If you all have been with me for a while skip down to the 4th paragraph, I have ranted on this before. But if you are new…… I was an elementary coach for teachers and I am not fond of the emphasis and exaltation of a “minority” history months in American public schools and on Google. Before you get mad please read on. Though I understand its necessity when this movement started, back in 1926 as Black History Week by historian Carter G. Woodson. Where he saw little to none African American representation in the “white halls of history” and probably was seeing the whitewashing of the Red Summer. History week has now grown to a month, added new months for other minorities and spreading outside of America. But have we now fallen into Hallmarking ™ history? In our political correctness, lost the thread?
Textbooks and curriculum of American schools still teach basically the same history– white-male-centric – but now in February you teach about MLK, in March about Susan B. Anthony, and Native American Heritage Month in November, so you can get it close to Thanksgiving – UGH. This does the “minority’s history” an injustice. First it loses its context in history as a whole. The “minority” becomes not part of our shared history but as a parallel thing happening alongside predominately white male history or is only seen for a month in bubble in and of itself. We lose the why it came about and the reverberation of that action now.
Secondly, it supports instead of works against our biological perspective of tribalism. And we lose the perspective of the history of the individual within the collective. The acts of an individual echoing through time and space. Lastly, this undermines teaching the student not only Socratic thinking which hinges on contextual information, but also disempowers the student to see that they can change the course of the future in ways they would never imagine.
The artist this week is Bisa Butlers @bisabutler should be used as a history teaching tool. She takes everyday photos of African Americans throughout history and contextualizes them by using exquisite fabrics and an skilled illustrative thread. Take for instance the art above I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, she uses a Vlisco fabric called “Michelle’s shoes” for the woman’s skirt on the far right. The fabric is inspired by West African textiles, done with and Indonesian batik and made in the Netherlands.
She vividly leads us to see the complex connected thread of these woman’s history, African roots to Maya Angelo and Michelle Obama to our multi-cultural world. She brings these “everyday” people into a contextual history. In her words: …I am telling the story— this African American side— of the American life. History is the story of men and women, but the narrative is controlled by those who hold the pen. ……..My community has been marginalized for hundreds of years. While we have been right beside our white counterparts experiencing and creating history, our contributions and perspectives have been ignored, unrecorded, and lost. It is only a few years ago that it was acknowledged that the White House was built by slaves. Right there in the seat of power of our country African Americans were creating and contributing while their names were lost to history. ………My subjects are African Americans from ordinary walks of life who may have sat for a formal family portrait or may have been documented by a passing photographer. Like the builders of the White House, they have no names or captions to tell us who they were.
Your ponderings for the week: Learn the why behind something in your own history, and see how it affects you now and would you tweak it to change the future? And the Planets: New Moon in Pisces on March 13th great day for daydreaming.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

*Chariot – This is the week to make change happen. The Muse of Movement is here to help grease the wheels. Momentum is not problem. The only challenge with this energy is you must drive it and have a destination to drive it to. If you do not have a focus you may run around in circles this week.

Knight of Wands – This Muse comes to say you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. You may not see it, but your timing is perfect. Whether you are standing still, trotting along or in full gallop allow your spirit to guide you.

King of Cups – The Muse of Emotional Acceptance has come to help you heal old wounds of the heart. This muse celebrates the hardest emotion that we deal with as humans: grief. There is something you need to grieve. This energy wants you to dive deeply into this emotion of loss. When we grieve, we empty the cup fully and by doing so allow the cup to be refilled.

Ace of Coins – The Muse of Material Beginnings is here. This is a perfect week to start a new project, re-plan your garden, buy something to fix up your house or start a savings account. The key to this energy of sustainability is to create with the concept of quality over quantity.

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details has come to help guide you through this week. This energy comes when it is important to read the fine print, plan out a project in detail, and sweat the small stuff. You can find pleasure if you pay attention to the details of your life. Time to get out that metaphorical (or literally if you must) fine-toothed comb or cleaning toothbrush and tease out the specifics.

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-term Planning is here to set up your itinerary for the rest of the year and three- and five-year goals. This week do not get caught in the morass of minutia. Turn your gaze to the horizon and the dreams of tomorrow. Vision boards out, daydreaming on, and no boundaries in vastness of your future.

Four of Cups – Last week the Muse of Divine energy was here to grow whatever you wanted to focus on. You get another week to do just that. But this week’s Muse ask you to go back and relook over what you are working on. There is something that does not feel quite right. That thing or idea needs some more introspection. The challenge with this is after you have done a pass with your internal eye, turn outward to get another person’s opinion. Though make sure it is with someone you trust with your dreaming.

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Finishing is here to help you complete a project. Either find the oldest thing on your to-do list or finish up something that has been nagging at your subconscious. This is a great week to move a project forward to completion or at least a big leap towards it.

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss is here to point out all the good things in your life. This week sit back and enjoy all that you have worked hard to get. If you have a roof over your head start there, food on the table you are doing great; and a job that is getting your needs meet, Whoot. And if you do not have these things, help is on the way. You just need to ask and then open your door; you have friends that are wanting to pay you back some of the kindness you have given in the past.

*Fool – The Muse of Leaps is here to help you out of a rut you may not realize you are in. The key to this is to do the non-routine. Sleep late or get up with the sunrise, turn off all electronics after sunset for a night, eat for one day without cooking unless over an open fire, do not look at your emails for a 24-hour period. I know you all love your routines, but this week shake it up and see what new ideas sprout from the cracks.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Physical Pleasures is here to help you through this week. This muse comes when you need to ground yourself. She reminds you to connect with your five senses if you can daily. Eat good food, see beautiful things, feel something textural, smell some aromatherapy, and listen to your favorite music. Enjoy the simple things in life.

*Death – Ok so this rarely happens but the Muse of Organic Change arrives again during your birth month to remind you how important this year is to make big changes happen. And to do so you need to release, release, and release some more. And while you are doing all this releasing you are using this “stuff” to compost new soil to grow from. The challenge with this energy is having the patience and attunement with your surroundings like a gardener. You need to pay attention to the cycles of growth and harvesting. This can be a year where you are planting and harvesting each season.
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