The Fall night sky calls us to look up as eclipse season begins. On Friday November 19th we start with a Lunar eclipse in Taurus starting the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses that will last until 2023, and on December 4th a solar eclipse in Sagittarius ends the Gemini and Sagittarius eclipse pairings. What does this mean? By definition it means, an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination. One can look at their natal chart and see if your planets or nodes are energized by being in these signs. But for all of us its a dance of constancy and passion. These eclipses illuminate aspects in our lives, so we may work on making our dreams come true.
This week art highlights Nasa’s library, of visual and audio files of plants, moons, nebulas, and universes. @nasa The library spans 101 years of space exploration. These visuals show us how amazing and vast the Space we live in is.
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week Aries – great for tapping into energy to start projects. Then moves into Taurus on the 16th– great time to grow anything you focus on. We have a lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday the 19th and moves into Gemini by midnight. So, through the weekend the focus switches to intellect, learning and conversations. Mercury is in Scorpio – it focuses us on our passion and letting go of forms of communication that no longer work for us. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air, and it is a great time to work on long term projects. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Worry will be knocking on your door this week. Yes, there is a lot to still worry over, but when is worry useful? Worry is only positive when what you worry over has a solution. So, for everything you can’t do anything about, let that go, and fix what you can.

*Sun – The Muse of Vitality has come to shine joy and abundance in your life. This week’s energy not only highlights your successes and brings good luck, but it also gives you the strength to spread positivity to your community. The challenge with this card is you need to let the Sun in. So go out for a walk, smile at other people, and share your joy.

*Empress – This is the second powerhouse divine feminine to lighten your doorway. Last week, the Muse of Higher Purpose helped realign you with your path. So now that you are more allied with your purpose – what needs to be planted? This week the Muse of Creation is here to help seed any new endeavors you want to grow in the coming new year. The challenge is if you are still at a loss for what to do. If so, spend this week writing a list of what would you grow if you had no limitations, for this Muse is handy with creating something out of what seemly is nothing.

Eight of Cups – Finally a week to take a breath. The Muse of Simplification is here to help you streamline your life. Remember last week the Muse of Creation had you thinking on what you want to grow in 2022. Well to do this you will need to par down what you are doing. Spend this week sifting through items/thoughts/projects into two piles. What needs to be done to create for 2022 and what you can let go off that stunts that creation.

Five of Swords – Your second five so let’s look at fives for a sec. Fives signify chaos. Last week it was about which chaos are you actually responsible for and this week it’s about chaos of the Ego. This Muse points out how you, at times, define your sense of self around other people’s ego. This can look like getting into arguments you know won’t change people’s minds, or taking on another person’s mood, or believing you can harness the chaos. The challenge is for you to sidestep the drama this week.

Four of Coins – The Muse of Fiscal Responsibility has come to help with your financial outlook. This is a great week to balance your books, save money, pay off some debt, invest wisely, and even spend if you choose quality and long-term gains. This Muse challenges your ideas of where and what you spend your resources on.

Six of Wands – The Muse of Success is here. This week’s energy is about highlighting your accomplishments. Not only does it bring small victories, but it is also a week you can take some time to relax and celebrate. This Muse reminds you that the war has not been won, but your success so far has given you some time to regroup and have some fun.

Six of Swords – This is your final week of energies that will work with you in the coming year. Let’s review. First the Muse of Deconstruction and The Muse of Potential. The first Muse comes to show you some aspect of your life is not working for you, and you have not been dealing with it or making excuses around it. The second Muses will help re-divine a new you. Then the Muse of Education declares this coming year one of your roles is the student. Next, the Muse of Financial Security will help you accumulate resources. And the Muse of Relationships challenged you to let go of energy vampires and only fill the emotional cups of people who fill yours. Lastly the Muse of Transitions is rippling back to your first karmic card of Deconstruction, 2022 is a year of change the challenge with these energies if you don’t do the deconstruction and move to the next realm the Universe will step in and make its own changes.

Six of Coins – The Muse of Karma has come to play with you this week. So, as you do good in the world, she will make sure you are compensated for it. The challenge is that this works for the bad you do too. Motto: what goes around comes around.

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Competition is here to help you navigate challenges. Lately it feels as if you are having to constantly prove yourself. She asks to whom? She reminds you, the truer you are to your self and purpose(s), the more self confidence and preservation you will have on your path. Your soul came to live your life not the life that others have prescribed to you.

*Lovers – The Muse of Connection spends this week reminding you that a feeling of belong is as vital as having space. This Muse comes when you have either lost connection to yourself and/or to parts of your chosen family. Socializing this week is about balancing your time to reconnect with your self and time spent with loved ones. Find time for both.

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Ethics has come to hold you to yours. This can look like someone trying to get away with not telling the whole truth or possibly deceiving yourself. The challenge is how you handle this dilemma. Deciphering the why behind the deception will get you a lot farther
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