. My collage always begins with a small size of paper scrap as it grows in size and detail. A growth which results in a kind of microcosm of colour and shapes on its own. They interact with one another as if forming a relationship or a new dynamic.” As a viewer this dynamic is what resonates with us. We see how our lives interconnect with others. That these relationships create families, friends, neighborhoods, businesses, countries and ultimately the World. The past 2 years has again proven we can no longer be just an individual organism. We are all part of this Ecosphere called Earth.
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Virgo – finish tidying up. Then moves into Libra on the 29th – to a focus on relationships. Then onto Scorpio for the 1st– lighting up our passions. And ends the week, on the 3rd, moving into Sagittarius -when personal freedom is key. Mercury is in Sagittarius until December 12th – great for deep philosophical conversations with folks but watch for right vs. might attitudes. Venus is in Capricorn until the end of the year – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air, and it is a great time to work on long term projects that you care about. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

King of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration’s energy surrounds you this week. Using innovation and thinking outside of the box is the way to success and ease. Your challenge is to make sure you don’t have unrealistic expectations around the implementation of these new avenues. Mistakes give more information then successes.

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Obligations is here to help you navigate this week’s to-do list. You can get things done this week, but you are also easily overwhelmed. She has you prioritize your list either from old to new or least time to most time. Then tackle one task at a time, and if needed breaking those into even smaller steps.

Four of Wands – This week and last week you got fours so a bit of a dive into this number. These Muses come when you need or want to create some stability in your life. Last week it was about stabilizing your physical and mental health by laying low. This week to stabilize put your energy into your making your home cozy. Whether that is setting up for the holidays or tidying up from the last one. Take time to care for your home and it will care for you.

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Emotional Beginnings is here to help you tweak your keen emotional intelligence. This week gives you opportunities to up your game in compassion, relationship interactions and keys to handling your own emotions.

Page of Wands – Last week the Muse of Sentimentality worked with nostalgia to help you gain insight into your emotional landscape. Now the Muse of Creativity wants you to materialize what you have learned through art, music, or anything creative. She asks: How do you manifest your sentimental legacy?

Ten of Cups – Where last week had its downs, this week has it ups. The Muse of Happiness comes with rainbows, ice cream and dance. This energy bears small gifts of joy throughout your week. Look for flowers growing out of cement, bird songs, crickets, hugs, smiles, etc. Feed the aspects of your life that give you joy and both you and they will prosper.

Seven of Wands – Last week the Muse of Experimentation suggested finding ways to bring magic and the unexpected to your life. This week the Muse of Focus adds to the energy mix by asking what are you using your energies on? Hopefully things are smooth sailing and if so, just keep putting coal in your engine. But if you are stagnating maybe, it is time you reevaluate what you are aiming at or how you are allotting your energy.

Ace of Coins – The Muse of Material Beginnings is here. Growth is in the air and soil. This is a great week to start a venture, put out new inquires on expanding your career, or working on long-term projects.

Six of Pentacles – Your second energy to work with this year is the Muse of Small Kindnesses. This year it is important that you see that many of your actions lead to reactions. This year is a study in this cosmic energy exchange. When this Muse shows up, she challenges you to consciously walk on this Earth and see that the little decisions at times resonate more than the larger ones.

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Detail has come with her magnifying glass to help you sort through the finer elements of your life. You can easily see the big picture but the steps to get there might be elusive or overwhelming. Make you tasks bite size so you can get checks things off your lists. If you have any legal matters, contracts, or agreements read and discuss the fine print.

*Sun – The Muse of Positivity is shining on you this week. This energy shows up to have you bask in literal sunlight (ie get outside) and to also see that you have a pretty good life. Not that this energy doesn’t also cast shadows, but the ones that show this week are amendable. And their contrast to the good things in your life make them feel less “shady”.

Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance has you juggling work and play. If you are not doing both well, stop one to re-balance the other then start again. No matter where your weekend lies in the next seven days find the time to relax as hard as you work or vice versa.
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