Ingrid Pollard’s work is a case of visual intimacy meeting a panoramic mind. She is a photographer, media artist and researcher. Pollard’s art has the viewer often focuses on a vignette that holds the reverberations of history and the physical/social landscape that history inhabits. You can look at the landscape as a working environment that’s very managed and not natural at all. The very romantic, nostalgic view expresses more about society’s understanding of what’s important, what to preserve. It’s also [connected to] relationships to other landscapes across the sea and how that’s changed in the last 500 years. You’ve got to look at landscape in the wider sense. (from an interview in Frieze, April 4, 2019.)
In these times this view of the wider context is vital if we want to change our intimate exchanges. For systemic change we need to see our history, how we got here, and like Ingrid points out in her work why we kept what we did and do. It will be awkward, but it is essential in seeing the present we must look at bigger picture both longitudinal in the society and culture and latitudinal in time and space.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Justice – Another high energy week for you. Last week was about evolution and awakening to your divine nature. Asking the question am I fulfilling my purpose or calling? Hopefully, you have answered that question for this week you are called to align your purpose, integrity and plan your next steps. In essence, wake you that you hold the responsibility for your actions.

Seven of Swords – Last week, the energy around you was dripping with creation. And reminding you that with the power of love anything can flourish. The energy has shifted what once was abundant is now slightly off. Pieces of the puzzle feel as if they are missing. Do not look for trickery but be aware that the future is shifting. If you keep to your integrity and calm your emotions, this wobble will pass. You will re-find your path, by creating and moving with small steps.

Three of Cups – Take this week to hang with friends. You are needing imbibement in some truth, honesty, and vulnerability that only your soul group can give you. Time to empty and refill your emotional cups and maybe some real cups too.

Three of Wands –The energy of crumbling systems is still resonating this week. As you build new structures, boundaries, and schedules to access this next part of your journey, realize things are also working behind the scenes. All the pieces can not be seen or dealt with this week. This is a time to ponder and dream while the future continues in its reconstruction.

Two of Swords – Indecision and a feeling of being lost surrounds you this week. The key to working with this exercise in free choice is to hone your intuition skills. If you pause, you will feel the strings pulling you to a direction. The challenge is realizing this journey is more about the trip then the destination.

Two of Wands – Now is the time to step out of your past and into your potential. This week’s energy is encouraging you to take a few steps into the future you have been planning and dreaming of. The challenge is actively being present in taking that first step.

King of Coins – Creating prosperity is a skill this energy is wanting you to practice this week. It is a great time to ie: rework your budget, find ways to increase your credit score, access the wealth you need to live the life you want… Getting a firm foundation around your finances, allows you to start accumulating the material abundance that you require for a comfortable future.

Nine of Swords – Worry and fear add to the stressful energy this week. This can make you vulnerable and might end up with you not getting a good night’s sleep. The skills you need to work on this week are putting your worries to bed before you. A good exercise is writing them all down on paper about an hour before bed and then tuck all but two in. Then ask your subconscious to work on the chosen pair while you sleep. You will be amazed when you wake up your mind often sorts it out while you get a solid night’s sleep.

*Fool – Your muse this week is the explorer on the physical, mental, or spiritual plane. Time to get in your car or bike and feel the wind whistle past your ears. You need to feel movement and newness. And when you do partake in them your wanderlust and/or stagnation will subside. Take advantage of head in the cloud’s kind of days, for inspiration awaits upon your arrival.

Ace of Cups – The energy this week wants you to find new ways to connect to your emotions. Your emotional depth is found in acts of creation. This energy asks what would your heart want you to start on this week? What can you create that will have your heart figuratively skipping a beat?

Eight of Cups – Simplification and cutting off what is not useful is needed this week. What is not working for you anymore? What steps need to happen for you to heal? After you have dumped the spoiled contents of these cups what will you fill them with? For some of you, you will need to walk away and for others you will need to stand your ground for your emotional well-being. Either way this is a week where the new paradigm is waiting to happen you just need to walk to it unhindered.

Nine of Wands – You are almost at the end of a cycle. Take this week to tie up loose ends, follow through and meet your goals. Use this week’s energy to maintain your boundaries so you can check things off your list. The challenge is to not give up; you have the energy and are prepared for this push.
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