This week’s artist is Vanessa Barragao @vanessabarragao_work. Barragao takes textile techniques like crochet, latch hooking, felting, embroidery and weaving to another level not only in size but also in her concepts. She works with upcycled wool that comprises collected wastes, leftovers and deadstocks from Portuguese factories. Barragao started in the fashion industry but saw the environmental consequences from the processes of textile production to the “fake necessity of consumption.” Barragao’s work is not anti-textile. It is a celebration of fiber that is considerate and celebratory of nature. She creates space for the viewer to recognize the cause and effect of one’s interactions between our consumption and our natural environment, while highlighting the beauty of both with integrated thoughtfulness.
Barragao’s art resonates with what scientist are learning about microplastics from fabrics in the ocean’s. There have not been enough studies into this field. So far scientists have found that textile related debris, like clothing, cigarette filters, and personal hygiene products, are polluting our surrounding waters and has been found in all levels of the ocean’s flora and fauna. They found that “a cotton T-shirt disappears in 2–5 months and a wool sock in 1–5 years, plastic fibres take decades (30–40 years for polyamide fabric) to hundreds of years (450 years for disposable diapers). Even if ingested, there is evidence that, unlike synthetics, natural fibres from textiles are broken down within organisms.” Though it is also noted that even if they are biodegradable that they can carry dyes and chemicals into the organism that ingests it.
Interestingly, the blend of fabrics, length of the fiber and how it is woven, natural or synthetic, effects this shedding process. And another study found that after the first 10 washes the amount of shedding significantly decreases. This information is vital to the textile industry to innovate around.
But what can we do? Well, we can buy well-made clothes and clothes made from natural fibers over synthetic. Or watch our buying habits especially when pushed by fashion statements this includes household items like sheets and towels. Or buy used clothing. Innovated environmentalism is about find ways to enjoy the world but doing it responsibly.
Planet highlights: Mercury is in Gemini and is retrograde until June 23rd. So, make time and space for snafus and do the 3 R’s: Review, Reflect and Revise. Venus will go into Cancer on July 1st great time to hang with loved ones and pamper yourself. Also, Jupiter (expansion) is in Pisces until July 28th giving you a heads up what your 2022 will be like and what area your growth will take place.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Good Times is here to start the party. Yep, you need to find some fun this week, and loosen up. Life, even in moments of suffering has seeds of joy. It is your job this week to find or make silver linings in rain clouds. Inspiration: any comedian.

*Lovers – Last week the Muse of Creation came to fertilize the growth process. Reminding you that the challenge is around commitment to it for at least 9 months, and if you were not ready to begin, use that energy to finish up old projects. Luckily, you have another week to do more work on this. The Muse of Supportive Partnership is here to prompt you to ask for help. In fact, this Muse explains that outside voices and hands are needed to up your game.

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Integrity is asking the question are you being true to yourself? Ponder on where you are not living in your authenticity. You are embarking on a new year and this muse is highlighting this year is about innovation. It is a perfect time to re-wire the areas where you are living for someone else’s or societal expectations.

Two of Swords – The Muse of Decisions has arrived to pull you out of your ponderings of the last three weeks and into action. This week it is time to take the first step on the way to the new you and your new goals. If you are still in the fog, this muse reminds you choose the journey not the destination.

*Justice – The Muse of Justice and Truth is here to aid you on setting boundaries and goals. To make progress this week you need to simplify your decision-making process. For some of you this week will be a breeze. You can hone into your goals and cut to the chase. Though for the other half who over think everything, this is a challenge. And for you all this Muse gives you an easy solution: Mr Flip. Mr. Flip is a nickel where you put a Y on the head side and an N on the tail. Any question you have gets 2 out of 3 flips. The trick is after you get your answer if you say okay then Do It, but if you go ugh – Don’t.

Page of Pentacles – Last week the Muse of Fortune energy came to switch things up. Giving you information for you to glean on how to get unstuck and create momentum in your life. Now the Muse of Learning has come to help you apply that knowledge. Take this week to practice your skills in materialization.

Six of Wands – The Muse of Transition has docked her boat and inviting you to travel to your next destination. Now is the time to move on. If you feel stuck simplify your tasks so you can ride the current with ease.

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Clean Slates came last week to lure you to experience the “new”. You can continue at this task, but it will be harder to protect your space and energy. With Mercury going retrograde you might find blocks, diversions and irritations trying to zap your resources. Put up your boundaries at least for this week.

Knight of Coins – You are on the right track, but pace is key this week. The challenges are around consistency. So, create a schedule and stick to it. Whether that is getting a good night’s sleep- by early to bed and early to rise, some form of daily exercise or not eating 3 hours before you go to bed. Take care of your body first and your mind and heart will follow.

*Wheel – The Muse of Fortune has come to play with you this week. This energy likes to shake things up for inertia has set into someplace in your life. So, if you find that pot of gold, Whoop! Celebrate and be grateful. If your turn of luck goes rotten, roll with it and look for hidden gems of wisdom. Because good or bad, fate has some information for you.

King of Cups – Time to get in touch with your emotions this week. This Muse teaches you to welcome and become friends with all your emotions. The challenge is not to try and deaden them by drowning them in libations or working so hard that there is no space for them. You need a release and this Muse comes when you are about to steam over. Better for you to deal with them now on your own terms, then have them taking control and driving your actions later.

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures is here to help you stabilize your life and work. Take this week to make lists, clean and organize your space, email boxes, and/or schedule. The more you Feng Shu your life and environment the easier your flow in the coming weeks.
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