The artist highlighted this week is la furie , Prisca Munkeni Monnier, @furiephotographe. Her art is raw, hungry and has a gravitational weight that one can sink their teeth into, while lifting one’s mind. It is like a helium balloon with a rock attached to its string holding it down. La furie’s work speaks to the fleeting memory of cause and the day-to-day dealings of effect. In her words… (This is translated from French by Google so please forgive the paraphrase.)
“Over time, places or people who had an impact in our identity disappear. Buried in our everyday lives. Our memories, things, traditions we were once taught to be proud of are forgotten. However, certain traumas remain. Leading room for unexplained frustration or anger. Day after day, we forget … why we cry, why we love or even what we live for.
My depictions want to express the traumas that we inherited that became part of our identities over the years and that we are continuously brushing off. I want to bring them to life, give them a space, respecting all forms of otherness. It is a battle against time, space and everything fading away. One last tribute before it all falls into oblivion.
One last attempt to keep a memory of – a trace of – I create because I am trying to remember … Maybe I will know why I am angry. Maybe I’ll be free.”
Solar System highlights: Moon starts in Aquarius but quickly moves to Pisces this week, so be in touch with your higher self. It then goes into Aries on 30nd – great for starting new projects, and then ends in Taurus on July 3rd – focusing on growth. Mercury is out of retrograde but still in Gemini until July 16th, so communication is still emphasized. And Venus joins Mars in Leo, so we switch from inner love and care to outer. Time to manifest your feelings and desires. Also a great time to be with those you love. And if you find yourself solo it is a perfect time to make new friends or get a new plant (if humanity is driving you crazy).
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Devil – The Muse of Final Exams has come to test your resolve. Be aware this week is full of diversions. Something this week is going to try and derail you. This muse reminds you that you have already learned this lesson, and now you need to apply your knowledge.

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures is here to help you plan out this week and look if your structures are sustainable in the long term. Look for cracks in your theories, schedules, food intake, etc… This muse reminds you that your structures are supposed to not only create abundance but also ease. So, mottos like – work smarter not harder or more money does not equal more work should be your go to in your restructuring.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Comfort is here to update the way you are living. This is a great week to refresh your space with flowers, throw pillows, a hammock, new kitchen appliance… She asks, how can you update your living space to bring more comfort and ease?

Knight of Wands and Nine of Cups – These energies herald in your new year with this information- you are in the right place doing the right thing if you follow the thought form of contentment. So, in the coming year if the path you are on does not imbue a sense of satisfaction it is time to change your route; however, if you are content, stay the course.

Eight of Wands – The energy this week is full of information useful for tying up loose ends and the planning of your new birthyear. Watch for synchronicities, favorite numbers, or repeated phrases as signs to pay attention, for there is information there for you. So, eyes, ears, and mind open.

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Innovation is here to help you conjure up inspired ideas. She is calling you to create part of your legacy. What do you want to say? What do you want to remember for? You are on this planet at this time to put forth your unique gifts. Go

Page of Coins – The Muse of Education is here. Reminding you that to remain relevant that you need to be opened to learning new skills. And this week’s energy helps highlight where you need to up your skill set. Your Motto: I am a lifelong learner.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Finding the True You is here. You are an emotional creature, and this energy helps you connect to your deep waters. Feel your way through this week. Your heart tells the truth. Follow it and your desires will rise for you to catch their wave.

Ten of Pentacles – It is the perfect time to complete at least one venture. Go to your to-do list and find the project that is nearest completion and finish it. Then this energy says take the rest of the week off. Your motto: Work hard, play hard.

*Strength – Last week, The Devil card challenged you to modulate your speed and assess how far you have come so you can readjust how you want to continue. Now the Muse of Inner Strength has come to help you navigate your internal space to match your readjusted outer space. Use this energy to be still and listen to the feelings and desires that drive you. By locating your inner true north, you can now align it to your outer manifestations, thus creating a path of ease to your guiding star.

Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance is here to test your ability to multi task. Her main hint for you this week is to manage juggling only two balls before you add another another one to your work load.

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Deep Knowledge is here to help you navigate where you are in life right now. First, she reminds you that you need to ground to align with your spiritual self. Then she asks how you want to live on this plane and what impressions do you want to leave behind as you walk forward into your future. These are deep questions that require deep thought. If you are befuddled, she also scatters synchronicities to help guide your ponderings. Or suggests walking meditations in nature or exercises like Tai Chi or Yoga to connect with your gravity.
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