The artist this week is Katherine Bradford @kathebradford. Bradford is a contemporary painter that combines story with abstraction. Her color palate is, well, very color-full. Her figures usually have no facial features but convey a story with “simple” gestures, a hand on the back, or arms crossed. There is a whimsy and a vulnerability to her work. Her painting style though seemingly childlike creates the contextual dichotomy of the human experience. With her loose style she allows our own story to the interpretation. Is the wave crashing over the people or are they enjoying the ocean? She nudges the viewer to not focus on the hyper-realism of life but the feeling of a moment.
Bradford’s work reminds me of summer. Summer has associated with it the characteristic of fun and enjoyment: pool- side antics, the beach, fireflies, warm nights… Along with these joyful details, there are sunburns, indigestion, vacation travel, mosquitos, etc… But the amazing thing about this season when we reminisce about it, we do so through an abstracted lens of pleasure that comes from the interactions of friends, family, food, and fauna. So, though the details of life are important, it’s abstraction which often allows more context and pleasure.
Your pondering for the week: What would happen if we focused on the feeling we want out of life more than the exacting details? Generalize instead of Specify.
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts in Virgo helping us to get organized. On Tuesday it moves into Libra, so balance and relationships get highlighted. And for the weekend the Moon is in Scorpio great for enjoying your passions. Mercury moves into Cancerian waters on Wednesday. Reconnect with whomever is your mother figure and verbal support the woman in your life. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge). Interesting that the divine feminine is in the headlines. Ladies tell your stories. Mars (action) moves into Taurus on Wednesday. So, fiery action goes from confrontation and speed to a saner, slower, and steadier pace. Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th. It influences action and expansion over the summer months. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*High Priestess – The Muse of Purpose comes when it is time to solidify your reason for being. This week you will receive messages from the Universe to help guide you. They come in the form of synchronicities and out of the blue gifts. This Muse is asking you to step into your talents/superpowers and show the world how amazing you are.

*Hermit – The Muse of Hermitage is asking you to step back from your daily life and look at your placement within your timeline and the World’s. This is a week to gain perspective into why you are doing things. And then tweaking how you are doing them so that you can shine your light with more ease and focus. The challenge is figuring out how you will show up when you re-enter society.

Page of Coins – This week learning a new skill or understanding is vital for creating ease. The Muse of the Student is advising keeping your ears and mind open for insights. You may find that a plethora of teachers and mentors show up for you this week. The challenge is more listening and learning, less talking.

Ten of Coins – Holy Moly, the Muse of Abundance has returned for a double dip into this energy for your coming year. Another aspect of this energy is that this year is the last chapter in this cycle. This is a year to savor in all it’s delights and heal from all it’s hardships. This is the chapter where you tie up lose ends and yes you can create a twist to this ending. But remember like a good book you want to be satisfied with the conclusion as well as be excited about the sequel.

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage is here just weeks before your new birth year. So Leonian now is the time to let go of what is holding you back. Is it time to simplify your life? Are you not doing something that your soul needs to do? Are you holding onto thought patterns that were put there in your youth? Find the key to your release and use it.

Six of Coins – The Muse of Mini Karma comes when you need to watch your p’s and q’s. Yes, people will piss you off this week, but it is up to you to stop the cycle of bias, anger and possible hate. Small kindnesses are needed from you right now. The challenge is that love does win but the road to recovery is not linear or direct.

*Moon – The Muse of the Subconscious is trying to tell you something to create more ease. So, this week have paper and pencil by your bed for any information from dreamland. Also, right before bed, you can ask for guidance from this Muse, and she will provide insight. The challenge is that many of these downloads can take some time to decipher, so keep asking if you need clarification.

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Obligation is here to help you take off some of your priorities, so the more important ones get proper attention. She requires that you prioritize what you need to do first. Her advice how is to put it in order of your obligations and take off the ones that others are asking you to do but are not caring their own weight. Motto: Oxygen mask on you first.

Six of Wands – The Muse of Good Times is here to help you celebrate. You have accomplished a new milestone whether you see it or not. Heck, in these times being alive is one. But seriously take time this week to have some fun. You need to take the respite when you can get them.

King of Coins – The Muse of Physical World has come to plant you firmly in it. She advises to assess your physical plane. What needs fixing? Optimizing? What needs to be done that will create a cleaner, easier, or possible lesser carbon footprint? This is the week to make your corner of the world a better place to live.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun has come to liven up your life. She shows up when your spark for life is sputtering. This energy is wanting you to re-ignite that life is not just work and troubles, but it also sunsets, beverages, games, and physical intimacy. Find your Joy and partake.

*Hanged One – The Muse of Inertia comes when timing becomes extremely important in creating ease. You might have a lot of roadblocks or things just missing their marks. That is actually okay. This Muse advises you to slow down, meditate and reflect more than do. Take your moments of stillness and use them to hone your awareness. To be in your body when it is not in motion, so you can also be in it when you start moving again.
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