Happy Pride Month! The artist this week is Marcos Chin @marcoschinart. Chin’s illustrations are vibrant! Vibrant is defined as full of energy and enthusiasm, quivering; pulsating, bright and striking. He draws the viewer into environments and turns the volume up a notch or three. Having the viewer wanting to jump in and join the parade of color. As an art form illustration often gets categorized outside high art.
This critique disregards the technical skill and imagination of the artist as well as turning a blind eye to the cultural significance of its form. This is why politics and advertising employ illustration to visual inform and create solidarity. Illustration like street art is the art of the people. There is not one person that has not enjoyed the artwork on albums, story books, T-shirts, or posters. Illustration is the Pied Piper of art and art appreciation. This form brings vibrancy to our lives and sparks our imagination. Illustrators need as much highlighting and fanfare as any gallery artists.
Of course, I am a tarot reader that relies on illustrations. To tarot readers illustration is a gateway into the soul’s journey. I believe this is why we collect decks. Each deck is another interpretation of the soul’s path. Each deck increases our knowledge and therefore our skill as a reader. And yes, Chin has some illustrations of tarot cards (see the last three pics) but no deck. So need I say, tarot lovers lovingly hound this fellow to make more.
Planet highlights: We have a New Moon in Gemini with a solar Eclipse on June 10th. And Mercury is still retrograde in Gemini until June 23rd. So, make time and space for snafus and do the 3 R’s: Review, Reflect and Revise. Pay attention to triggers this week, for eclipse time gives us hints on where to heal and fix what is not work. Mars goes into Leo on the 11th. While it’s still in Cancer chat with your emotions so when the fiery planet goes into Leo you can work on your sovereignty and resilience without getting hurt. For with Mercury still retro spats can occur, so remember check your ego. Also, Jupiter (expansion) is in Pisces until July 28th giving you a heads up what your 2022 will be like and what area your growth will take place.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Ace of Cups – The energy of love surrounds you this week. Your cup spillth over. Employ this energy to refresh yourself and the ones you love. This is a new beginning; how are you going to use the power of love and spread it?

Three of Swords – The past two weeks you have been working with the energies of Creation and Supportive Partnership. However, this week you are solidly in Mercury’s retrograde and the eclipse, so amid this creation process (remember this is an energy in play for the next 9 months), you might be triggered. The energy, this week is about healing deep wounds around self-worth, grief, and sorrow. This is a perfect time to pull back and do the 3 R’s to sort through the feelings of your shadow side.

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Boundaries has come to break down limitations that were set by others and create more healthy boundaries that do not constrain you. This is a great exercise for Mercury and eclipse energy this week. Take this time to see what thought patterns are holding you back and let them go.

*Death – The Muse of Letting Go is here to clean your literal and/or metaphorical closets so you can move into the next phase of your new birth year. By letting go of the decay you are creating fertile grounds for your new garden of delights. Go through closets, junk drawers, emotions, thoughts, and structures that are no longer of use or do not work well. This coming birth year is setting you up for an upgrade, so clear space.

*Empress – Last week the Muse of Justice and Truth came to aid you on setting boundaries and goals with the assistance of Mr. Flip if needed. Now with your new boundaries, goals and a helper if you get stuck you can start creating. The Muse of Creation has arrived, and she is asking for a 9-month comment to growing something in your life. Luckily, she is also giving you some time (until the end of this retrograde period) to play and nurture a few ideas before you commit. So, crayons out, vision boards up and have some fun.

Six of Swords – The Muse of Tiny Excursions is here to help you find the beauty of the intimate world around you. She asks you to take strolls in your neighborhood, investigate intimate venues, read a short story or poem to deep dive into a vignette of emotion. Her lessons are small and simple but holds as much profound as the large.

*World – The Muse of Success is knocking. Success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. What have you accomplished since June of 2020? Take this week to tie up loss ends and to celebrate your triumphs. Examine what you have created as your legacy. What is going to reverberate into the World because of you? For these coming months will bring you new opportunities to build upon what you have already started or start a new adventure with a clean slate.

Two of Cups – Relationships are the theme this week. This energy is all about equity in relationships. Are you getting your cups filled by others around you and are you doing the same? If the people around you aren’t supporting, then it is time to cut the chords and spend that energy on the people that do.

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Perseverance is here to help you continue the fight or a stance. You are on the right path even though it may feel like you are walking against the wind solo. Yes, something is off but that just means there is more work to do on this project or where you are at. Keep on keeping on.

*Justice – The Muse of Fortune came last week to shake things up for inertia had set into someplace in your life. Now the Muse of Balance has come to settle your world back into some form of your “new normal.” The challenge with this Muses’ wisdom is balance is not the same as equity. The Goddess Maat knew that the good versus bad depended on circumstances. For example, a solider and husband who murdered his wife would weigh differently around killing. So, take note in how you judge situations, people, and yourself.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition is here to bestow some information though she makes you work for it. This week look for patterns and synchronicities for they will lead you to gems of knowledge need in the coming weeks. She also is the Muse of your many purposes on Earth. So don’t be surprised if this egg hunt brings up doubts or confidences in what you are doing. She reminds you that one’s path does not need to be difficult to be worth it, but it does need your undivided attention.

*Judgement – The Muse of Structures came last week to help you stabilize your life and work. You needed a clean and organized slate for the Muse of Evolution is here this week. It is still advised that you tweak the Feng Shu in your space and life but with the lens of making it a place where you can metamorphosis into the next phase of your life. To evolve into a better you, you need a nurturing space to cocoon in. Take time this week making your spaces and plans comfortable to grow in and into.
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