This week I highlight the artist Firelei Báez. This summer she has installed a new piece at Boston’s ICA Watershed (see Scorpio’s forecast). Báez has reimagined the ruins of Sans-Souci Palace in Hati arising within the gallery. Which is in a working shipyard, a port of entry for immigrants as well as goods. Like all her work, she shows the viewer the weaving, interrelations and influences between Europe, the African continent, and The Americas. She populates these historically-loaded representations of space with change-making creatures—whose hybrid forms incorporate folkloric and literary references, textile pattern, plantlife, and wide-ranging emblems of healin and resistance—to present fictional alternative universes.
Her work has us imagining how our own powerful healing and resilient personas might represent within a diasporic landscape. How our influences weave into our creation story. Her work immerses the viewer to honor where they came from but also has us see that the adding and broadening in our lives has the potential of making us more magical. Each of us unique in the one but intertwined in the whole.
Solar System highlights: Moon starts in Sagittarius – expand your boundaries and wander. Then moves to Capricorn on the 21st – great time to work. It then goes into Aquarius on 23rd – it’s all about innovation and ends in Pisces on the 25th – time to dream. Mercury is still in Cancer a great time to express your emotions and have deep convos with your besties. Venus goes into Virgo on 21st this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key. On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for. Mars is still in Leo, so continue manifesting your desires. And I just want to remind everyone that Jupiter is in Pisces until the 28th. This gives us a window into 2022, so if you do not like what you see, time to start making changes.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Two of Wands – Last week the Muse of Building was here to help you to expand projects already in motion. By working on something is already started you create more stability and sovereignty in your life. This week the Muse of Exploration has you stop on your building because you need to discover something outside your domain to continue the project. Take time this week and explore new things to help you innovate old projects.

Nine of Wands – The past three weeks, the Muse of Structures asked you to investigate your constructs to see if they could sustain you for the long haul. Then the Muse of Divine Manifestation came to help you either to fix the cracks you found or to totally create a 2.0 version. Then the Muse of Divine Balance joined to help you find your flow and get to work. You have more time to work this triad of energies. However, it will be harder to defend your personal boundaries to do so. This muse suggest you set your borders at the onset of the week. But also recommends decreasing your focus to a couple of tasks, for the outside world is competing for your attention.

Page of Swords – The Muse of Detectives’ energy has come to help you investigate something that lies beneath the surface. This week asking questions and digging for clues is what is needed to create ease, for there is more information that begs for deeper investigation.

*Hierophant – This is your last card for you birth year. So far, the Muses have told you that you are on the right path but to stay on it you must follow the thought form of contentment. This year is all about creating stability on the physical and emotional plane. They advised you that the what, how and where you put effort into needs to profit sustainability. And that you will need the time and the space in the coming year to pull away if you become overwhelmed. However, your challenge is not to pull in completely. The outside world still holds bountiful gifts. And lastly the Muse of Stability and Structure has come to emphasis this is the year to work on steadiness and contentment. You need traditions, schedules, and moral constructs to align with your true wants and needs. Your challenge is to remain flexible and innovative so as you grow so does your “shell.”

*Death – This is your last days of your old year and the beginning of your new birth year. Of course, the Muse of Death has arrived to help you clean space out for the coming year. This cleansing process will take at least 6 months, for this is a deep cleaning that includes your physical and spiritual plane. This Muse reminds you that as you release the old worn out, be grateful, for it is the fodder for your growth. The process until the end of the year is composting. Be cognizant as you turn your “soil” to do so with intent and attention. For there are gems and metaphorical mushrooms that provide sustenance, inspiration and building blocks for 2022.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Higher Purpose has come to remind and/or deepen your commitment to the many reasons you are here on this plane at this time. This week you need to recommit to why you are here. If you know your purpose, use this week to set up rituals in which you can access this energy. If you are still seeking, look for synchronicities and cycles to help guide you.

*Devil – The Muse of Bondage has come to help you find freedom. What are you “wedded” to that just feels wrong? Either because you are taking the easier road of apathy, distracted from your true path, or allowing old destructive behaviors to creep back into your life. This Muse lovingly reminds you that these bindings at the time were beneficial for they were the only way you knew how to soothe yourself or make it through tough times. And now you have learned healthier ways to combat these struggles. This is just a transient test of boundaries, so do not re-live past afflictions.

*Tower – Last week the Muse of Deconstruction came inspecting your foundations and structures, and this week her big sister has come to tear down what no longer is working. This Kali like energy is needed to wake you up if you did not do the work from last week. But if you did, then she can huff and puff at your brick house and it will not fall. Your song: Brick House

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is in your attic pulling out clues for you to use. Your memories have information to help create ease this week for you. Make time to go down memory lane. If you are confronted with a struggle or problem, traversing memory lane will help find a solution. And if not, it is a way to tap into the endorphins of joyful memories.

Page of Cups – Last week the Muse of Fairness entered the sandbox it could have been rough. She kept testing your alignment with your true purpose and higher self. Now because you did the hard work the Muse of Joy has come to play. This Muse reminds you that all work and no play makes Jill/Jack a dull person. She knows this is hard for you goats, but she reminds you that to be in the game you also need to play a game. Joy suggests that if you have forgotten this video will remind you: Playful

*Strength – The Muse of Inner Strength has come to hold a mirror up to you, for you are taking yourself for granted. You don’t’ seem to remember all that you have survived. You are resilient and have overcome so many trials and tribulations and are now in a good place because of your hard-earned work. So, you got this.

King of Swords – Last week the Muse of Long-Term Goals has come with a 2031 calendar. Yep, they are asking where you want to be in 10 years. Then they have you look at where you are now. And asks, are you on the path to accomplish these extended goals? If so great. If not adjust.
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