Happy Birth-month Cancerians!
The artist this week is Shantell Martin @shantell_martin. (This blog is a hard medium to show her work for much of the impact comes with the immersion into it and many of her pieces are moving. For example, just go to her website and run your cursor over the drawings around her image. But I am going to try, and hopefully you will be more intrigued and click through to her sites.)
Martin makes “simple” ink line drawings and takes us on a journey possible into to her stream of conscious but definitely into our own self-discovery. She is a renaissance philosopher artist. Martin often collaborates and has vast interests in a variety of mediums, music, design, fonts, sculpture to name a few. Her works represented here are parts installations in public spaces. There is a sense of fun of whimsy that we often need to remind ourselves of, even when we are thinking big thoughts. That we can simultaneously follow a line of thought and wind it through a variety of emotions, but come out with a more optimistic and airy sense of space.
Martin has been fascinated and working with the concept of “line” since youth. As she said in a Colossal Interview “With just a few simple strokes you can imagine something or bring it to life. There’s something quite magical about that, and as an artist, I feel we all fundamental have our own line inside us. We have something we could extract…it would be unique and different for every single individual that created a line.” So, your pondering for this week is Martin’s Art Manifesto. Even if you are not an artist these aspects can be applied into your life. For an exercise replaced the word “art/artist” and with “us/our” in the sheet below and find your line.

Solar System Highlights
Just a heads-up Monday through Wednesday the Moon, Mars and Venus are all in placements that can ooze stubbornness and noncompliance. Watch that you don’t get into any battles because nobody wins during this time. Then on Thursday the Moon moves into Taurus giving us that slow and steady energy to finish out our work. By Saturday it is in Gemini a great time for friends and lively conversations. Mercury is in Gemini its home spot. This eases conversations and inspires downloads of knowledge. Venus (beauty and harmony) moves into Gemini (communication and knowledge) on the 22nd. Finally, Venus can get some breathing room from Mars. So, after Wednesday fences can be mended and people find places to compromise. Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th. It influences action and expansion over the summer months. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Moon – The Muse of Shadows would like you to work with your more obscured attributes. She would like you to reflect on your societal persona. Has it masked some hidden talents? Does it truly reflect your soul’s desires or your heart’s? What abilities have you hidden because of should, could, would have statements? Time to walk at least one of these hidden abilities back out into the light.

*Wheel – Last week, the Muse of Healing and Hope asked if you could heal one thing what would it be? And if you had one truth to live by what would that be? The Muse of Fortune often comes to unstick momentum, so she continues this line of questioning. She asks what are you trying to control that cannot be controlled? Where are you metaphorically trying to grasp water or manipulate an aspect of the Wheel of Life? This Muse is reminding you the world turns without you. She does not mean to lessen your power but to redirect it to the present.

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change advises that now is the time to let go and create space for the new to grow. This can look as simple as cleaning out your closets, old junk drawers or your garage. Or as complex as letting go of old concepts or relationships that no longer feed you. Think of it like tilling the soil of your life. You are preparing the ground for new things to grow.

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Abundance is your first energy to work with this birth year. This Muse is asking you if you can celebrate your success and enjoy all that you have worked for? This year is about enjoying the family you have created, the friends you have, and your material successes.

Ten of Wands – You will be asked to do a lot this week; however, the Muse of Obligation reminds you all the tasks are not your responsibility. This week your challenge is to discern what is yours and then drop the rest. By taken on other’s responsibilities you are creating unhealthy dependent relationships instead interdependent collaborations.

Two of Coins – The Muse of Equilibrium comes when something is out of balance. She asks what is making your life askew? Are you working too much? Then Play more. Or are you playing too much? Then realign with your ambitions. Are you feeling tired or sick? Look at adjusting your sleep habits or food intake. The challenge with this exercise is believing you must take on all the imbalances at once. Start small and pick one focus, like go to bed 15 minutes earlier, for you might find the others naturally readjusts with the smallest of calibrations.

*Strength – The Muse of Strength comes for two reasons, either you need to strength your core muscle, or you need to strengthen your convictions. If its your core muscle be careful lifting things this week and do some strengthening exercises. If it is your convictions, shore up your boundaries and realign yourself with your belief systems. Often this Muse asks you to ponder what is the most important ethic that you hold and then apply the answer in all your challenges this week.

*Chariot – This week will have a lot of energy not only within you but also around you. The Muse of Momentum has given you the impetus, but you must supply the objectives. So be careful starting off this week without a responsible agenda. Without a plan this energy can combust or have you doing donuts in the parking lot. However, if you have goals and actions steps you should find the road smoothly paved.

Eight of Wands – The Muse of Messages shows up all this week downloading information. The challenge is managing your inbox. So, the key to ease this week is prioritize what you need to respond to and leave the rest. Also, it is a great time to pick out a book or audio file and savor the glory of the written word.

Five of Coins – The Muse of Devotion is asking what or whom do you pray to? This week will have its challenges, so where do you go for spiritual guidance? This week reconnect to the divinity, person, place, or thing where you can find solace for your soul.

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Resilience is standing by you to help you make it through the challenges this week. First, she reminds you that you have been through way worse and survived. And secondly, she prompts that you do not have to take it all on at once. You can methodically come at one challenge at a time and the rest will wait their turn, though they may grumble a bit. You got this.

*Hermit – The Muse of Solitude is inviting you to pull away and get some perspective. Yep, you have the Muses’ permission to hide this week. So, turn off your phone any time you can; however, this does not mean that you can sit in a haze. The challenge this week is to stand back and look at your surroundings and make a game plan of how you are going to re-enter into society.
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