The artist this week is Leilah Babirye. Babirye’s art guides us into ponderings about ancestors, history, and societal groups. Her sculptures are constructions of wood or ceramic adorned with found objects. Part new, part past and part the living history around her. Her titles and inspirations come from her personal story where ancestral lineages are essential though her ancestral present does not serve her. Babriye comes from Buganda a kingdom of Uganda however, she had to leave six years ago because of homophobic death threats.
In Uganda members of a clan create kinships. They consider themselves siblings or an interconnected family inconsequential to their bloodline. Babriye incites us to see that we can reestablish kinship when our historical structures fail us. With this series she creates ancestors from Kuchu Clan. Kuchu being a secret endearment used within the queer community in her native land. We classical define clans as the principal social unit of a tribal organization which is descended from a common ancestor. Babriye’s art shows us our need for connection, and if the system or social construct cannot support us, we can make our own.
Ponderings for the week: With the Pope and therefore the Catholic Church again condemning same sex relationships as a sin. We still have a lot of prejudice to weed out of our institutional systems. Where do your belief systems support biases? How can we honor our heritage but also allow it to evolve with our collective conscious? Who would your chosen ancestor be? Is it time to re-cite your story?
Planets: Venus goes into Aries today. This can be a very playful and action filled week, however; on Tuesday, March 23 there are some funky planet configurations. Be kind and watch that you don’t jump into situations that cause more trouble then good.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Temperance – The first card of your birth month is The Muse of the Middle Path. This year is a lesson in balancing excess and blending binaries. There will be no absolutes this year which is hard for your sign in general. You like definitives. However, cooperation, blending, and balance is essential to create forward movement that does not look like a zig zag pattern. You are also challenge this year not to over-do, over-exert, and over-emote. Harmonizing opposites by going back to their source is the distinctive quality of the Zen attitude, the Middle Way: embracing contradictions, making synthesis of them, achieving balance- Taisen Deshimaru

*Moon – The Muse of the Moon is here to remind you softness is needed this week. A time for reflection- to dive into the subconscious either through dreams, meditation, or aimless ponderings. You might feel slightly disconnected and not as grounded, but this allows you to connect with the flow of energies and emotions that need tending to. By softening your gaze, you will see the periphery with more clarity.

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Attentiveness reminds you to focus on one thing at a time. This week’s energy will be bombarding you with inquires and attention seeking people. Your challenge is to push all that aside and focus on what needs to be done. She suggests you write your goals down before you walk out the door each day. Or even better if you pull out a sharpie and write the one item with the highest priority on your hand.

*Wheel – This week is a moment when you will feel a major energy shift. You understand acutely what goes up must go down, for you are in tune with the cycles of not only the moon but also life. Your challenge this week whether the fate is fortuities or failure, is the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction again. So, it is valuable to seek the seeds of serendipity. There are lessons and gifts in each swing.

Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance has come to help you sort through this week. First, she advises you do some grounding exercises: yoga, bury your feet in sand, or visualizing growing roots into the ground. Next, she has you practice balancing on one foot while figuring out what your two top priorities are this week. Then she suggests you take on only those two objectives until they are complete or as complete as they can get. Of course, the trick is doing the above while eating balanced meals, drinking eight glass of water, and sleeping at least 8 hours. It takes concentration but you can do it.

*Justice – The Muse of Justice has come to work with you around the concepts of fairness as well as inequity. The challenge with this week and these energies are that the answers are not an easy yes/no, good/bad kind of ruling. For true justice to happen a thorough deliberation must be done. So in all decisions you must look at the why things happen and then align that to your integrity before you can come to a verdict.

Ace of Cups – Love is in the Air. Connect to the people you love, engage in activities that you love, and share the love. Plant seeds of affection wherever you go this week. Open doors, smile with your eyes, and savor good food and good company. Love is one of the elixirs of life – Fill your cup.

Two of Wands – Time to future gaze. This week’s energy is all about planning the next steps of your destiny. This Muse asks you to include at least one of your passions and one adventure into the next phase of your plans. By the end of the week, you might feel her urging you to also make the first step.

Five of Cups – The Muse of Spilled Milk is here to tweak your concepts of mistakes. Look around you and see areas where you are floundering or making missteps. These areas need to be re-done. You need to sift out what is working. This is not a totally re-do but it is a restart. Work with what is working and leave the rest of the mess behind.

*Hermit – This week take time to pull yourself out of the world to gain some perspective and regroup. This Muse comes to guide you to higher ground so you can see the bigger picture. If you remain in the entanglements of the now, you will be swallowed by its urgency and complexity. By stepping back, you begin to see the pattern of the dance so when you rejoin you do so with ease and joy.

*Hanged Muse – This Muse advises to come at this week with patience and a new perspective. The patience part is that this week time is just not on your side or at least you are dealing with it as an enemy instead of a beloved friend to hang with. Thank the delays you encounter. They are lining you up to be more in sync with the natural order. And while you are in idle take this time to ponder a new perspective on an aspect of your life that feels as if it is roadblocked. It is, but that does not mean you cannot figure out a new way around it. The key is new.

Five of Coins – The Muse of Lost Things is knocking at your door. She would like to come in and sort out that feeling that something just is not right. She asks can you be helped preferably from a professional? Part of that feeling un-rightness is not having the resources or knowledge to solve it, but help is there if you just look for it.
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