Happy birthday month Leo!
This week’s artist is Peng Wei @pengwei_weipeng. Wei uses classical ink and painting techniques on rice paper. Though as the viewer examines more closely you see that there is always a twist. She applies them on torsos, inside shoes or presents them in “playful combinations of harmony and discord”. For instance, her shoes are titled a Beautiful Pair and show a couple in an intimate embrace but in the next insole another figure interacting with the woman. Or she presented her landscapes on musical stands accompanied by calligraphed translations of Chopin letters to friends with erotica played in the background. She has the viewer questioning our surface perceptions and therefore has us questioning who we are and what the world expects us to be. Your pondering for the week what are your assumptions and how do they guide you in your perception of reality?
Solar System highlights: Moon starts in Pisces – keep on dreaming. Then moves to Aries on the 28th – great time to start or finish tasks. It then ends in Taurus on 30th – this is where it is exalted- good vibes wherever you focus. Mercury is still in Cancerian a great time to express your emotions and have deep convos with your besties. It then goes into Leo on 27th great time for PR and making yourself shine.
Venus is in Virgo this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key. On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for. Mars is in Leo until the 29th, so continue manifesting your desires, then switch focus as it goes into Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything. And I just want to remind everyone that Jupiter returns to Aquarius on the 28th, so until then it gives you a window into 2022, so if you do not like what you see, time to start making changes. After that it is back to the drawing board innovating and upping your game for the rest of this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage has come to teach you a lesson of limiting beliefs. You have allowed societal thought patterns to hold you back. Now is the time to let go of those now self-restricting patterns and walk with autonomy to your true north.

Five of Swords – The Muse of Conflict has come to your door with boxing gloves in hand. This week is full of conflict, but also the potential for resolution to situations that have bubbling under the surface. The key is how and what you choose to fight for. You are advised by this muse to come at each round with a deeper understanding of your opponent’s fighting style and navigate if it worth the fight for the long game?

*The Fool – The Muse of New Beginnings is here to divinely guide you to your next endeavor. This is a great week to explore your surroundings, experience something new, start a class, start anything. The challenge she poses in that you must have faith. Even if things seem to not work out as you have planned, there is a divine scheme that is in place. Trust.

Ten of Wands – Finally the Spotlight has moved off and you can go back to you doing you. However, don’t forget this year’s theme is about creating structures that promote contentment, sustainability, and stability. Your challenge is to remain flexible and innovative so as you grow so does your “shell.” But this week the Muse of Burdens has come to try and knock you off course with obligations and responsibilities. Your goal is to par down your workload to only things that are necessary to your themes above. Let go of the obligations that society or your worrying is trying to put on you.

Three of Wands – Last week the Muse of Death had you cleaning your decks for the coming year. Well, this week that energy continues with The Muse of Forethought. Put your thinking cap on and start looking at the steps you will need to take to make this coming year all that it is meant to be. She also emphasis that you will need space to allow new things into your life. So, the first step is setting up the space to think, so you can simplify your surroundings.

*Hierophant – Last week the Muse of Higher Purpose has come to remind and/or deepen your commitment to the many reasons you are here on this plane at this time using synchronicities and cycles to help guide you. Now her partner has joined the ranks emphasizing that you need rituals and structures set up, so you doing your purpose comes with more ease. Your challenge is to set up the constructs that support your desires and destiny. Look at your schedules, self-care regime, and workload.

Three of Cups – Last week the Muse of Bondage came to help you find freedom. Asking what are you “wedded” to that just feels wrong? This Muse lovingly reminded you that these bindings were beneficial for time to soothe yourself or make it through tough times. But now you have learned healthier ways to combat these struggles. One of these ways is gathering good friends around you. This week it is time to cull the herd if any of them do not support the new you.

Four of Coins – The last couple of weeks you have been dealing with the Kali like energy of Deconstruction. You needed to dismantle what was no longer working for you. Now it is time to rebuild; however, your challenge is using your resources wisely. This week is very much about quality versus quantity and working smarter not harder.

Three of Coins – The Muse of Cooperation is here with two more friends. This muse prophesizes that networking and bouncing ideas off colleagues will be vital to create ease on your work front or any other material plane concern. She reminds you that you do not need nor should do this week’s task alone. Also, look for triangles and threes as markers of good tidings.

Page of Swords – The Muse of Investigation comes with notepad in hand. This week nothing is clear cut. You will need to ask questions to get to underlying issues. The challenge is crafting questions and ponderings that don’t shut down your investigation. This week takes a lite touch and good listening skills to get at the truth.

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-Term Planning asking you to ponder where you want to be in 10 years. She does this not to get you to set things in stone, but to realign your actions to desires for your future self. Finding what is off kilter in what you do today will ensure your tomorrow and taking the long view will help you recalibrate.

*Lovers – The Muse of Duality has come to your backdoor and let herself in. Her favorite pastime is to point out the paradoxes and conundrums in your life. Like Gemini, Pisces deals with duality all the time, but instead of feeling comfortable with them working at the same time, you try to deal with them separately. However, this is the week to start dealing with double truths, or conflicting wants like: stability and freedom, love and frustration, happy and sad etc.…Try to think of these dualities like salt and pepper; if you use both, your cuisine becomes better flavored.
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