This week’s artist is Betsey Batchelor @betseybatchelor. Batchelor is an artist’s artist. Some artists are meant to be followed not only for their art but because they are willing to show their process. Batchelor, maybe because she is a teacher, lets us into her process. She allows the viewer to see through her posts not only the finished piece, but a blank canvas, scraps of paper pinned to a wall, under sketches, daily practices, detailed parts of her work, and pieces in progress. Batchelor reminds us that art is work. That there are sketches, experimentation, and honing skills before an artist even gets to the white void. Then it is honed, thought over, reworked, mulled again or even abandoned.
The humanity of Batchelor’s Instagram is worth you following her, whether her posts remind fellow artists that what we love to do is messy, not just the polished perfection of a gallery exhibit or even our feeds. And for viewer in general that each piece we see takes hours of unseen work and adds another layer to the awe of art. As an artist or a viewer, it reminds us that the work itself is the life blood of the art and the artist. That the essence of art and life is the work, not just the goals and successes. This week ponder this quote by Aristotle. The aim of art (and Life) is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.
Planets: Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd and stays until July 11th . This is a place where it loves to hang so lots of evolutionary conversations can happen. And Venus enters Gemini on 8th to help with the good vibes. The only challenge is being careful of over-promising or saying yes to everything.
*All pictures below are from Batchelor’s Instagram posts some are completed pieces some are just her “work.”
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Knight of Cups – The Muse of Sexuality is here to help you boost your libido. Whether you go shopping for new toys, trying new ways to excite all your senses, solo or with a partner. This week you should work on emotional switching on and stimulation of all kinds.

*Empress – Your first big energy for your coming year is Creation. This energy is best when it is used to generate anything that nurtures, consoles, and promotes growth. The challenge is there is growing pains but there will also be compassion and comfort waiting in the wings to support you. And with all things that are extraordinary, it will take time to grow. So be patient with your self and whatever you begin growing in the coming year.

Knight of Wands – The Muse of Perfect Timing is working with you this week. Good or bad you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing, if you do you. Her only requirement is not to second guess yourself, for there is much to glean from this week.

*High Priestess – You get another week working with your Shadow side. This Muse helps you see cycles and the bigger picture to work out old karmic patterns and snip their threads. Use ritual, meditation, singing bowls… to connect with your inner knowledge and outer guides. There are breadcrumbs in synchronicities and patterns, so keep all your six senses open.

*Devil – The Muse of Distraction is here to challenge you. She only shows up when you are near completion of a goal or learned lesson. The key is to say no or walk away if something does not feel right or in some cases too right. The positive consequence of this card is, if you renege this temptation, it will no longer have the hold it had before.

Nine of Coins – This Muse has come to help you maintain your workflow and energy by keeping to yourself or only allowing a few supporters in. She advises that you create a sacred space and time so you can ponder your thoughts without any outside influences.

*Strength – Last week the Muse of Momentum asked you to use her energy to plot out your course for the coming month. This week, the Muse of Strength has come to help start and maintain that route. Often this energy comes to help combat apathy, misdirection, or self-doubt. She reminds you that you have come through trials before and are stronger and more resilient. This week is not about things being hard but about you seeing you can accomplish anything you set your heart (not your mind) to.

Ten of Cups– Another good week in store for you. Last week the Muse of Optimism and Success shone on all the wonderful things and opportunities that are awaiting you, if you want them and allow yourself to glow and grow. This week the Muse of Bliss reinforces that life has these beautiful moments of heaven on earth. The challenge with this energy is realizing that these moments are fleeting. It is important to thoroughly bath in their light when they come and recognize that you cannot maintain that ecstasy. So, do not to fret their passing but know they will come again. Your motto: Aloha and Mahalo

*Temperance – The Muse of Balance and Moderation has come to work with you. She asks you to do a dive into what is not working and needs to be healed in both your inner and outer world. The conduit for the energy flowing between them is clog. So doing something like Tai chi, Feng Shu, balancing your nutrition, sweating, brainstorming, massage …will get you back into balance and a rhythm that is more suitable for you and your work.

Ace of Swords – The Muse of New Truths is calling on you this week. She comes with bountiful information to help you shift or create new paradigms. This week mind ON.

Nine of Wands – Last week the muses where all about creating things out of what seemingly is nothing or build on what already is. Using these energies for formation, moving forward and growing outward. This energy is still here this week to work with; however, you will need to pace yourself if you wish to accomplish anything. So prioritize, prepare for, and only work with the items on the top of your list.

*Hierophant – Last week the muses were here to aid you in letting go of something to enable growth. This energy continues this week; however, you also get the assistance of the Muse of Structure. She advises that you look at and rearrange your timing and/or your priorities. When these two energies come together often your logic is off, like you are putting your cart in front of your horse or not realized the problem of contingencies. Step back and look at the frame/goals before painting the picture.
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