Continuing with artists who focus on light, this week’s artist is Elioth Gruner. Gruner is one of the most recognized Australian landscape painters. His painting style is en plein air, the technique of painting the entire piece outside at the site usually in one session. Gruner liked to get up in the early morning to catch the long shadows of the rising sun and the atmospheric quality of morning light. The exception is when he painted at the beach. There the light quality drifts from early morning to mid-day heat to the cooler late-afternoon. With his paintings we can sense aspects of the landscape by his use of light as if we were there, and how that light influences our mood and taps into our collective memories.
Spring and Fall, Dawn and Dusk these times of transitions are when the value of light becomes the most noticeable. Where we see and feel the cycle of life most clearly. This week’s pondering: find a spot in your house or surrounding environment and watch how the light and shadows move through it. Think about how light and darkness have moved though your life. How these times of change hold significance.
Solar System highlights
The Moon starts in Leo – time to shine. Then on Wednesday it moves into Virgo – good for cleaning and organizing. Then for the weekend the Moon is in Libra a perfect time to be with the beings you love. Mercury is in Pisces until March 27th – great for talking through dreams with friends but not so great if you are trying to pin down action plans or solutions. Mars (action) is in Aquarius (innovation, perspective, and long-term thinking). This is a period to experiment with innovations, but if you are trying to get something done fast, be aware that for the next couple of weeks there might be more talking then doing.
Venus (beauty, relationships) is also in Aquarius this can be a great time to do long term planning with your significant others or dabble in creative endeavors with them. But still remember not to push for solutions or set goals in stone – brainstorming is key. Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Six of Swords – Finally the energy is calming down around you, but it is not finished pushing you forward. The past three weeks you have been working with change, growth, and the patience and perspective to do it right. And now the Muse of Transitions is here with her boat to help you move to the next phase. This is a perfect week for you to move something or yourself to the next level. The key is this transition should create more ease. If not, simplify your plans/steps more before moving forward.

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Wishes is here to have you dream bigger. The hard part for your sign is at times you all can be too practical. This energy needs you to dream outside of your boundaries. This Muse reminds you that if the Universe can’t provide the exact thing it goes for the essence of your wish. So, what Seven things would you like to come into your life? Write them down then burn it or say them out loud so the universe can get the message.

*Strength – The Muse of Inner Strength comes this week for you to strengthen your resolve physically or morally. This week is not a week to wavier or be indecisive. Now is the time to exercise your body and your will.

Two of Cups– This week find time to bond with those that are the nearest and dearest to your heart. The challenge with this Muse is that she reminds you that the equitable relationships are the ones that you learn the most from. That each person in the relationships finds not only joy and comfort, but that energy is mutual given and received.

*Moon – The Muse of Shadows and Mist is visiting you this week. This can make you feel lost or uncertainty, roaming the shadowy halls of the unconscious and reading between the lines of conscious thought and conversations. This Muse reminds you not to look outward for answers but to look inward. What you see on the outside are mere reflections on what you should be looking at inside. The world is your mirror.

Ten of Swords – The Muse of Drama has come, and you do not have to answer the door. This week can bring up old triggers and trauma that you thought you have dealt with. Well, you have, so you do not need to respond to their call.

Seven of Coins – The last three weeks have been full of energy. You have had the Muse of Destiny bring in opportunities and challenges, the Muse of Perspective to help you see the big picture and the Muse of Stagnation stopping you to do some inner reflection. And this week the Muse of Reward has come at the very least for you to take a breather if not reap the rewards of your labors.

Ten of Coins – You have gone through a lot in the past three weeks – dealing with strengthening your emotional honesty, setting up structures that support you and moving forward with more gusto. This week you get to sit back a bit and reconnect with family and loved ones. By visiting your roots, you feed your growth.

Four of Swords – The Muse of Tranquility reminds you that inertia can be as good for the body and soul as momentum. Find time this week to unplug from technology and society to charge your batteries. It is time to recline.

Page of Swords – The Muse of Inquiry comes with mind sharpening challenges. This week you need to use your Spidey senses when to ask questions and when to listen. Some bits of information are hidden, not on purpose, but you will still need your surgical sleuth skills honed to get to solutions and answers.

Three of Wands – The Muse of Enterprise comes with maps, a compass, telescope, and astrolabe to help you expand your horizons. This is a great week to think about your short- and long-term plans of your enterprises and how you want to live in the bigger schema of life. Vison board required.

*Emperor – The Muse of Realization has come to help you build your empire. Think of various ways you can expand your realm of business: networking, project creation, building your portfolio or resume, etc… And then do them. Now is the time.
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