This week’s artist is Amrita Sher-Gil. She is considered one of the pioneers of modern Indian art. She cut her teeth on doing portraits from the age of 16 to 21 in Paris. But Sher-Gil “began to be haunted by an intense longing to return to India feeling in some strange way that there lay her destiny as a painter.” On her return to India she flourishes, and her new style begins to emerge. She spent time experimenting with the painting style of Indian miniature painters and cave paintings, while mashing that with the Primitivism of Gauguin’s work and the chiaroscuro technique favored by renaissance painters she studied in Paris. Though being voted as an Associate of the Grand Salon in Paris, the youngest and only Asian to receive this recognition, she was passed over for her male counterparts most of her working career.
During her short life of 28 years, she created 172 paintings which many modern Indian painters point to her as their inspiration. And today Sher-Gil’s legacy is so distinguished that the Indian museums and institutions let few of her work outside of India. Though it is understandable to retain cultural artifacts and works of art, we need more museums exchanges, more art on loan to expand our understanding and awe of the human experience.
Your pondering: How many cultures outside of your own do you know anything about? What if this week you researched a unknown culture, past or present, and unearth it gifts? How would that knowledge expand your own style?
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts in chatty Gemini, perfect for finding common ground and talking through any conflict in your relationships. Then June 1st it switches to Cancer where self-care is the focus. Until the moon turns to Leo on Friday – a weekend vibe for sun and fun. Mercury is in Taurus and retrograde until the 3rd so reviewing, reflecting, and revising are advised. After that it is time to start moving forward with or starting new projects.
Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Taurus one of its favorite places. And Mars (action) is in Aries where it loves to hang to provide momentum. However, when it comes to relationships these two put out a stubborn vibe. Hence, we are back to challenges in our relationships, though this helps us learn the skill of compromise. Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th. It influences action and expansion over the summer months. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Ace of Swords – New ways of thinking are need this week. The Muse of Intellect comes to challenge you to think in a new way. This can be as simple as looking at a problem from a different perspective or as hard as re-wiring your mind. Starting with the facts is always a good foundation for this task.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Sensuality has come to have you re-engage with all your senses. She would like you to work on consciously partaking in all five of your sense each day. Deeply listen to a song, linger when you kiss your partner or be completely present when eating one raisin. This muse challenges you to deep dive into each sense so you can ground yourself in the abundance of your daily life.

Six of Coins – Your second Muse of the year is the Muse of Karmic Kindness. This is a year where each good deed you do comes back to you in three-fold. However, the interesting aspect is the reciprocation is never linear. So, for example, you open the door for a person on Tuesday and three weeks later someone else takes you out for lunch. But you need to be aware that negative actions also have that effect. Your song for this year: Be Nice.

*Emperor – The Muse of Formation is here to help you build a better kingdom for yourself and the ones you love. Look around. What needs fixing? Investing in? Do you need to build your business or a project? Plan this week how to manifest this expansion while Mercury is still retrograde, then you can start building it as early as this weekend.

King of Swords – Last week you were meant to pause and rework how you are doing things. This energy continues with the Muse of Plans. This Muse would like you to do some longer-term planning, balance your checkbooks, re-prioritize your to-do list, strategize so you are working smarter not harder, etc… This Muse works perfectly with this last week of Mercury’s retrograde. Use it wisely, for work will start to pick up during the summer months, and if you aren’t ready the beginning can be bumpy.

King of Wands – The Muse of Opportunities of last week has passed the baton to the Muse of Vibrancy. This week presents opportunities where you can shine. She asks what do you want to represent or express? In your humanning what do you want to be known for? This week make your stamp on the world.

Two of Swords – The Muse of Choices is nudging you to choose. Not that every decision you make this week will determine your future, but you need to see the importance of your daily choices. That they in summation lead you to bigger choices. So, make sure your little decisions stand for what you believe in as much as the big ones.

Hanged One – The Muse of Suspension comes to slow you down. It puts blockades up in places where you need to take more thought before you move forward. This aligns with Mercury in retrograde and its spotlight on reflect, review, revise. Use your downtime wisely this week. When in a holding pattern stay with the silence and try not to grab your phone to fill the time.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Higher Calling is parting the veil to your spiritual purpose this week. Look for synchronies and things that inspire you for hidden messages and inspirational pathways. You are being asked to level-up and this week holds ways for you to do it.

*Devil – This week the Muse of the Untamed is visiting. She challenges you with distractions and misdirection. Her motive is to test you to stand up for yourself and your principles in a whirlwind of the wild. Luckily, she only shows up after you have done all your learning and you now have the skills to do what needs to be done. So, your only challenge is to yes to what is true for you and no to what isn’t.

Four of Coins – The Muse of Conservation is here to help you be more conscious on where and what you are spend your time, space, energy, and money on. It is not so much that resources are super tight, but you do need to bank your energy this week for you will need it soon. So, save when you can and if you must spend your resources do so wisely.

Nine of Pentacles – The Muse of Place comes to help you bask in your choices. You have worked hard to get to this spot and have done well. Take a moment this week and enjoy what you have created for yourself. Be in this moment of self-created worth.
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