Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 3, 2021

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Welcome 2021!

The artist this week is Victoria Villasana (@villanaart).  Villasana uses yarn like bold strokes of paint applied to black and white photographs.  She leaves the threads uncut connecting the 2D to the 3D, the past to the present and us to her.  Leaving these strings hanging has the viewer contemplating the concepts of ephemerality, imperfection of our everyday existence, connections and what is next.  These concepts of will be important skills and perspectives needed in 2021.  This is a great week to ponder how will you weave your threads of fate in the coming months?  What new pictures will you connect with and conjure forth?

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Five of Coins – This week’s muse has you getting in touch with the places you feel lack.  Discern if this sense of shortage is a hindrance to a gain or gain in disguise.  If a hindrance, remove the block, and if it’s a gain make sure it has a place to grow.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

King of Swords – This muse aids in long-term planning.  Play attention to any synchronicities or insights from outside sources that can help you focus on your plans for 2021.  She also inquires: Where would you like to be in 2021?  Who would you like by your side?  How will you spend your time this year?   What will your focus(es) be?  Vision boards (pictures and/or words) are helpful with this exercise.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Page of Coins – This week’s muse advises you to be the learner.  She will guide you to many teachers, pockets of knowledge, tiny classes on honing your skills or learning new ones.  Keep your mind open, for you have much to discover that will help you in the coming months.

Victoria Villasana

Devil – The muse energy this week is to free yourself of old stories that have bound you to past recollections of self.  You are stepping into your own sovereignty.  Unbind the strings of old puppeteers and release the lies you have accepted as truths.  You are free to be the real girl/boy/they that you were born to be.  Now is the time to take control of your new narrative.

Victoria Villasana

Eight of Coins – Take this week to work on your craft.  You are skilled.  This muse reminds you that you have all the tools and knowledge you need.  Time to put pen to paper, hand to tool, mind to problem.  Action and fine tuning are all that is needed this week to accomplish all that needs to be.

Victoria Villasana

Ace of Wands – The muse of inspiration is here to escort you to new ideas, inventions, and possible for some of you a new purpose.  The key to abundance, she whispers in your ear, is feeding the things that make you zing.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Strength – You will have moments this week that seem to take every ounce of strength you have to persist, BUT the universe has your back.  Just as you think you cannot run another step there will be a water stand for you.  A muse, friend, even a kind smile will refresh you enough to do another kilometer.  These bastions of energy are not there by chance.  You have placed them there from previous encounters.  By loaning others your strength in their time of need, the universe is returning it in kind.

Victoria Villasana

Eight of Swords – This week’s muse advises you to let go of the remining bindings of 2020.  This is a new era.  Release old thought patterns that no longer fit into the new paradigm that you are creating.  Set down the chains and walk through the fence of the past into a lighter tidier future.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Knight of Wands – You are at the right place at the right time.  Look around, take advantage of ever asset that you have this week.  This is a moment to modernize.  Think outside the box as you gallop into a more innovative future.

Victoria Villasana

Nine of Cups – The Muse this week asks you to ponder satisfaction.  The key to this musing is contentment is not about goals, attainment, perfection or checking of boxes.  This is about the actions and the life that surrounds them.  The art of living.  What resides in your foreground, mid-ground, and background?  What “colors” will you paint with for 2021?

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Three of Swords – Pain from the past arises this week.  The muses remind you that your fears and insecurities come from past trauma embedded deeply into your psyche.  You can be triggered by them now; however, now you are in power and able to correct, control or walk away from these activations.  There is no reason to fear anything but inaction.

Victoria Villasana

Justice – This Muse helps you balance inequalities and re-focusses your life to your truths.  What are the strongest truths that you wish to live by?  Now apply that to how others treat you as well as how you treat others.  For example, say it is to love first and foremost.  Is the love you put out equally given back?  This week is not only a time to relook at what are your truths and do you live by them, but to see if the company you are in, holds to truths that are acceptable to you.  The challenge is nothing is as shadow and light as we would like it to be.  Life is complex so your truths need a bit of flexibility without inequality.