Happy Birthday Gemini!
This week’s artist is Fidelia Bridges. From the 1860’s to the early 1920’s, Bridges did what few female artists could do, she made a living with her artwork. Though Bridges started with oil painting she became famous for her detailed watercolors of flowers, plants, and birds in their natural settings. She was the first woman invited to join the American Watercolor Society. To make ends meet she nannied, illustrated many books and designed Christmas cards. The viewer can see the pre-Raphaelite and Japanese woodblock influences of Hiroshige in the overall aesthetic of her paintings. The subject and landscape are often romanticized and the colors delicately balanced. But what made her outstanding is her attention to detail. For example, the fluffy down-feathers in a bird’s nest, the complexity and color of the golden rod plant, or the wind-swept grass of a field. Bridges perspective of noticing the nuances in nature and then duplicating it, begs us to join her “en plier air”. To take a day and picnic in a field, to watch butterflies dance from one flower to the next, to lie in the grass and feel the last of spring’s breezes.
Your pondering for the week: How do you celebrate spring?
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts in dreamy Pisces, so it may be hard to get things going until Tuesday when it moves into Aries (action). By the weekend, the moon goes into Taurus – great for family and friend fun. Mercury is retrograded back into Taurus, so where Gemini was about thought and ideas Taurus is about reviewing, reflecting, and revising action steps until June 3rd. If you must start a project or have a deep conversation, remember patience is key during this time.
Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Aries (action and chaos). Mars (action) is also moving into Aries where it loves to hang and get things going, but I would wait until Mercury is out of retrograde to hit the gas. However, we do have this lovely week where Venus and Mars celebrate and nurture the beauty in our relationships. Use it wisely for next week we are back to challenges in our relationships. Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th. So, it is all action and expansion over the summer months. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus for this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Tower – Chaos ensues from outside sources this week. This energy shows up to reveal the fault lines in any situation. The challenge, she is one of the few Muses you shouldn’t walk away from. She requires that you take note where your foundation is cracked and then fix it. If you don’t take action she will return and blow the house down. This week’s story line narrates much like the Three Little Pigs.

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum rolls up with a vehicle and a full tank of gas, but it is up to you to provide the road map. Yes, it is all on your shoulders to get anything moving forward this week. Make sure you have a destination and the steps to get there mapped out, or this exuberant energy will have you driving in circles.

Three of Coins – The first Muse to arrive this birth year is the Muse of Collaboration. She advises to not do this year in solitude. People are vital to broadening your perspective and adding skill sets that you will need to create ease in your life. The more you work in partnership the more you grow. Your motto: Two minds are better than one, but three minds break a tie.

*Strength – The Muse of Inner Strength calls on you to work on your core muscles as well as your core values. Reflect and revise what you stand for. Prioritize your principles. You maybe called on to stand up for or protect someone or yourself. Can you do it with integrity?

*Hanged One – The Muse of Pause challenges you this week by slow down or stopping aspects around you. This Muse comes when you are not in sync with yourself and/or the universal flow. We are in a Mercury retrograde a natural time to slow down and look inward, rework our plans, and listen more than talk. Are you pushing ahead against a current? Is something looping repeatedly. Stop and take a moment and see what needs to be revised before barreling forward again. Take note: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expected different results – Albert Einstein

*World – The Muse of Opportunities is knocking. This week holds a plethora of new experiences as well as ways to tie up lose ends. The challenge is you will need to leave the comforts of your inner space to collect on them. If you are an introvert this can be a challenging week because you are asked to be “on” for it most of it. If you are an extrovert this week is made for you. Either way, open the door and go outside to play.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Sensuality is enticing you to partake in your five senses this week. She advises to eat comfort food, wear satins, silks, or cashmere, listening to good music, go to a bakery or flower shop and take in the scents, and lastly sit through some sunsets or sunrises. Life is here to enjoy, so please partake.

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Labor has come to get you into your flow. When you are in the moment time flies by, your efficiency goes up, and your work-pile decreases. You feel a sense of satisfaction. This Muse asks you to fine tune the aspects that allow you to get into this state of being. Do you put earbuds in? Is quiet what you need? Or working with partner easier? Find what works and protect your requirements so you can have a productive week with ease.

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Material Completion has come to help you tie up lose ends. This is not a week to start something new, but a week to clear off your desk and mark off old items on your to-do list. The more you finish up the more space you will have to not only relax in but when Mercury turns direct also allow new things in.

*Emperor – Last week the Muse of Momentum arrived to get a project started. This week the Muse of Building lends a helping hand to continue in your quest of expanding your empire. Where most signs heed this Mercury retrograde break, you all are plowing ahead. The only challenge with thwarting the cosmos is burn-out. So, if you must keep going, remember every employer is required to give their workers 2 rest breaks and a lunch break in every 8-hour day. And if you are forward thinking – how about implementing a four-day work week?

Five of Swords – The energy this week has a chaotic component to it. Your challenge is not to blow by it and think it has nothing to do with you, or when engaging with it damage the situation even more. Sensitivity and sympathy are needed to traverse this tumultuous week. By being present you will gain recognition for your actions as well as grease the squeaky wheels.

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships is testing yours. There is this tiny window between Monday and Friday that you can take advantage of healing aspects of your relationships. The challenge is that you will need to be vulnerable to create intimacy, and it will take work that might take more time than you are given. But by taking the first step this week you will create more ease in the long run.
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