This week I highlight the art of Mary Cassatt, painter and print maker. She studied and showed her work in Europe in the late 1800’s. And in 1877 was invited by Degas to join a group of independent artists, that became known as the Impressionists. Cassatt was the only America to officially join the group. During this time, she revised her technique, composition, and use of color. She began to experiment with printmaking especially influenced by Japanese artisans.
Her subjects were taken from her life as a woman: her family, the theater and opera. These were not the standard sitting portraits which she was also known for but showed her interest in figure compositions and movement. However, her study of the relationship and everyday experiences of mother and child brought in an emotional quality to her paintings. She entices the viewer to reminisce our own experiences as a child and/or a caregiver. A gentle touch, arms embracing you, sharing intimate moments of care.
Mother’s Day is not only a moment to honor our mothers, but also a day to honor nurturing. Nurture is defined “as the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.” Whether you have children, are a mother, have a mother or none of the above, nurturing is a verb that needs strengthening in this world right now.
Your Pondering: How do you nurture for yourself and in your world?
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts this week in Virgo – clean and organize your workspace to begin the week. Then it moves into Libra on the 12th – relationships and balance are highlighted. Then on Saturday it moves into Scorpio – great for imbibing in your passions. Mercury is in Gemini it home sign, so conversations and knowledge are highlighted. However, it turns retrograde on May 10th so from then on review, reflect and revise until June 3rd. If you must start a project or have a deep conversation, remember patience is key during this time. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Aries (action and chaos). So, Mars and Venus stop working with each other again until the end of month. Mars (action) is still in Piscesian dream land while Venus wants to get going and see action steps. Lesson in patience and compromise are still big this week. Also, Jupiter moves into Aries on May 10th. So, expansion and growth go from dreams to reality. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus for this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Five of Coins – The Muse of Challenges is creating more chaos than ease this week. Luckily you had the Muse of Core Strength last week reminding you that you are a powerhouse, a force to be reckon with. And this week’s Muse to point out that you are not using your resources well or not asking for help. So, call in the troops.

*Magician – Your fourth and so far, most powerful Muse is the Muse of Conjuring. While the other Muses are helping you finish and release, this Muse is making you a conduit to the divine. You will be provided all the tools you need this year, but it is up to you to experiment with them and bring ideas to life.

*Star – The Muse of Oneness had you connect with the world last week and now another powerful Muse steps in to illuminate you. The Muse of Healing and Illumination comes to soothe and help you cure old wounds, and she does this with inspiration and hope. Connection is still key for this week. So, foster the good relationships with nurturing care and the bad, they are reminders how not to act. Be grateful for both for the latter shows you your wounds and the former, heals them.

Eight of Swords – Boundaries and bindings abound this week. This Muse of Captivity points out that you however hold the keys to your freedom. You do not have to be bound to the social constructs around you. You know that some of them are causing harm. Take this week to unbind these negative thoughts that never served you.

*Tower – The Muse of Disruption is here again to point out what needs changing in your life. You have two choices with this energy. You can let her run havoc and tear down what isn’t working. Or you can work with this kali like energy as motivation to make the changes yourself. The former can be easier but the later creates less dust and general mayhem. And remember the choice is always yours.

Six of Swords – The Muse of Transitions is here to move you to the next phase. This can be adding one serving of a fruit or veggie to your diet or rearranging your space to be more feng shui. Or, reordering your schedule so you can get in some exercise. Little shifts need to happen this week so you can create more flow and ease.

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Vitality is pushing you to play with your creativity and ignite your imagination. So, start that project you been thinking about. Connect with your artistic side and play with paints or play in your garden. Her point is to experiment and activate your mind with color and creativity.

Seven of Coins – Last week the Muse of Construction came to help you expand your empire and build it better. This week the Muse of Labor picked up the torch and is giving you the energy to continue the work. She reminds you that, if you put in the work this week, accolades will follow.

Three of Wands – The Muse this week would like to help you lay the foundation to a project or relationship. This is a great week to do research, check out sites and plans for viability. Mercury going into retrograde will help this process. As they say measure twice and cut once.

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Advantage is with you this week. Though you may feel in the right or positioned to win, be careful how you play the scenario. Winning is wonderful if it is done with humility and grace.

Five of Cups – The Muse of Silver Linings has come to help you navigate this week’s chaos. She comes when events do not always work in your favor. But she points out that in all cases they are only partial losses. The cup is half full, rain must happen for the rainbow etc.…

*Temperance – The Muse of Harmony is here to help you sort through this week. Harmony is defined “as pleasing arrangement of parts.” This can be as simple as playing with new spices in your food, working with different color combinations with your wardrobe, or as complicated as rearranging the priorities in your life. So, this week as you view your surroundings how can you combine and arrange them to be more pleasing to your eye as well as your soul?
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