Happy Summer Solstice, Happy Birthday to all you fellow Crabs out there and Happy Father’s Day. There is a lot happening today. Let’s take the celestial portion first. Summer Solstice happens every year and marks the beginning of the summer, or winter depending on which hemisphere you live on. It is the one of two times the Earth is farthest away from the Sun within a year. During this season, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun to get the most rays and the Southern to get the least.
On this day, the Sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer hence its name; however, it has been over 2,000 years since the Sun enter the constellation for Cancer on solstice. This is because of a motion of Earth called precession, the sun is always moving along the zodiac. The cycle of this movement is 26,000 years long. The sun moves toward the west. Thus, relative to the zodiac’s backdrop of stars, the sun on every solstice appears a bit westward of the previous year’s solstice sun. So, this solstice the sun is actually entering Taurus.
And lastly today is Father’s Day. A shout out to all those men out there that co-parent or single parent the next generation. Above pic is a male Cardinal fish that holds the eggs in his mouth until they hatch. He doesn’t eat for about a month while they mature. And below are other father’s in the animal kingdom that take a larger part of the hatching/rearing of their young.
Planet highlights: Moon starts in Scorpio this week, so be in touch with your sensuality. It then goes into Sagittarius on 22nd – great for discovering new things, and then ends in Capricorn – focusing on structures. Mercury is out of retrograde but still in Gemini until July 16th. So, time to make those revisions of the last two weeks live. Jupiter goes retro today, June 20. It does this cycle every 399 days and lasts 4 months. It is a great time to slow your roll but not to stop forward motion. Remember while it is in Pisces, until the end of July, this gives you a window into the energies that will be around you in 2022.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Sun – This week it is time for you to shine. Take a step into the light. Feed energy only in the things you want to grow. But be aware, your fiery, all-action temperament does not give “shade” to those that are around you. Helping others shine adds to your shimmer.

Six of Coins – The Muse of Charity has come to your door. This week the more positive energy you put into the world the more optimistic your surroundings become. However, this energy works with negative energy also. The lesson is what you feed is what grows.

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is knocking around in your attic. This energy advises you to investigate your past for answers this week. You are playing out old patterns and you need to find where it all began to releasee or innovate out of them.

Ace of Cups – Of course at the beginning of your birth month you get the Muse of Emotional Beginnings. This is a great week to make wishes on how you want this new year to feel. And then riff off that feeling and innovated on how to make it happen. This muse recommends finding a word to encompass that mood and write it somewhere that you can see it throughout this month.

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Commitment is asking you to spend this last month of your birth year tiding up looses ends, so you have a clean slate to start off on your birthday. All the tasks will not be completed within this months’ time. Boundaries are essential to create space and time to do this work. The more you deal with now the more energy and focus you will have to innovate the future.

Knight of Swords – Last week the Muse of Taking Charge challenged you to create momentum in your life. She left you in charge of everything: the what, where and how to get to you closer to your destination. Well, you have another week to keep that momentum going; however, you need to slow down and think things through at each step. This is not a week to make rush decisions or fly by night moves. Thoughtfulness and patience are the skills you are utilizing this week to create ease.

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams has arrived to boost you to imagine bigger. You have limited your desires in someway and this had left you feeling hollow. This feeling of scarcity has created a hungry ghost that uses anything to fill that space. However, if you follow your dreams that hunger will be abated.

King of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come to play with you this week. This is a great week to plan and start a modernization to drive you into your future. The challenge is thinking outside of the box and for the long term. It will take time for this to mature, but this week has the momentum to start the ball rolling.

Eight of Swords – You are stuck in some part of your life/work and are clinging to a thought construct that does not work for you. The Muse of Theories is here to help you meditate revise or release what no longer serves you.

*Devil – The Devil card is one of your life cards, so that means this week has some karmic components to it. The sun is going into Cancer which is opposing your natal Sun. This happens every summer in June and July. It is a time to stand back, re-group and begin again. You are halfway through your birth year. Take this week to assess how far you come and readjust how you want to continue. This muse also challenges you to relax and slow down to do this evaluation correctly. As they say the Devil is in the details, but you need to modulate your speed to pay attention to the small.

Five of Swords – The energy this week brings with it a feeling of chaos and distraction, like a nest of bees outside your window. However, the Muse of Best Interests is here to keep you focus and on the right path. Your challenge is to stay true to your integrity and humanity. Go into any situation with the question: What is best for me and for the other person I am interacting with? And if those conflict enact compassion and compromise for the both of you.

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Processing Difficulties has come to have a beverage with you. This week has a feeling of melancholy to it. Melancholy comes when one is having difficulties processing new situations by using old models of coping. Take this week to innovate ways in which you handle the troubles in your life.
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