This week’s artist is Dextra Quotskuyva. She was a great-granddaughter of Hopi-Tewa potter Nampeyo of Hano. Nampeyo is famous for reviving protohistoric pottery from the 15th through 17th centuries by studying pottery shards from historical tribal site of Sikyatki. Quotskuyva learned her process from her mother who learned it from her mother. This tradition starts with gathering different clays from their environment. These clays vary when fired from yellow, orange, pink, red or maroon depending on their iron, manganese, and titanium oxide content.
She then uses tools made from gourds for scraping, sandstone for smoothing, river pebbles for polishing. Then onto the painting process, where Ouotskuyva gathers native plants and process them into a cake like substance which can take over a year to dry. She rehydrates this plant brick and adds hematite for dark brown or dilutes varies clays to create her free-hand intricate designs. Then the pots are fired, at most two at a time. outside using sheep’s dung or coal. This is art and technique handed down and improved upon for generations.
Last week I talked about connecting with the processes of our lives instead of solely goals. Dextra’s art highlights this theme that process can be so important and instructive in a world where at times we expect things to come easily and fast. With her work we, the viewer, can see the layers of labor and time, generations, gone into a piece of work. Convenience when not noted causes many of us in modern “first world” countries a form of suffering. If we could change our paradigm of faster is better and see waiting a year for one part of a goal hones our skills of resilience, persistence and a more realistic notion of what time is. Your musing for the week: Ponder your relationship with time.
Solar System highlights
The Moon starts this week in Taurus –a time to grow things. Then moves into Gemini on the 12th – communication is key. Onto Cancer for the weekend- perfect timing for home and self-care. No major planetary changes from last week. Mercury is in Aquarius – find new ways to communicate. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. Mars is in Sagittarius a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. Jupiter is in Pisces; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And Saturn is still in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is its focus for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Knight of Swords – This week do not rush. Thought is needed at every step. Yes, you feel a sense of urgency but it is not a one based in logic it is a push from a place of dis-ease. Root out and cure what is bothering you before you run away or into a situation.

King of Cups – I hope you found your foundational cracks and filled them in. If you did then this week’s emotional challenge will be quiz like- a test but easy. However, if you didn’t then emotions will run high. The positive aspect is the cracks are easier to assess as their edges erode from the emotional strain.

Page of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration is knocking at your window this week. She wants to ignite your imagination and creativity. This is a great week to work with blank canvases and stream of consciousness.

Four of Swords – The Muse of Restoration has come to continue last week’s theme of working in the slow lane. She comes when you need to restore your stability in mind, body and/or spirit. No need to jump into 2022 just yet. Keep thinking about what you want to conjure in the coming year and give your body and spirt another week to heal from 2021.

Six of Wands – You will win a battle this week. Now this Muse of Success comes around when we don’t notice nor celebrate that we have accomplished something of worth/note. So, take a moment and celebrate your victories as they come this week. Though these victories are small in action, they are important in the war at large.

King of Wands – I hope you rested last week because this week is all about action. The Muse of Capacity has come to get you to push the button, step into a new phase with enthusiasm, and/or jolt you into the life you want. You could use this week’s energy like a shot of coffee. Your challenge is focus, so before you start the week find a aspect you want to aim for and then you can put the pedal to the metal.

Knight of Cups – The Muse of Love continues this week pushing you to be vulnerable. Yes, this energy wants you to wear your heart on your sleeve. This year is about emotional honesty. How can someone give you your heart’s desires without anyone but you knowing what they are?

*Moon – More insight and clarity this week. Last week the Muses asked you to update your prime directive, a past paradigm or thinking process. Now the Muse of Subconscious wants to add to the illuminations. Jot down aspects of your dreamscapes and look for synchronicities in waking reality. These confluent symbols will lead you to pertinent information.

*Temperance– Last week you were asked to use your intuition or spiritual practice to tap into the flow of information masked in synchronicities, riddles, and Fae energy. Now the Muse of Mixology has you honing the skill of spontaneity with knowledge. This can look as simple as find a new spice to add to your cooking or mixed drink. And it can be as complex as her having you experiment by combining the different aspects of your life. So how do you mix work and play, rest and action, shadow and light? By mixing components you will find out more information how to behave, move in the world with more ease, be more aligned with your personal truths and ultimately life “tastes” better because of it.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Reassurance comes when you need to be retold that you know yourself. She prompts you to pull your strength from the magic of nature. This energy reminds you to believe in yourself for you are not only part of this world but find control in being in it.

Five of Swords – Your mind and words can clash against the outside world this week. The best way to deal with this energy is not to get into a skirmish with anyone. This is a week to watch your p’s and q’s and “take the high road”.

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is here with a fine-tooth comb and magnifying glass to help you navigate this week’s challenges. Before any decision or action step make sure you have dotted you i’s and crossed your t’s. Yes, double, and triple check your work this week.
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