Eileen Agar, as most woman artists, was and is overshadow by the men in her field of surrealism. However, she helped bring Surrealism from Paris to Brittan during the 1930’s. She used a variety of forms, painting, photography and collage, to investigate the subconscious and its interplay with nature but through a British aristocratic eccentric lens.
She is also one of the founders of what now is called performance art. Using her body as a canvas she brought the surrealism to the world of fashion. She was the only woman artist in the 1936 International Surrealist Exhibition in London, where she first debut her iconic Ceremonial hat for eating Bouillabaisse. This item she wore in a variety of interviews throughout her life. It pokes fun at the British aristocratic etiquette around eating and fashion. At the same time has a tongue and cheek contemplation of the phrase “I’ll eat my hat.”
All her art embraces the organics forms of nature. She once stated: “the earliest forms of Nature to a painter are studies in pure abstract design. I must go back to these forms and create design out of what the scientist tells us.”
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

*High Priestess – This week you will need the knowledge found in the study of cycles and holistic ways of looking situations or projects. You can take in consideration thoughts and emotions but to find your true direction your intuition is key. The challenge is finding the time to contemplate and listen to your inner voice.

*Hanged Man – The Hanged Man comes this week advising you to look at situations with a different perspective. Take time for contemplation with an emphasis of out-side the box thinking. The supposed challenge is you may find your way blocked. However, this is the universe saying stop and listen. The silence has more answers than the noise.

*Star – This week calls for you to do some healing. The past couple of months have had some rough spots. Take this week to restore, relax, and wish. Hope and faith in the divine are key to your healing process. The challenge is in life the bad happens but so does the good. Take time this week to align with the positive.

Knight of Cups – Your emotions have been through the wringer. Take this week to re-build your emotional fortitude by bathing in positive feelings like love and romance. Whether this is by pampering yourself to a bath, the endorphins from a vigorous workout or having a romantic dinner with your loved one. Vulnerability is your key to strength.

Four of Coins – Frugality is key this week. Be frugal with your time, space and monetary wealth. This is a great week to invest but not to spend on the frivolous. The goal is quality and longevity.

Eight of Coins – This week’s energy is about mastery and hard-work. The best use of your energy is with your nose to the grindstone. This may sound unpleasant but if you can find your flow, that sweet spot, you will accomplish much this week.

Page of Cups – Love, hope and innocence are the energies that surround you this week. Your challenge is not being so skeptical that that they exist in your world. It is up to you to feed and grow these feelings through actions and forms of communication. Except and share the love.
*Lovers – Your energy this week is about creating harmony while still maintaining a duality in your nature and/or with others. Your challenge is connecting with the ones you love without losing either’s selfhoods, and/or harmonizing your own masculine and feminine energy. This week explore not only the two sides of yourself or the complexity of a relationship with your lover, but the joining of these two unique qualities/people creates a new unique hybrid energy. This energy will be needed for growth in the coming weeks and months.

Ace of Coins – This week’s energy is best used by starting projects and grasping new opportunities especially in the arena of your health and wealth. Be in your body and on the physical plane. Invest time and energy into yourself and what makes you money.

*Empress – The concept and energy to work with this week is gardening and growth. Create and design. Plant and nurture. Tend and weed. And finally, balance the work with the pleasures that you have reaped from that work. The challenge with this growth energy is the concept sharing is caring. The end game is attending and feeding all the senses for yourself and for others.

Three of Wands – The energy this week is best used by setting plans into actions. New opportunities are on the horizon and your timing is perfect in preparation for them. You are moving towards your goals. Keep it up.

Queen of Coins – The energy you are running is that of a provider. The challenge and the gift are that the universe has your back. It is rooting for you and actively working behind the scenes mirroring the work you are doing for others in the foreground.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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